Singapore’s birth rates decline by 5.8% as total fertility rate drops below 1
In 2023, Singapore’s live births dropped by 5.8%, totaling 33,541, down from 35,605 in 2022. This decline is underscored by the total fertility rate falling below 1 for the first time in the country’s history.

In 2023, Singapore witnessed a significant decline in live births, reflecting ongoing demographic challenges. The number of live births dropped to 33,541, marking a 5.8% decrease from the 35,605 births recorded in 2022. This decline is accompanied by a crude birth rate of 7.4 per 1,000 Singapore residents, lower than the previous year’s rate.
At the same time, the total number of registered deaths was 26,888, slightly down from 26,891 in 2022. Heart and hypertensive diseases, along with lung and respiratory system diseases, were the leading causes of death, collectively accounting for 50.8% of all deaths.
The median age at death was 78.3 years, with females generally living longer than males (82.8 years compared to 75.1 years for males).
A particularly notable development was the announcement in February that the resident total fertility rate (TFR) fell below 1 for the first time in Singapore’s history.
Although the exact number of babies born in 2023 was not disclosed, this milestone indicates a critical juncture for the nation’s demographic trajectory. For sustainable long-term population replacement, a TFR of 2.1 is generally required.
Out of the total live births in 2023, Chinese newborns constituted 57.4% (19,258), Malays accounted for 21.5% (7,212), Indians made up 11.4% (3,821), and other races comprised 9.7% (3,250). Among these groups, Malays exhibited the highest birth rate at 12.8 per 1,000 residents, followed by Indians at 7.7 per 1,000 residents, with Chinese having the lowest rate at 6.2 per 1,000 residents.
An area of concern is the increase in births among teenagers aged 19 and below. In 2023, there were 228 live births in this age group, a 4.6% rise from the 218 births in 2022. Of these, 64.9% were born to Malays, 22.4% to Chinese, 9.2% to Indians, and 3.5% to other ethnic groups.
The data also highlights an increase in single-parent births, with 334 live births registered without the father’s name in 2023. Of these, 80 births were to teenagers aged 19 and below. Chinese made up the largest proportion of single-parent births at 45.2%, followed by Malays at 38.9%, Indians at 8.1%, and other ethnic groups at 7.8%.
A significant trend is the increasing age of first-time mothers. The median age of first-time mothers rose from 30.8 years in 2019 to 31.6 years in 2023.
Specifically, Chinese mothers had their first child at a median age of 32.4 years, Malay mothers at 28.4 years, Indian mothers at 30.3 years, and mothers from other ethnic groups at 31.9 years. A considerable 65.5% of these first-time mothers held university degrees.
In 2023, there were 32,623 single births, 894 twin births, and 24 triplet births. Among single births, the most common gestation period was 38 weeks, while twin births predominantly occurred at 37 weeks. Premature single births, defined as those occurring at 36 weeks or less, numbered 2,180, comprising 6.7% of all single births.
The number of babies of mixed parentage continues to rise, with 8,190 babies of mixed parentage born in 2023. Of these, 2,326 were registered with a double-barrelled race, a trend that has increased from 12.9% in 2014 to 28.4% in 2023.
The decline in live births and the unprecedented drop in the total fertility rate signal critical challenges for Singapore’s population sustainability.

Sinkies are going the way of the doo doo bird,we ILL become an extinct species.
This is due to the covid vaccine leading to more miscarriages and baby deaths. The increase in baby deaths was so sharp that they changed the definition for still births trying to explain it as due to including still births as early as 25 weeks from 28th week onwards. The spike in death dropped but stayed elevated ever since May 2022.
Sinkies going the way of the dodo bird – by courtesy of papeee!!!!
Can anybody explain why our forests are being destroyed to build more housing if the TFR has been declining? Are we subsidising new citizens in Public Housing?
The current minister in charge of population growth and talent sourcing is the super-free rider IR. Before her was Amy Kork (for a short period), before that was JT, and before her was LSS. Just look at these useless appointees, does it seem the Kayu One was serious to address the TFR issue? They only chop-chop bring in more foreign labor to increase the population.
