Blur like sotong’: Netizens highlight the blunder by Singapore President Halimah during the Guard of Honour inspection
During Singapore’s 58th National Day celebration, President Halimah Yacob seemed uncertain during the Guard of Honour inspection, despite guidance markers. This sparked online discussions and humorous comparisons with U.S. President Joe Biden’s moments of confusion.

SINGAPORE: Singapore’s 58th National Day celebration concluded on Wednesday (9 Aug) with a captivating display of fireworks. The event was graced by the mesmerizing aerobatics of the Republic of Singapore Air Force fighter jets, and The Red Lions—Singapore Armed Forces’ parachutist team.
Gathered at the Padang, 27,000 attendees adorned in red and white filled the stands, uniting in commemorating Singapore’s 58th birthday.
The 2023 NDP on Wednesday night was especially poignant for Madam Halimah Yacob, marking her last attendance in her official capacity as the Singapore President after having declared her decision not to stand for re-election in May.
As part of her role as President, Mdm Halimah is tasked with inspecting the marching contingents assembled at the Padang.
A video of the event shows her appearing unsure of the proper procedure, even though an arrow on the ground indicated the correct standing position. Officers had to remind President Halimah twice to assume the correct stance.
@nvthan_neo I will miss her 🥲 #ndp2023 #goofy #singapore #singaporendp #singaporendp2023 #parade #halimahyacob #halimahyacobpresident
This captured scene has been reposted on various social media platforms, sparking fervent discussions among netizens.
Mdm Halimah’s sixth NDP attendance
Responding to the video and CNA’s Facebook post, certain netizens playfully remarked that Mdm Halimah seemed ‘blur like sotong’ from the scene. This local expression humorously implies that she appeared unaware of the proceedings.
Mdm Halimah, serving as Singapore’s eighth president, inaugurated her first parade in 2018, having taken office in September 2017.
While Mdm Halimah had no issues with the two previous NDPs in 2021 and 2022, she also fumbled in the NDP 2020.
Netizens couldn’t help but express their perplexity over her continued unfamiliarity with the procedure, even after several years. Clips of the scene were also widely shared on private messaging platforms.
A comment pointed out a recurring occurrence, highlighting that even after attending the NDP six times, Mdm Halimah still seemed confused about the proceedings, despite the presence of prominent stickers on the ground guiding her stance.
Several netizens raised concerns about the absence of rehearsal or clear instructions for the President, which they believed contributed to President Halimah’s confusion.
They expressed surprise that such instances were captured on national TV without proper guidance.
A comment highlighting the President’s substantial compensation and questioning why Mdm Halimah seemed unable to do a simple job right.
Friend of Joe Biden?
Amidst the discussion, some comments playfully drew parallels with United States President Joe Biden.
President Biden had also been captured in situations where he seemed lost or confused, like walking into bushes, searching on stage, or requiring guidance after a tree-planting event.
A netizen offered a satirical pun, suggesting that he might “miss her misstep,” infusing humour into the conversation.
‘Not my president’
When discussing the outgoing Mdm Halimah’s final attendance at NDP as the nation’s President this year, some individuals still express reluctance to acknowledge her as the elected “people’s president.”
A netizen contrasted her with past Presidents like Sheares, Ong Teng Cheong, and Nathan, who actively engaged with various races and major religious gatherings.
“As a first lady President, she should have comes out from her comfort or restricted zone & give much greater impact on people’s mind on her present even though there were a lot of negativity on her appointment, ” the netizen acclaimed.
A comment brought up a comparison between the importance of past presidents, particularly during the days of Mr Lee Kuan Yew, and the current state of affairs.
The comment suggested that in the past, presidents held a more significant role, whereas now, their role seems to be primarily about representing Singapore on the international stage.
In the midst of these discussions, a netizen asserted that the title of the “people’s president” truly belongs to Ong Teng Cheong.

Just To Share, So That Nobody Will Be Blur Like Sotongs.
The Return Of The Queen & King, Soon.
When U R Tested Positive For CV19, Your Days Are Numbered.
Just Like These 165 Awaiting At Guam.
i guess … that task might have been too much for her who’s supposed to be as good as any CEOs with average shareholders’ equity ≥ SGD 500,000,000.00 and at least 3-year period of service.
my suggestion …
(1) she should have arrived on the place first
(2) she should have been allowed to stand on any spot facing any direction.
(3) only then the marching contingents should enter and line up.
(4) their line-up had to match with makcik’s position.
She was thinking about the nine million in her bank account and was doing a hop and a scotch.😂Why not let her do a bit of dance to celebrate her wins.? We have already been taken for a ride. This is the finale.
Simple task also cannot do let alone guard the Reserve. Better do an audit on the Reserve as it may no longer be there during her sotong watch.
A perfect and timely reminder, of what an absolute waste of space and monies, … this “not my president” was, for each and every millisecond of the last six years !!!
Pls understand…
She was thinking too much of guarding our (non-existent?) reserve.