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Ministers K Shanmugam and Vivian Balakrishnan initiates defamation suit against Lee Hsien Yang

Law and Home Affairs Minister Mr. Shanmugam and Foreign Affairs Minister Dr. Vivian Balakrishnan have officially filed a defamation suit against Lee Hsien Yang in Singapore High Court.

The case is set for an in-chamber hearing on 5 September. They are represented by lawyers from Davinder Singh Chambers, including renowned senior lawyer Davinder Singh, known for representing Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong in past high-profile defamation cases.



SINGAPORE: Mr Shanmugam, the Law and Home Affairs Minister, and Dr Vivian Balakrishnan, the Minister for Foreign Affairs, have formally filed a defamation suit in the Singapore High Court against Lee Hsien Yang, the son of Singapore founding father Lee Kuan Yew.

The case is scheduled for an in-chamber hearing on the coming Tuesday (5 Sept) at 9 am morning.

According to notices on the Singapore court website, the two ministers are represented by three lawyers from Davinder Singh Chambers, including the prominent senior lawyer Davinder Singh, who previously represented Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong in previous high-profile defamation cases.

With the two ministers officially filing the lawsuit, the next step, following the court procedure, would be to serve the summons on Lee Hsien Yang, who is also the younger brother of PM Lee.

If Lee Hsien Yang’s address is unknown, the plaintiffs can apply to the court to serve the summons through methods such as email, social media, newspaper advertisements, and more.

Subsequently, if Lee Hsien Yang fails to submit a defence within the stipulated timeframe, the plaintiffs can apply for a default judgment, securing a victory in the case and seeking compensation from Lee Hsien Yang.

Typically, the claim amount in High Court civil litigation starts at S$ 250,000.

On 27 July, Ministers Shanmugam and Balakrishnan announced plans to sue LHY over defamation allegations, unless an apology is issued and the statements are retracted.

LHY is accused of suggesting that the ministers acted corruptly, receiving preferential treatment by the Singapore Land Authority (SLA) through unauthorized tree felling and state-funded renovations of 26 and 31 Ridout Road. Both ministers have categorically refuted these allegations.

In a Facebook post, Mr Shanmugam outlined their demands: Mr Lee is to retract his accusations, issue an apology, and pay damages, which would subsequently be donated to charity. Non-compliance would trigger a lawsuit.

Later, Lee Hsien Yang took to Facebook on 31 July, alleging that the two PAP ministers were pressuring him to issue a public apology that he perceived to be falsified.

he claimed the ministers demanded he make a specific statement: “I recognise that the Post meant and was understood to mean that Mr K Shamugam/Dr Vivian Balakrishnan acted corruptly and for personal gain by having the Singapore Land Authority give him preferential treatment by felling trees without approval and illegally and having it pay for renovations to 31 Ridout Road.”

However, LHY staunchly defends his initial words: “Two ministers have leased state-owned mansions from the agency that one of them controls, felling trees and getting state-sponsored renovations.”

He believes his original statement does not equate to an allegation of corruption or personal gain, and criticizes the ministers for insisting on a “false apology” for words he claims he did not utter.

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7th month already. no news of old man reincarnating? tsk tsk tsk

Excuse me MS Vivi and Snake, but who’s paying for this fiasco may I ask? It’s all fun and games and standing up for your cause and all that but who is footing the bill? I think the public have the right to know?
Obviously not us the common tax payer I hope?

the post was done in UK and our mini stars sued him in SG?
what “gentlemen” !!!

comment image

Case should be closed and over, do not waste time,

Using court and public resources for such things is not a wise thing to do

ok but do we need to pay for this with our tax money or now. waste time and money. wanna fight, go fly over to another cuntry and fight lah. dun waste our gov/legal resources in singapoor!

Are you all using tax payers money ? thank you

Already no face liao. tsk tsk tsk….

Only servants can sue master. Unique Singapore with the World highest salaries.

If LKY is around, you think 70% stooges or free riders think these will happen? I will jump down by then. Same as what I promise if NKS wins, I will jump down.

LHY must be taught a lesson, talk too much and have a chance to apologise still act tough. Want to play play with our government, better think twice. Even your beloved brother who is the pm also cannot help. Test people patience, do know the limit. Anyway you are rich, take them on.

Singapore is FXXXXX. Prepare for HARD LIFE from now onwards. Singapore asked for it and Gov will stop at nothing to get what they want. Only GOD can intervene! And I believe HE WILL.

Lesson 101.
When you want to run road, make sure …EVERYTHING…AND I MEAN EVERYTHING…including your pets , grandfather or father jewels or house… ALSO RUN ROAD with you…


If you cant shut them sue them still their pants drop. That’s the typical pappie playbook. What’s new? Just disgusting that’s all. Also sad that the populace didn’t provide a tight slap to the pappies in the recent PE. What a shame, sgrean like to complain but has no guts to act.

LHY after the PE may have realised Change is Impossible. He is fked

According to the result

You should change to British Citizen

Get yourself a Queen’s Council fight this case .

Besides pinky’s garden of Eden, another garden of Rid Out has two cobras holed up there

in other countries , it has to be proven prima facie or otherise that the defamation had caused the victim significant hardship such financial loss , loss of life , job or reputation or any other for the legal proceedings to be valid. In singapore u dont need to. What signficiant loss had these 2 ministers faced from the supposed defamation by LHY? Did they lose votes? did they lose their jobs?

this is the first action of pappy the day after Tharman won. 70% are happy

The Crumbling of the Empire.

One Lee attempting to destroy another Lee. And I thought all along it’s mission is to FIX the Opposition – the brother is ALSO the Opposition (whether politics or not).

Our so call Pappy leaders keep telling us to venture abroad as Singapore is too small. They don’t even has guts to do so. Hypocrite of the highest order.


Should sue in British courts where harry lee learned his craft, right? After all, the allegation supposedly took place in the uk? I heard UK courts are very fair one. Why not sure in UK courts? I’m sure the south asians will get a very fair trial there in the UK.

I wonder what and how Lee Kuan Yew and Kua Geok Choo would have felt about their own son being sued by their own blood brother’s henchmen. What tragedy has befallen the Lee family! Has anyone in the Lee family ever done any evil in the past to land this retribution?

The rot continues of the State.

Shanmugan mentioned the trees and renovation,he did not mentioned clause 3.1 & 3.2.Hard for suckers to wake up
Just hope more secrets digged up ,or else they will never onwself punish ownself.Hope ,hope Iswaran case bring surprise,hope ,hope the CPIB do a good job!

They want to Donate to Charity. Wokakakeeka

My CB (cuckoo bird) tells me: CPIB found no corruption=Case closed. Next question:
No conflict of interest: Ownself Tender Ownself is okay and is allowed =Case closed again. Win already lah…..tsk tsk tsk What do you think?

Thank you CB !!!

Good .Hope in GE2025 ,with the persistent discussion regarding breached of clause 3.1& 3.2,more seats will be taken by opposition!
