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Love Aid Singapore exceeds S$145,000 in donations for Gaza Aid, faces complex logistics on ground

Singaporean activist Gilbert Goh, founder of Love Aid Singapore, shares a significant update on the Gaza Aid initiative, surpassing S$100,000 in donations within four days. Despite logistical challenges, Goh extends his stay, ensuring the seamless execution of this impactful initiative. Contributions welcome through PayNow at 87745281.



love aid singapore

SINGAPORE: Gilbert Goh, founder of Love Aid Singapore and prominent Singaporean activist, conveyed an encouraging update on the Gaza Aid initiative’s advancement via the organization’s Instagram account on Thursday (11 Jan).

Expressing deep appreciation for the overwhelming support received, Goh emphasized the remarkable milestone of surpassing the S$100,000 (US$75,232) mark in donations.

He pledged to provide daily updates on the continuously growing amount, an impressive feat achieved within a tight four-day timeframe.

Since 6 January, Goh has been in Cairo, orchestrating the smooth facilitation of aid into Gaza, a journey well-documented through videos on the organization’s Instagram account.

On 9 January, Goh revealed that Love Aid Singapore had committed two truckloads of aid, totaling US$60,000.

The trucks were loaded with essential items including medical supplies, blankets, tents, and food boxes.

Originally planning a five-day stay, Goh found himself extending his presence until the 20th due to the unexpected surge in donations, far exceeding his initial expectation of S$30,000 (US$22,570).

As the influx of donations shows no sign of slowing down and the third truck of aid is being prepared, the likelihood of Goh extending his stay further remains high, ensuring the seamless execution of this impactful initiative.

Love Aid Singapore surpasses S$140,000 in donations

In the latest Instagram update (11 Jan), Goh announced that they have exceeded the S$100,000 (US$75,232) milestone in donations and committed to providing daily updates on the accumulating amount.

“It is because of you that the people in Gaza can have food aid, water, tent, and winter wear. I will be here until next week, I am extending my stay so that I can prepare more aid for the Palestine and Gaza,” said Goh in the video.

This remarkable achievement is even more noteworthy considering the tight deadline within which it was accomplished, spanning only four days.


Despite some expressing apologies for contributing smaller amounts, the sentiment is that every donation, regardless of size, is significant, emphasizing that even a S$10 (US$7.52) contribution represents a meaningful contribution.

The donated funds will primarily be allocated to procure food aid boxes, tents, blankets, and potentially pet food and medicine.

Specifically addressing the inclusion of pet food, efforts are underway to obtain quotations, with a comprehensive approach encompassing various animals, including cows, goats, and cattle.

Medical supplies, such as painkillers, Panadol, and cough syrup, are also being considered, though the process is complicated due to stringent control, requiring careful navigation.

When contacted, Goh said that donations have now crossed S$145,000 and is closing to S$150,000.

Logistical struggles intensify in aid delivery to Rafah

Ensuring the efficient delivery of aid to Rafah poses a formidable challenge, as trucks encounter extended waits on the highway, incurring a fee of US$75 per driver and truck.

“It will be a waste if the aid couldn’t enter Rafah or worse consificated at the checkpoint and laid to waste,” said Goh.

Addressing logistical concerns, the printing of 1000 stickers for food aid boxes is underway.

However, a significant backlog in the printer, attributed to heightened demand from the aid community, adds a layer of complexity to the process.

Despite these challenges, there is a heartfelt plea for patience, recognizing that operations in the current location are not as seamless as back home.

The effort to overcome obstacles and deliver aid remains steadfast.

For those looking to contribute and support these efforts, donations can be made through PayNow to 87745281.

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So he is not pro foreigners who take away our jobs ? and why GG is not helping Singaporeans raise funds instead of helping other countries?

Suggest GG migrate to Palestine ? what do you think?

Already the bigger boss have problem with aids becos the war ain’t stopping. Who the donation goes to specifically?!?

More likely goes in Empire Acct. Who is checking it got through?!? Show the money trail.

hahah go to a Paynow account instead of a legit charity org. keeps getting more sus…
