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All 17 town councils achieve green banding in 2023 management report

All 17 Town Councils achieved “green” ratings in estate cleanliness, maintenance, lift performance, and S&CC arrears management in the 2023 Town Council Management Report.



SINGAPORE: On 27 June, the Ministry of National Development released the 2023 Town Council Management Report (TCMR), revealing that all 17 Town Councils, from Aljunied-Hougang to West Coast, have been awarded a “green” banding across all four indicators.

The TCMR framework, which is regularly reviewed to ensure its relevance, covers five key areas: Estate Cleanliness, Estate Maintenance, Lift Performance, Service & Conservancy Charges (S&CC) arrears management, and Corporate Governance. Each area is assessed through a single indicator and results are categorized as Green, Amber, or Red.

The green rating for estate cleanliness and maintenance indicates that fewer than four issues were identified in these areas during inspections by the Housing Board (HDB).

This reflects a high standard of upkeep in common areas such as residential blocks, shops, open areas, market/hawker centres, and bin centres.

In terms of lift performance, the green banding means that the occurrence of lift faults and downtime is within acceptable limits. Specifically, this is defined as fewer than two faults per 10 lifts and less than an hour of downtime per lift each month. This ensures reliable lift services for residents.

All Town Councils also excelled in managing S&CC arrears, with fewer than four households out of 100 owing arrears and less than 40 per cent of the monthly collectable S&CC being overdue for three months or more. This effective financial management contributes to the overall sustainability of town operations.

MND highlighted that this year’s results mark an improvement from the previous report.

The results of the TCs’ FY2023 Corporate Governance indicator will be released under the TCMR Governance Report in December 2024 after MND has received and reviewed the TCs’ audited financial statements and their auditor’s reports.

The FY2023 TCMR Operational Report can be viewed on MND’s website here.

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Should ask the residents their opinions…would definitely get real honest replies…
I dun trust this study..judging from the areas around my hdb estate..
Not the fw cleaners fault..they do a good job…just too many ftrash littering…
Please re introduce the KEEP SG CLEAN CAMPAIGN again…make it ongoing and clamp down hard on litterers.
Taking in too many ftrash that dont bother…
Our citizens are taking the brunt..

Aiyoh, if they can kelong a PE, they can very easily kelong the TC ratings in pappie-run wards. Especially with run-up to elections coming and lawlanWong’s first election too. Everything must look swee-swee, hor.

Remember the rule of successful forward planning: 1 year to give out chicken wings, 4 years to take back the whole chicken.


It means WP can do it .

MND should take back the management of HDB estates so that MPs can represent their respective constituents in Parliament. In this way, MPs won’t have the additional responsibility to invest TC’s funds. It is unfair to expect MPs to be wealth and investment managers.
