Amidst the vibrant city life of Singapore, a band of adventurous otters embarked on a daring journey to cross Orchard Road. A TikTok video captured their...
In a heartwarming twist, a Malaysian couple chose their pet cat, Lily, to carry their wedding rings down the aisle, elegantly gliding in a decorated toy...
A tranquil Sunday morning ride in Punggol led to an unexpected rendezvous with nature when a Malayan tapir swiftly passed the cyclist. This marks the likely...
In Singapore's Woodlands HDB void deck, a video captured a pet dog with a plastic bag around its legs, held on a short leash by a...
Three heroes' courageous act, captured in a TikTok video, saw them rescue a stranded chick from a canal in Yishun, Singapore. The chick, seemingly separated from...
In a heart-wrenching incident near Pulau Redang, a lifeless sea turtle, brutally mutilated, serves as a stark reminder of the perils posed by reckless boat operators....
Amid heavy rain, a man bravely rescued stranded kittens from a drain. Known as Uncle Cat, he's a loyal customer and caring stray feeder. His heroic...
Singapore Zoo bids a heartfelt farewell to Ben, a beloved 14-year-old African penguin. Ben's approachable charm and role-model presence touched visitors of all ages, leaving behind...
A Malaysian teacher was duped in an online scam while trying to buy a Munchkin cat. Initially drawn by a Facebook ad offering the cat for...
Rescued from the site of Malaysia’s Elmina Plane Crash Incident two weeks ago , Oyen Elmina's journey ended tragically due to feline immunodeficiency virus. Veterinarian Dr....