This white termite colony prefers more new citizens than true blue Singapore babies. They heckcare this TFR drop. This low TFR issue is just a smokescreen and excuse, to import more new citizens.
If this SGov is serious to arrest this low TRF problem, it has done it 20 or more years ago.
Why they prefer new citizens? In every election, just push out all these new citizens to vote, what do you people think? LOL.
Year after year. Nat Day after Nat Day. Annual Budget after Budget.
No plans announced to Singaporeans what’s their strategy to INCREASE TFRs.
No news from bastards Millionaires on Econ Directions,
ZERO news on WHAT they do to REDUCE inflation.
Their POPULIST, EZ to do, just GIVE and GIVE money NOT THEIRS, return MONEY to Singaporeans.
Anyone thinks PAP is concerned about this birth rate decline problem must have his brain checked.
Babies have to wait for at least 21 years before they can contribute to the PAP. They need schools, hospitals, childcare etc. These are problem for the PAP government. Most importantly, babies don’t buy BTO. When they grow up, for their love of the country, they complain about the PAP government. PAP has no idea which party they will vote!
Whereas, new citizens buy BTOs. They are working adults. All are of voting age and they vote for the PAP.
Now you understand?
U think the SG administrators worry about the falling birthrates?
Every year SG is flooded with 50k to 60k new citizens and PRs or over 230 new citizens and PRs a day, excluding weekends and public holidays.
I think native Singaporeans are now less than 50% of the overall population
There were several CNA and mediacork productions over the past couple of years examining the dire declining birthrates in China, Japan, South Korea, Asia, etc. BUT NOTHING ABOUT SINGAPORE. Such productions cost Singaporean taxpayers monies, yet why poke into other people issues, when these MSM should be investigating and highlighting our own problem? Cannot make our leaders lose face, subtly using other countries to highlight the issue, hor? (Like it is the Free Riders fault, not their own incompetency to win a strong election mandate?). Cannot reveal the truth to Singaporeans, that the constant (or sole?) focus on GDP is… Read more »
Is something the Evil Politicians and it’s Media platform of horrendous slaves has done, DID, WILL ALWAYS DO – to ENSLAVE SG 🇸🇬 and it’s PEOPLE into Boxes, PREVENT them ALL from being EXPOSED to truths, to REALITIES to MISTAKES, MISDEEDS of this DARK and EVIL PAP, designed to Keep then in UNFETTERED POWER.
How different is PAP different from Communist China Xi JP, Communist Russia Putin, 3rd Reich of Nazi Germany?
The SUBSTANCE, the INTENTIONS are ULTIMATELY SAME – modified style and Intensity, and shape.
Nikkei Asia covered this back in February. Meanwhile, crickets from taxpayer funded SPH media and preventing to a private company, Channel News Asia.
You would think that a demographic disaster of unpreceded proportions for the country would be front-page worthy. But apparently not.
SGs becoming extinct..
“Culled” by our own SGov”s unfair practices..
Not one sg flag hung outside any unit @ my hdb blk…or the surrounding area…only the CC decorated…which of course they must.
Everyone in “silent protest” mode??… depressed at the never ending price increases…
One day one price…few weeks later i went to buy the same product, price gone up…the lady boss can even say “sorry ah”..
What can i say?
I think they are already giving up on trying to arrest the declining birth rates. If they were sincere, they would seriously try to address the exorbitant costs of housing and general living expenses that I’m certain feature prominently in Singaporeans’ decision to delay having a family or stop having more kids.
For them, GDP growth and self-awarded bonuses are everything. Just keep the floodgates open to “grateful” new citizens to refill the population. And if these citizens eventually start complaining? Just bring in more. Rinse and repeat.
Why the charts show 2019-2023 and 2014-2023 periods? Demographics analysis can be accurate using only 5 or 10-years data, meh? No wonder the monkeys cannot solve this issue, hor.
Cannot show trend chart from 2004-2023 because it is very bad (2004 TFR = 1.3-1.4, 2023 TFR = 1.05). Who was our PM during that period, to FAIL so miserably? Who were the minister(s) in charge of population growth and talent?
