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Singapore Prime Minister on leave from 15-31 December

PM Lee Hsien Loong who is at Japan for the 50th year ASEAN-Japan Friendship and Cooperation, will be on leave from 15-31 December.



SINGAPORE: Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong will be on leave from 15 to 31 December.

As per the notice published on Thursday (14 Dec) on the official Singapore Government Electronic Gazette website, the President has granted PM Lee a leave of absence from his official duties.

During PM Lee’s absence, Senior Minister and Coordinating Minister for National Security Teo Chee Hean will serve as Acting Prime Minister from 15 to 26 December.

Separately, Mr Lawrence Wong, Deputy PM and Minister for Finance will exercise the functions as acting PM from 27 to 31 December.

According to the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO), PM Lee is currently in Tokyo, Japan, from Friday to 18 December to attend the Commemorative Summit for the 50th Year of ASEAN-Japan Friendship and Cooperation.

Accompanying PM Lee are his wife, Mdm Ho Ching, Minister for Foreign Affairs Dr Vivian Balakrishnan, along with officials from the PMO and Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The Commemorative Summit aims to foster discussions between ASEAN and Japan on strengthening the ASEAN-Japan Dialogue Partnership.

Key focus areas include expanding cooperation in emerging sectors like digital and green economies. The summit will also address various regional and global concerns of mutual interest.

During his stay, PM Lee is scheduled to hold bilateral meetings with Japanese Prime Minister Kishida Fumio and other eminent figures from Japan.


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Wah…smart…let you damn fucks face Covid while.he siam to SWISS standard of living ….for REAL!😆😆😆😆

Any updates on F1 Iswanted case? its been so long….Sigh

On leave in the midst of fast raising covid case? Hmmm ..

PM Lee, U escape to Japan..there is still the internet and you will hear what I say. So dun pretend you never hear it!!!!!!!

Our Prime Minister has worked hard to ensure that Singaporeans all have good jobs and good housing. He certainly deserves a good break. Thank you PM Lee!

going on leave?….anyone noticed? anyone cares?

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I Worked Here ==> > W­w­w.S­m­a­r­t­c­a­r­e­e­r­1.c­o­m

Ho Ching is there to meet up with her BFF, that Japanese snow monkey/macaque with the “middle finger”? And Ah Loong gets dragged along? 🙂 Did he go pay his respects to Kissinger earlier or not?

Anyone know when this picture was taken? He as PM, Singapore’s No.1 man look so frail and worn even though he have everything at his disposal and is ultra rich

Hope Covid catches him and hugs him real tight.
And cannot fly back.. forever.

Google I am not responsible for your shifting location need. So dun need to keep prompting me. I indicated it clearly for location to be omitted but you wanna use it and tag to Yishun or dunno where. You the tech CEO is responsible for the abuse!!!!!!

What’s there to wish him when 1,000,000 (millions) of Singapreans suffering under the LJ PAP Administration abuse and mis use of mandate.

In fact don’t be surprise 100s of 1000s of Sheegaporeans DO NOT have leave, even Unpaid leave for a day.

Funny, I thought he just announced his leave not too long ago … Clearing leaves again?!?

So the only news-worthy activity of the highest paid PM in the world is that he will be taking some leave. No wonder SG is no longer an Asian tiger under his tenure.

What a good life to have two person to take over him during that workcation

how much are we paying him for holiday? and will his pappy gang plan a coup while he’s slacking in nippon? je suis Thaksin?
