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Israeli airstrike on UN-linked Gaza school kills at least 40 displaced Palestinians

Israeli forces bombed a UN-linked school in Gaza, killing at least 40 displaced Palestinians and injuring dozens. The attack on the UNRWA school in Nusseirat camp occurred amid intensified Israeli military campaigns, overwhelming hospitals and worsening the humanitarian crisis.



Israeli forces bombed a United Nations-linked school in central Gaza, killing at least 40 displaced Palestinians and injuring dozens more, according to officials and local media.

On Thursday (6 June) the occupation army struck the Al-Nusairat Preparatory School, affiliated with the Relief and Works Agency for the Palestinian Refugees (UNRWA), where hundreds of displaced people in Nusseirat camp sought refuge.

Ismail al-Thawabta, a spokesman for Gaza’s Government Media Office, stated, “Huge numbers of dead and wounded” were arriving at Al-Aqsa Hospital in central Gaza.

He described the event as a “horrible massacre” and accused the Israeli occupation of committing genocide and ethnic cleansing against civilians, including women and children.

Al-Thawabta added that the hospital was overwhelmed, operating three times beyond its clinical capacity, which he warned could lead to an even greater disaster.

Israel’s military confirmed the bombing, stating that its fighter jets struck a “Hamas compound embedded inside an UNRWA school in the area of Nuseirat,” claiming that the bombing “eliminated terrorists who were planning to carry out attacks” against its forces.

Hamas, however, rejected this statement, with Al-Thawabta accusing Israel of fabricating stories to justify the attack.

“The occupation uses lying to the public opinion through false fabricated stories to justify the brutal crime it conducted against dozens of displaced people,” Al-Thawabta told Reuters.

The incident occurred amid an intensified Israeli military campaign in central Gaza against insurgent fighters.

Despite ongoing ceasefire talks, Israel has announced there will be no halt to fighting.

Palestinian journalist based in Gaza Strip, Hind Khoudary, shared the heartbreaking situation, saying, “All of the floor, there’s still blood. Children, women are terrified. But unfortunately, they don’t have anywhere to go.”

“The situation is apocalyptic”

Doctors Without Borders (MSF) has described the current situation in Gaza as “apocalyptic.”

Since Tuesday (4 June), Al-Aqsa Hospital has received 70 dead and over 300 injured, mostly women and children.

MSF official Karin Huster highlighted the dire conditions, stating, “The odour of blood in the hospital’s emergency room this morning was unbearable. There are people lying everywhere, on the floor, outside … bodies were being brought in plastic bags.”

The violence in Gaza and the closure of the Rafah border crossing have pushed the health system to the brink of collapse.

“There have been no medical supplies able to go in. Very little fuel and no food are coming in,” Huster said.

“As the hostilities intensify and health facilities diminish, we are in a situation that is just untenable. Soon, there will be nothing that we can do for the patients that are coming.”

Huster urged, “This man-made catastrophe needs to stop now.”

At least 36,586 Palestinians have been killed and 83,074 wounded in Israel’s eight-month war on Gaza, which began after Hamas fighters launched attacks inside Israel on 7 October of last year, killing at least 1,139 people and taking 250 others captive.

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Hamas still using civilians as human shields. no choice.

Well with the US Congress blessing this will not stop. The Zionists will be emboldened to continue. Hopefully the Europeans will stop this.