How can One Afford to stop to call out this PAP Administration as an entire batch of CALLOUS THEIEVES of Singapore When THEY CREAM off Millions of Dollars of SG Money to FATTEN themselves YET NOT SOLVING Critical Existentialism SG problems of 5 million people?
5 Million PEOPLE at the mad hands of PAP Administration mercy?
Is this acceptable?
PAP Administration DAMN HAPPY to make 5 Million PEOPLE of SG suffer and cry.
These are 2 MOST fundamental Pillars a working economy to thrive – SORELY SORELY lacked in Singapore under this USELESS PAP Administration BUNCH of HORRIFICALLY sub standard law makers.
Where is the State of SG and its Economy SAILING to under this CLUELESS, AIMLESS, DIRECTION-LESS PAP Administration.
They blamed Globalisation INSTEAD of EFFECTIVELY Rode on it, EVEN NOT KNOWING how to Free Ride. Just grant foc citizenship to FB Co founder Eduardo Saverin. Where’s he now?
Million$ PM and ministers – totally clueless how to solve TFR for decades. As usual, lawlanwong talks one thing, actual ground situation is another thing – the real 5C are: Colonial bungalow, Corruption, Check Ownself Failed, Call voters Free Riders (or some other labels whenever they can’t deliver), and now Clueless.
6th C = Confidence zero.
I guess having sex in a small space is not very “productive”.
It is either all parents give births for their children to suffer or to change this government for everyone, including their descendents, to have a breath of fresh life in Singapore.
Needless for too many words, thoughts, statements.
Just a few TO SUM up the Bloody USELESS PAP.
But timid, selfish to SG to build a better society for 4 million people (in the first place. numbers are for to increase their votes, not for a Quality SG).
Keppel Corruption (SGX no balls). Bungalow scandal. Just name 2 which CAN ALREADY ERASE PAP legitimacy and DISPLAY how CORRUPTED they are.
The PAP Administration has shown it’s ULTRA PATHETIC efforts in fulfilling SG National Interests, SG objectives of procreation in 2 us enough.
Except the PAP Administration is SO BLOODY proud to make Uniquely SG a NO BLAME NATIONAL CULTURE to secure it’s OWN BACKSIDES to JUSTIFY they are Worth the Million Dollars of Salaries in total Self Reward.
Singaporeans are dying out with low birth rate. Singapore is dying under PAP.
Nobody feeling better with GDP 2.9%. I do not feel the growth of 2.9%. All I feel is the high cost of living, inflation. And inflation must be the reason why Singaporeans decide to have less children.
Who wants to bring a child into the world just so that POLITICIANS can use them as political pawns in their empires?!?
Just like Thomas Matthew Crooks. You dunno what talents were sent to whisper what into their ears. They acted on it or stumble by the suggestive message … You never know cos you dun even get to see the whole picture but only what the media arms of the crooked politicians wanted you to see …
Looking at it positively, … if one can even call it that, that pap die~hards are not capable of reproducing and duplicating itself !!! !!!
Birthrate declined by 5.8% but the population still “mysteriously” GREW right? Wonder what happens when the birthrate declines BELOW 0%. Will we start seeing more zombies shambling around? I mean, there are already zombies shambling around parliament. Around 80plus of them 🙂
Too expensive for adults to survive in this red dot, why want to bring more innocent lives to suffer the same fate, regardless of how many gov subsidies to help parents eg baby bonus etc..
The milk powder and diapers oredy the price of gold..
Dont breed if you cant feed..
Whole family will suffer!
Some idiots still do despite…
This sgov oredy betrayed trublus for decades…now telling us this crap..
A Billion dollars worth of Political Administration – DUDs. Just DISTRUBUTE money, cakes and candies TO BUY ONLY idiots VOTES. Corruption UNSOLVED for eg. For years using dishonest means to FRAUD residents, UNJUST laws to attack opposition, unFAIR laws, non transparent laws, both of which DESIGNED to CONTROL citizens livelihoods, CRIMP legit development, CLAIMING Foreign talents ARE WOEFULLY needed as the world does so SG follow the same if NOT LOOSE out – BIG BULLSHIT. For 10, 20 years – ASK oneself, WHAT so SPECIAL Foreign Trash done to SG that shakes SG and, the WHOLE world SAT up, and,… Read more »