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Gilbert Goh challenges MOE on Israel-Hamas classroom narrative

Gilbert Goh criticizes MOE’s handling of the Israel-Hamas issue in classrooms, urging Singaporeans to question state narratives and the government’s stance on neutrality, highlighting concerns over diplomatic relations and the need for a more humane approach.



by Gilbert Goh

Dear Singaporeans, I am glad many of you take a firm stand on the Israel-Hamas issue pertaining to what MOE has done in the classroom.

As a parent, if you are not careful, you will allow the state to brainwash your kids to their side of the narrative.

We also can’t protest, can’t gather, can’t do much on this global issue, which inflamed many countries and are told now to take a neutral stand by our government.

What’s a neutrality stand?

It’s a plain bochap attitude, I feel, so that nobody will get angry in the benign name of harmony and peace.

It’s to look at humanity straight in the face and then walk away cowardly not wanting to make a firm stand on what’s happening around us.

It’s not getting involved when you see someone getting bullied and hurt, letting our conscience go soft in the name of neutrality and cowardice.

For too long, the country has always used the Hock Lim bus riots of the 60s and racial harmony to impose its dictatorial control on the whole population whenever a race or religious issue crops up.

During the 5-hour police investigation after the one-man protest at Hong Lim Park, the police kept reiterating that we are surrounded by Muslim countries so we have to be careful about our stand.

But is supporting Israel so adamantly not something that will madden our two neighbouring Muslim countries?

Letting Israel take part in the Airshow and sending a diplomat to Israel during this dark time – are these not issues that will make our neighbouring countries see red?

Our government has to step up its diplomatic narrative on the current Israeli-Hamas conflict, as the whole global south is very pro-Palestinian now because of the ongoing Gaza war.

Maintaining its long-held stance on being pro-Israel has to shift so people can see the humane side of our government.

Except for the occasional lame mention of the Red Cross humanitarian aid mission into Gaza and putting up a soft vote at the UN Security Council, the government has done little to suggest that it is standing on the right side of humanity.

I think certain minority segments of the population now have done much more than our government for the Palestinian cause.

This post was first published on Gilbert Goh’s Instagram account.

Singaporean activist Gilbert Goh, through his initiative Love Aid Singapore, has made significant strides in providing humanitarian aid to the besieged Palestinian territories in Gaza.

With nearly S$750,000 (US$558,663) raised, Goh and his team are addressing the acute needs of approximately 300,000 isolated Palestinians in North Gaza. The area faces severe restrictions and hardships, further exacerbated by the suspension of World Food Programme aid due to security concerns.

Despite these challenges, Love Aid Singapore is committed to ensuring the continuation of their food program in Jabalia and Rafah, particularly during the holy month of Ramadan.

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Israel is the single benefactor the entire world benefits since it’s independence till today. So you know the Centrino chip so widely used worldwide was invented in and by Israel? The high tech industries are in fact not in silicone valley but in Tel Aviv and Haifa in israel. The highest number of start up companies are in Israel. The remedy for Alzheimer’s disease was invented in Israel, cancer treatment technologies also invented in Israel, biotech agriculture that turned deserts into lush lands (in China and South Africa) also invented by Israel and given to our world. There’s a lot… Read more »

GG= You so loves the Gaza World. Not not migrate to Gaza? tsk tsk tsk

GG-why not migrate to Gaza ?

Humane? Gilbert, how humane is raping innocent Israelis, tying them together using wires and burning these innocent children and their parents to black ashes unrecognizable? How humane is forcing your children and family to watch your wife and daughter being raped in front of them? How humane is cutting off the arms and legs of toddlers after shooting dead their parents and then the terrorists helping themselves to food and drinks in their fridge? How humane is kidnapping innocent thais, US , Israelis, grandmothers, women, even toddlers into the tunnels as hostages? Even now Hamas is still raping these innocent… Read more »

Humane? Gilbert, how humane is raping innocent Israelis, tying them together using wires and burning these innocent children and their parents to black ashes unrecognizable? How humane is forcing your children and family to watch your wife and daughter being raped in front them? How humane is cutting off the arms and legs of toddlers after shooting dead their parents and then terrorists helping themselves to food and drinks in their fridge? How humane is kidnapping innocent thais, US , Israelis, grandmothers, even toddlers into the tunnels as hostages? How humane are your cause really? Why are you not humane… Read more »

Who the fuck wants to listen to a conman? Fucking guy conned at least half a million from gullible idiots likely to be oppies. He kept a large part of the money for himself while these fools still praise him like hell. What a fucking joke!

The lies about Israeli occupation for 75 years has to stop. At the end of the former Ottoman Empire ( which sided with Nazi Germany and fell in WW 2 after being defeated by the Allied forces), the League of Nations (present day UN) conferred the British Mandate upon great Britain, over the middle east and the surrounding people. The League of Nations (former UN) voted 33 against 10 in favour for the nation of Israel to be re-established on Palestine (former Jewish Judea and Samaria). This was a legimate UN body that voted for the establishment of Israel upon… Read more »

Palestinians have been ruled by PLO for many years. Does GG know PLO is a terrorist organization? What do you think? tsk tsk tsk

GG :

1) sending 4500 missiles to Israel on 7th October & killing innocent lives, tourists, children are totally not acceptable
2) sending 4500 missiles to Israel on 7 Oct 2023, Palestine Muslims claiming they are victimized is totally not acceptable
3) Holding civilians as hostages on 7th October and threating to kill them is totally not acceptable
4) Sending 4,500 missiles to Israel on 7th October and claiming Israel are terrorists are totally not acceptable

Why don’t you go and fight with Hamas? .What do you think? tsk tsk tsk

GG= I will not VOTE for you. But I will vote for PSP !! tsk tsk tsk

Meanwhile, MOE is very quiet on the pappies’ genocide against tru-Singaporeans by importing tons and tons of foreigners and new citizens. Own backyard problem dun discuss, want to kaypor a faraway ME conflict that SG has very little relation to.

Hello Hamas lover Gilbert. You think Singaporeans stupid? Singapore also got ask ceasefire and give back hostages. Don’t say Singapore bochap. You got condemn Hamas for Oct 7? If you only think Israel wrong you go Gaza and stay there with palestinians. No come back Singapore. No think you very clever and know history about war. In 1948 Israel agree set up Israel and Palestine after end of Britis mandate. But Arabs want kill ALL Israel people and drive Jews to sea. Arabs start war but Israel win war. That why fighting still today. Now only way for end war… Read more »

Send this fxxker Gilbert to Gaza that would shut his mouth for good. If he don’t return in a body bag, he would then realise all these Palestinians civilians he have been harping about, are but just your everyday TERRORIST !😆😆

Thank you GG. Majority in the UN want a ceasefire. It is only Biden who is blocking it. Even the UK while abstaining in the UN Security council had Prince William asking for the ceasefire. Our govt. wants to be friends and support the Zionists in continuing the occupation of the West Bank and Gaza. The govt.’s stand negates the suffering of our own great grandparents and grandparents under the Japanese Occupation. It is humanly too cruel to continue the support of the Zionists. The leftist in Israel are trying to force Nethanyahu to commit to negotiations with Hamas. Perhaps… Read more »

GG thinks just because of his charitable acts, that makes him an expert on history or on human conflicts. Experience shows that persons who think themselves as charitable type in fact are too polarized to have a balanced view of a problem.
