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“A new beginning”: PSP congratulates Lawrence Wong ahead of swearing-in as PM

Ahead of Lawrence Wong’s swearing-in as Singapore’s Prime Minister, the Progress Singapore Party extended its congratulations. Reiterating Wong’s view that the “Opposition’s presence in Parliament is here to stay,” PSP expressed its eagerness to contribute constructively to nation-building and collaborate with other parties in shaping political decisions.



SINGAPORE: Ahead of Prime Minister-designate Lawrence Wong’s swearing-in at 8 PM today (15 May), the Progress Singapore Party (PSP), an alternative party issued a statement offering their “warmest congratulations” to Mr. Wong and wishing him “all the best.”

In a statement issued by PSP Secretary-General Hazel Poa, the party described the leadership transition of the ruling People’s Action Party (PAP) government as a time when “Singapore enters a new beginning, new possibilities beckon.”

PSP echoed Mr Wong’s view that the Opposition’s presence in Parliament is here to stay and expressed their eagerness to play a constructive role in Singapore’s nation-building efforts.

The party emphasized their commitment to collaborating with other political parties to shape the country’s political decisions.

Ms Poa, who is also a Non-Constituency Member of Parliament (NCMP), recognized Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong’s service, thanking him for his 20 years of leadership, and highlighted the opportunities a new leader brings to the city-state.

In an interview with The Economist on 6 May, Lawrence Wong stated that “the opposition presence in Parliament is here to stay.”

“And I have also said that when I go into elections, I do not assume that the PAP will automatically return to power, I do not assume that I will be the next PM (Prime Minister) after the elections. ”

In a recent interview with Singapore’s state media, Mr Wong reiterated these views, acknowledging that the opposition’s presence is going to be a permanent feature in Singapore’s political system.

He noted that the days of PAP dominance under Mr Lee Kuan Yew are over.

In February 2023, NCMP Leong Mun Wai criticised lack of constructive debate in Parliament

During the Budget 2023 debate on 24 February 2023, NCMP Leong Mun Wai from PSP sparred with Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Lawrence Wong.

Mr Leong claimed that middle-class Singaporeans are overtaxed in relation to their income.

He cited the goods and services tax (GST) and the certificate of entitlement (COE) as indirect taxes that significantly affect the middle class.

DPM Wong strongly rebuffed the statement, calling it an “outright falsehood.”

He asserted that Singapore’s middle class has seen substantial real income growth over the past two decades and that the country’s overall tax burden, at 14% of GDP, is lower than most advanced economies.

Mr Wong emphasized that the middle-income group receives more in benefits than they pay in taxes, with the middle 20% receiving about twice the amount of benefits compared to their tax contributions.

He also noted that while the upper-middle-income group may receive fewer direct cash benefits, they still benefit from affordable housing, healthcare, and education.

In response to Mr Wong’s assertions, Mr. Leong contested his claims and challenged him to substantiate that he was not misleading the public.

He accused the government of accumulating resources and implementing tax hikes like the GST, disproportionately impacting middle-class Singaporeans.

Mr Leong scrutinized the handling of the Net Investment Returns Contribution (NIRC), accusing the government of stashing most of it in endowment and trust funds while claiming fiscal resource scarcity.

He demanded transparency on the total NIRC allocation and criticized the government for subsequently raising taxes despite accumulating revenues.

Despite Mr Leong’s inquiries, Mr Wong redirected him to his previous remarks, declining to provide the requested figures.

When Mr Leong sought further clarification, the Deputy Speaker of Parliament intervened, concluding the session.

In a Facebook post later that evening, Mr Leong wrote, “It is clear that despite the calls by the Prime Minister that a credible Opposition should be able to put forward alternative policy ideas and proposals, this Government is not even debating those ideas and proposals constructively and in good faith in Parliament.

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Congratulate kum lan… after he fix you then you know.

A new beginning. A new leeder.

BUT same old same old.

Sigh ….

Yeah it’s a new beginning – it’s protocols conformity to enemies to wish their adversaries to gain PR goodwill. Smart of SG Oppo not to deviate from norms or else hurt their credibility in SG eyes.

Congratulation to Lawrence Wong. From me, Laughing Gor.
Yes, a new beginning from a new government style.
Looking towards everything done benefits Singaporeans only.
This is my country.

LW doesnt seem too sure he can do the job…giving off negative vibes …
Not much will be smooth sailing these days..thats why the Kayu son decided to retire …too many domestic & international challenges ahead…
Lets see how ..

Last edited 8 months ago by W.A.J.
