Good governance prioritizes citizens’ well-being
Responding to CNA’s commentary on Singapore’s governance, a letter writer stresses that good governance prioritizes citizens’ well-being. The writer highlights public housing concerns and the impact of policies like POFMA on freedom of expression.

by Teo Kueh Liang
I refer to Channel News Asia’s (CNA)“Commentary: Singapore risks mediocrity at the top if too few high-calibre people join politics” (8 June).
Whether a country (regardless big or small) is in a state of good governance or not? It can be easily assessed and determined by the satisfaction of livelihood and the emphasis of interests and wellbeing of its people.
Therefore, whatever policies are formulated, the people’s interests and benefits must be the top priority.
Obviously, the top leaders of the ruling party must be entrenched or equipped with this strong belief, vision and dedication values to govern the country and lead the people.
For example, in Singapore’s context, the public housing policy has always been the most concerned and touchy subject in the minds of all Singaporeans.
Singaporeans worry that the value of their 99-year lease HDB flat will be zero, and the pricing of a new and resale flat keeps escalating upwards. This will undoubtedly affect the affordability of our younger generation couples getting a roof over their heads.
Could the HDB authorities review the public housing policy of the past half-century and guarantee that all qualified citizens are able to obtain a second flat with a 50-year lease (after the expiry of the first lease) at a discounted price, which should be priced lower than the market rate at that time?
In the Chapter 60 of Dao De Jing, it said, “Governing a great state is like cooking/frying small fish. Let the kingdom be governed according to the Dao, ….”.
This has clearly underlined the importance of good governance and good policies for the wellbeing of the people.
Another significant aspect of well governance is its related policies which deal with the citizens.
For example, a country’s overregulation, overemphasis, overenforcement, or strict enforcement of the definition of orthodoxy (such as POFMA—Prevention of Online False Information and Manipulation Act) will inevitably hinder and weaken ordinary citizens’ rational analysis, interpretation, and criticism, as well as freedom of expression.
Undoubtedly, this, in the long run, will jeopardise the whole development of democracy and the trust between the people and the government.
In Chapter 58 of Dao De Jing, it depicted, “If the politics are tolerant and transparent, the people will be simple and loyal; if the politics are harsh and dark, the people will be cunning and complaining”.
This is closely tied with the above meaningful illustration.
The views and opinions expressed in this letter are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of this publication.

This sounds like a problem of their own making. By “politics” they obviously mean, their own cult of yes-men. It can’t be opposition they are referring to, because there are plenty of “high-calibre people” already there. Has the ruling government inhaled their own farts for so long that they believe these “high-calibre people” think like they do? We are talking about successful people in their respective fields and they got there (hopefully) through their own blood, sweat and tears. We are talking about people that hold their own decision-making skills in high-regard. They do what they want because they know… Read more »
O the govt playing black white game in your Messaging and RCS. Watch it yourselves.
Running an organisation well usually entails less bureaucracy, a flat structure, tt permits smooth and quick outreach for answers, solutions, and decision makings.
Won’t one think of making a piece of Kueh Lapis is time consuming and tedious when, if other cakes can fulfill the same purposes.
Consider when lifts break down – how tough it is to reach the top 40th storey of a 40 storey block, than to quickly scramble to a lower level say, at 30th storey?
And how’s the view from 40th storey looking down at street level.
Too Many Cooks Spoil The Broth..
This sgov is bloated. ..
Too many hands in the pie…suffocating us citizens by the never ending price increases of everything under the SG skies..
LW has no free hand , with that LHL still holding on to the reins…
So folks vote wisely…
Good or bad (governance) by definition is not appropriate and suitable. Like in commercial entities, business enterprises, what’s the end result and outcomes, achieve at what costs. Has this PAP Administration measured it’s own productivity. Zero. Nay. Nay. The revel and congratulate oneself well done BY ONLY ONE YARDSTICK – the mandate which when on its own, MISLEADING and MEANINGLESS. Year after year they BOAST AND BOAST endlessly SG gives them a mandate – and the MANDATE to them is the END, bravo election won. When mandate, actually it’s ONLY the means to an end. That’s why many are saying… Read more »
Too many parliamentary seats is a show of poor governance. There only needs to be a cabinet minister for each ministry. The State Minister ‘s post is redundant. So is the two senior Ministers appointments. There is also no need for the three mayors. As long as LW does not reduce the nos. of MPs, it can be deemed that he is not interested in good governance but has chosen like LHL to reward PAP members using taxpayers’ monies.
Look at how they govern. Pay themselves the highest pay while depressing those at the other sides especially those not in their corporate/kakis. No?!?
Enslavement in order to give resources for a wayang show. Which part of their behaviour speak good governance
The PAPies Only prioritize themselves first… That why they like Overlordships and have no qualms spreading their cult. No?!?
Never skirt issues?!? Ask dunno how many times yet refuse to give direct answer … No?!?