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Josephine Teo declares Gutzy Asia’s website and social media accounts as ‘Declared Online Locations’ under POFMA

On Tuesday (11 June), the Minister for Communications and Information announced the declaration of Gutzy Asia’s website and its social media pages as Declared Online Locations (DOLs) under POFMA, effective from 12 June.



Mrs Josphine Teo, the Minister for Communications and Information, on Tuesday (11 June) declared Gutzy Asia’s website and its social media pages on Facebook and X (formerly known as Twitter) as Declared Online Locations (DOLs), effective from 12 June under The Protection from Online Falsehoods and Manipulation Act (POFMA).

This declaration will remain in effect for two years until 11 June 2026.

During this period, Gutzy’s website and social media pages must display a notice informing visitors about the declaration.

While Gutzy’s online platforms are not required to cease operations, they must comply with statutory requirements outlined in Part 5 of POFMA.

This includes the de-monetization of the platforms to prevent operators from profiting from the dissemination of falsehoods.

To be marked as a DOL, at least three false statements must have been communicated through the online location within the six months preceding its designation.

The declaration is in response to the following POFMA directions within the past six months:

  • 15 February 2024 — An article reporting on a Facebook post by Progress Singapore Party NCMP Leong Mun Wai about the financial status and assistance received by two residents.
  • 18 February 2024 — An article reporting on a Facebook post by Reform Party chief Mr Kenneth Jeyaretnam about the properties at 26 and 31 Ridout Road rented by Minister for Home Affairs and Law Mr Shanmugam and Foreign Minister Vivian Balakrishnan. The POFMA office acknowledged that Gutzy was issued the POFMA direction because the article included the URL link to his social media post and not that it had repeated it.

Key stipulations during the declaration period include:

  • Prohibition of Financial Benefit: It is an offence for Gutzy or its operators to derive financial or other material benefits from operating the DOLs.
  • Obligations of Service Providers and Digital Advertising Intermediaries: They must take reasonable steps to ensure that the paid content on Gutzy’s platforms is not communicated in Singapore.
  • Prohibition of Financial Support: Individuals and companies are prohibited from providing financial support to Gutzy’s DOLs if they know or have reason to believe that it would contribute to the dissemination of falsehoods in Singapore.

Besides Gutzy Asia’s website and social media pages, nine other online locations are listed on the POFMA Office’s website. Mr Kenneth Jeyaretnam’s social media pages, The Ricebowl Singapore website, and The Online Citizen Asia’s platforms were declared DOLs from 22 July 2023 to 11 December 2025.

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The Gov must always remember 
Harmony is not 100 people saying the same thing. Harmony is 100 people saying 100 different things and respecting one another…


A leader who believes in Freedom of speech
Nelson Mandela doesn’t throw people to Sentosa who wants freedom of speech….
A leader who does not think of himself first, citizens come first
A leader who doesn’t always think of the many zeroes $$$$$$

I will continue to vote opposition until the day I die or PAP loses power. Whichever comes first! Hopefully, I will live long enough to see PAP falls, and true democracy and transparency and freedom of speech come in Singapore

This bitch gimme free oso i dont want.

hi, please write more on malaysians motorcycle coming into Singapore. Since PAP imposed COE to stop vehicle growth in Singapore. Why did PAP allows so many Malaysians motorcycle coming into Singapore without limits or quota

First they tekan the alternative news sites….then they move on to the alternative political party members….
…. finding fault with every little speck….
Dirty Politics.
Like as tho PAP is squeaky clean..

Back to the same old tactics. Oh I thought Lawrence Wong wants to work with Singaporeans?

I guess what they mean is that, he only wants to work with the Singaporeans that he has chosen and exclude everyone else.

LW , this is unnecessary and shows cowardice. If the media has already corrected the wrong information when informed, why continue to punish ? Why do you want to continue with the bullying branding of LHL? He only had 61% win, do you think you can garner more votes if you keep persecuting the media?

Elections coming soon. JT tasked with spring cleaning. Clean up against any whistleblowers that’ll expose the rot in PAP.
Eliminate every possible mole to Keep PAP character clean and green.

So now is Josephine Teo the elite vs Chresa Teo the kena shit civil servant is it?!? For your relentless war mongering becos the elite always wins

I work in other job before going to govt and work as a teacher … So tell me Who is responsible for my case?!?

Falsehood so my case. Is it falsehood or conveniently dun want to mention cos they have spun the story away!?!

Say it.

I am a civil servant. They mediacork hunting in school and the story never end. So who is responsible?!? Who ask me to take a bullet for the Top elite. Who?!? Own Up then !!!!!!

Soooo …. convenient. Just when the election is right around the corner! 4G already showing it cannot change its spots ….

Ask questions also wrong?
How do we know that the clarifications given by the ministars are the truth…the whole truth and nothing but the truth?

At least 3 times. And how about other media and newspapers?

Don’t they have countless misleading articles and false articles don’t they have to face similar restrictions?

Lawlan Wong said he’s assisting SG to fulfill dreams.

Our dream is the PAP Administration kill POFMA. Allow contest of ideas, teach SG to be wiser and smarter than current only to believe PAP nonsenses for now. PAP is NO PURVEYOR of information. Internet IS, NOT PAP!

Leave other dreams later we then let u know.

Well, here we are again!

Gave them mandate to manage the country.
They use it to RULE your thoughts and expressions!

What a group of tyrants!!!
