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NUS, NTU, and SMU to raise dormitory fee, attributing to rising costs

Starting in August, students at Singapore’s major universities: the National University of Singapore, Nanyang Technological University, and Singapore Management University will face dormitory fee hikes ranging from 7% to 12%, attributed to increasing operating costs.



SINGAPORE: Starting in August, students at three major public universities in Singapore — the National University of Singapore (NUS), Nanyang Technological University (NTU), and Singapore Management University (SMU) — will encounter increased dormitory fees.

According to recent announcements, these hikes will range from 7% to 12%.

NTU disclosed specifics regarding its fee adjustments on its internal student platform.

Dormitory fees will increase by 7% to 9%, translating to an additional S$31 to S$68 monthly, depending on the accommodation type.

For example, a double room without air conditioning will see the smallest hike, with monthly rent rising to S$350 per person, an increase of S$31.

Graduate dormitory fees will experience the largest increase, climbing from S$688 to S$756 monthly.

NTU attributes this adjustment to escalating dormitory operating costs.

A university spokesperson confirmed the increase to Singaporean media outlet 8World News, noting that despite these rises, NTU plans to cap annual increases at S$50 to lessen the financial impact on undergraduates.

Students were informed of these changes in March to allow ample time for financial planning. NTU also covers a substantial portion of dormitory operation costs, including utilities.

Likewise, NUS will implement a dormitory fee increase of 7% to 9% for the upcoming 2024-2025 academic year, adding between S$10 and S$28 monthly to student costs.

NUS justifies this fee hike citing the necessity for infrastructure upgrades and increased costs for maintenance, security, and cleaning services.

Rising energy and operational expenses also contribute to the decision.

To manage fee expectations, NUS provides new students with a fixed dormitory fee schedule guaranteeing stable fees over five years.

The university has assured students of financial assistance programs covering dormitory fees, meals, and daily expenses for those facing financial difficulties due to the increased costs.

At SMU, dormitory fees for accommodations on Prinsep Street will increase by approximately 12% starting in August.

This hike amounts to S$64 to S$84 more per month, setting the cost of a small single room at S$707, a large single room at S$785, and a double room at S$599.

Monthly utility charges, including water, electricity, air conditioning, and internet, will remain at S$66.2.

SMU attributes this increase primarily to higher labour costs for cleaning and facilities management, driven by a tightened labour market following the COVID-19 pandemic.

All three universities emphasize their commitment to supporting students through these adjustments, offering financial assistance measures to mitigate the impact of rising costs.

However, these increases reflect broader economic pressures on students amidst rising costs, coupled with the universities’ imperative to maintain and enhance infrastructure and services.

Student group at SUTD raises concern over 36% hike in accommodation charges

At the end of May, a student-led survey regarding accommodation charges at the Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD) began circulating on Instagram.

This follows the university’s earlier announcement of a hostel fee increase of up to 36 per cent, effective from 15 September. The new fees will rise between 9.2 per cent and 36.3 per cent.

The group, known as the “Somapah Hostelites Movement,” aims to advocate for fairer housing policies at SUTD, including reasonable housing fees and better allocation schemes that consider extenuating circumstances.

They described the “sharp increase in hostel fees” as a massive shock to the university’s hostel residents.

The student group noted that university housing representatives attributed the fee hike to rising utility costs, maintenance expenses, and upgrades to hostel facilities. However, they questioned the reasonableness of such a significant fee increase all at once.

A SUTD spokesperson told Singapore media TODAY that this is the first time in the university’s 15-year history that hostel fees are being raised.

She emphasized that while the decision was difficult, it was necessary due to rising inflation and operational costs. The university had informed students in February that financial assistance was available for those in need.

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The wealthy can afford tuition and a “good” school. The wealthy can save time by commuting with a car. The wealthy can afford to pay for expensive extra-curricular activities that look “good” on paper. The wealthy can afford to send their children to university (and maybe overseas ones too) and live in a dormitory, thus saving time on commutes. The end result, wealthy families have children that have more opportunities overall than the “have-nots.” In Uniquely Singapore, the government supports the stratification of society based on income and wealth with bad policy. The 70% seem to be perfectly fine with… Read more »

Wasn’t the reason to bring in more foreigners to bring down costs? Please explain why there needs to be an increase. Our NS men should not be charged any fees, they have already served the Nation for a miserly $800/- monthly. Now their families have to incur more costs?

Please provide breakdown of “increasing operating costs” so we can see if raising the dorm fee is justifiable or not. Increase in GST is NOT a valid cause.

There’s little to no fear that SillyPore is well on it’s way, … and miles ahead of it’s closest rivals in securing planet earth’s most expensive city accolade !!!

Only adding further strain to an already overworked and overstretched budget of supporting parents, relatives and/or guardians.

No class of individuals is spared, … in this financial onslaught by this regime and it’s policies, including laying blame on world economics and events !!!

What a eff bloody silly joke played on 100s of 1000s vulnerable children of SG Pioneers, and more.

They can afford to give $o freely, unencumbered 100$ of 1000$ worth of scholarships to foreigners, without terms and conditions, no holds barred, yet without battling of eyelids, raise dorm fees.

Just like Nobody wants to be your PANDA. But just find excuses to choose a few as panda so that they can constants tag ppl as their panda … No?!?

I see which authorities gog to do the right thing or constantly letting their citizens be harrass by their self created cult!!!!

Attributing to rising cost? Or Greed?! Playing for their own black and white overlords to benefit from their constant changing and disturbing others who are not into their cult?!?
