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Love Aid Singapore raises nearly S$850,000 for Gaza aid initiative

Love Aid Singapore raises nearly S$850,000 for Gaza aid. Goh expresses gratitude for the compassionate support and appeals for orphan sponsorships. The organization commits US$300,000 for a 5 to 6-month food program amidst the ongoing North Gaza famine crisis.



love aid singapore gaza aid initiative

Singaporean activist Gilbert Goh, the founder of Love Aid Singapore, recently took to his Instagram account on Thursday (29 Feb) to share a positive update on the organization’s Gaza aid initiative.

Goh expressed gratitude, announcing that Love Aid Singapore has successfully raised almost S$850,000 (approximately US$632,150).

He extended his thanks to everyone who has shown compassionate support for the suffering Palestinians in Gaza.

While celebrating the significant achievement, Goh also highlighted that Love Aid Singapore is currently a little short of their target of 330 sponsors for their Orphan Sponsorship Program.

Goh appealed to the community, stating, “If you can sponsor an orphan, please let us know.”

He pointed out that there are still 50 sponsorship slots waiting to be fulfilled.

To facilitate contributions, Goh provided donation details: paynow to 87745281 or transfer to DBS savings account 074-0-009474.

In a previous update, Goh shared the organization’s commitment to aiding children who lost their parents in the Gaza war.

Love Aid Singapore has donated US$20,000, providing approximately US$60 per month to each caregiver responsible for an individual orphan.

Goh explained that the Orphan Sponsorship Program was initiated in response to the prolonged and unrelenting war in Gaza.

Looking ahead, Goh shared his plans for a visa run to Beirut on 5 March, and he intends to return to Cairo on 13 March, gearing up for humanitarian aid efforts during Ramadan.

Love Aid Singapore commits US$300,000 for Gaza food program amidst famine crisis

Love Aid Singapore has committed to allocating US$300,000 for a food program, ensuring its continuation for a potential 5 to 6 months, with a monthly budget of US$50,000.

The organization expresses particular concern for the ongoing famine in North Gaza and aims to expand the food program in that region.

Ramesh Rajasingham, deputy chief of the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), provided a dire update to the United Nations Security Council on Tuesday (27 Feb).

He reported that, currently, at least 576,000 people, constituting one-quarter of the population, are on the brink of famine in Gaza.

Love Aid Singapore has already contributed US$50,000 to the food programs operating in Jabalia and Rafah for the current month, extending support until 15 March.

Additionally, the organization plans to prepare Ramadan Iftar meals for 3000 Palestinians in these two areas next month, thanks to the generous donations received.

“Many of you have donated close to $60,000 for this initiative during Ramadan,” said Goh.

Love Aid Singapore is now exploring the possibility of expanding the food programme in Jabalia, where several children have reportedly died from extreme hunger.

Concerned about the situation, Goh emphasized the need for urgent action, stating, “It’s concerning, you know, seeing how children die.”

The organization aims to introduce more rotating field kitchens, featuring non-meat vegetarian meals, which are easier to source and cook than full-meat courses, given the cost implications.

Amidst the challenges, Love Aid Singapore hopes for a ceasefire to allow more aid trucks to enter Rafah through the borders.

In February, an average of 85 trucks entered Gaza, with hundreds more awaiting entry daily, said Goh.

Upon a ceasefire announcement, Love Aid Singapore pledges 3 to 5 aid trucks for North Gaza, incurring a cost close to US$100,000.

The organization expresses gratitude to the people of Singapore for their generous support, emphasizing the significance of standing on the right side of humanity during these challenging times.

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Wow, a few people here are quite upset that starving civilians are getting food and clothing.

They must be feeling self-righteous and proud of themselves.

$850,000 more for Hamas to build more tunnels ,buy more missiles and screw Gilbert more!😆😆😆

Looks like Gaza suits him. wonder if considers migrating there? what do you think? tsk tsk tsk
