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Indonesian Red Cross sends 500 tents to Palestinian refugees in Gaza

The Indonesian Red Cross, in collaboration with local organizations, sent 500 tents to Gaza refugees, each equipped for families. Despite challenges, they aim for 1,000 tents by June, urging open humanitarian access for urgent aid distribution in Gaza.



Indonesian Red Cross Sends 500 Tents to Gaza Refugees

INDONESIA: The Indonesian Red Cross (PMI), in collaboration with local humanitarian organizations in Palestine, has sent 500 tents to aid refugees in Gaza.

This effort is part of an ongoing commitment to support the Palestinian people amid escalating humanitarian needs.

Arifin Muh Hadi, Head of the Indonesian Red Cross Headquarters, announced in a statement on Wednesday (19 June) that the tents, weighing a total of 40 tons, were transported to the Egyptian border with Gaza using three container trucks.

Each tent, measuring 4 x 4 meters, is capable of accommodating a family of up to five members.

“The family tents provided by the Indonesian Red Cross are equipped with tool kits, enabling refugee families to set up their tents independently or with the assistance of the Egyptian and Palestinian Red Crescent teams,” Mr Hadi explained.

In addition, Mr Hadi revealed that another 500 tents are in the procurement process, with delivery expected by the end of June 2024.

This will bring the total number of tents supplied to Palestinian refugees to 1,000 units.

While access to Gaza via the Rafah Gate remains closed, coordination with the Egyptian Red Crescent Logistics Team has identified an alternative, albeit limited, route through the Karam Abu Salem crossing.

“On behalf of the Indonesian Red Cross, we extend our heartfelt gratitude and high appreciation to the donors and the Indonesian people for their contributions to our Palestinian brothers and sisters,” Mr Hadi added.

General Chair of the Indonesian Red Cross and former Vice President of Indonesia, Jusuf Kalla, emphasized the importance of continuous humanitarian assistance despite the deteriorating situation in Gaza.

“The safety of Palestinians is our responsibility. Humanitarian aid must not cease; it is crucial to meet the urgent need for family tents, as well as food, water, and clothing,” Mr Kalla stated.

Mr Kalla also called for the permanent opening of safe and unrestricted humanitarian access to and from the Gaza Strip to ensure aid reaches all affected populations, including those in North Gaza.

He stressed that all access points must be opened to save the lives of refugees in dire need of basic necessities.

“Many refugees in Gaza are currently forced to sleep on the streets and in open spaces, some under the rubble of destroyed buildings. These conditions are extremely unsafe and concerning for their safety,” Mr Kalla noted.

“Efforts must continue to ensure that essential aid, including food, water, and temporary shelter, can be promptly delivered to those in refugee camps. Therefore, Indonesian Red Cross hopes that all humanitarian access points to Gaza will be opened permanently,” he urged.

Dr Ahmad Meligi, Director of Operations and Medical Services at the Egyptian Red Crescent, highlighted the critical need for family tents in Gaza, as reported by the Indonesian Red Cross.

He emphasized that more than 310,000 family tents are urgently required to provide emergency shelter for over 1.4 million refugees affected by recent hostilities.

The demand comes in response to recent IDF attacks on Gaza refugee camps, which have resulted in significant damage to existing tents and emergency shelter facilities.

Israeli airstrikes on Palestinian refugee camps

The Israeli military has intensified its airstrikes on Palestinian refugee camps as part of efforts to combat Hamas.

On 6 June, Israeli forces bombed a United Nations-linked school in central Gaza, resulting in the deaths of at least 40 displaced Palestinians and injuring dozens more.

The military confirmed the bombing, stating that fighter jets targeted a “Hamas compound embedded inside a UNRWA school in the area of Nuseirat.”

They claimed the strike eliminated terrorists planning attacks against Israeli forces.

A few days later, another Israeli attack led to the deaths of 210 Palestinians and left more than 400 wounded.

This incident followed a special operation by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) on 8 June, which freed four Israeli hostages from the camp.

The escalation continued on Tuesday (18 June), when Israeli airstrikes killed at least 17 Palestinians in two UN-run refugee camps in the Gaza Strip.

Concurrently, Israeli tanks pushed deeper into the southern city of Rafah, as confirmed by residents and medics.

The ongoing Israeli military offensive has resulted in the deaths of at least 37,372 people in Gaza, predominantly civilians, including many women and children.

More than 85,400 people have been injured, compounding the humanitarian crisis in the region.

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Hopefully the Zionists don’t bomb them after they are set up.
