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APHR urges UN and ASEAN to act against Rohingya massacre in Myanmar

ASEAN Parliamentarians for Human Rights calls for urgent UN and ASEAN intervention to stop the Arakan Army’s attacks on Rohingya in Myanmar. Mercy Chriesty Barends highlights the critical need for immediate action to prevent genocide.



In a pressing appeal to global authorities, parliamentarians from Southeast Asia are urging the United Nations (UN), the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), and the international community to intervene swiftly to halt the ongoing assault on Rohingya civilians by the Arakan Army in northern Rakhine State, Myanmar.

Mercy Chriesty Barends, Chair of the ASEAN Parliamentarians for Human Rights (APHR) and an Indonesian Member of Parliament, expressed profound alarm over the escalating violence.

“We are extremely alarmed and concerned by reports that the Arakan Army is indiscriminately attacking Rohingya civilians in northern Rakhine State,” Barends stated. “It is imperative that the international community act quickly to prevent further catastrophic loss of life and potential genocide.”

Recent reports from reliable sources indicate that since Friday (17 May), the Rohingya in Buthitaung town and nearby villages have been subjected to attacks involving heavy weapons.

Eyewitness accounts describe Buthitaung Town being set ablaze and its residents, including the Rohingya, being forced to flee. Homes in several village tracts, including that of U Shwe Maung, a board member of APHR and former MP of Buthitaung, have been destroyed. There are also unverified reports of mass killings in the area.

This surge of violence mirrors the brutal “clearance operations” carried out by Myanmar’s security forces in 2017, which led to severe human rights violations and displaced over 730,000 people.

In 2019, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) was approached by Gambia, supported by the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), with accusations against Myanmar for breaching the Genocide Convention.

The ICJ responded in January 2020 with provisional measures mandating Myanmar to prevent genocidal acts against the Rohingya—a directive seemingly ignored by both Myanmar’s military junta and the Arakan Army.

Barends highlighted the dire consequences of inaction: “There is no doubt that if no action is taken, countless lives will be lost, with even more displaced from their homes, further exacerbating the refugee crisis in the region.”

She continued, “The Rohingya people have already suffered immensely; allowing further atrocities against them would be an unforgivable neglect of the principles of decency and humanity that the international community claims to uphold.”

The APHR’s urgent call emphasizes the critical need for the UN, ASEAN, and all concerned nations to act decisively to end the atrocities and safeguard the lives of the Rohingya community.

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In Gaza, we can see the carnage in real-time, crystal-clear in high-definition, through social media feeds if not through the mainstream media. Relief agencies personnel do carry mobile phones.

In Myanmar, for more than three years, the government of Myanmar has blocked online services, resulting in a vitual internet blackout. We don’t see the mass rapes, displacements, and ethnic cleansing “live” on instagram or tiktok.

Sadly, I concur the Muslim world is not as stirred up as compared to what’s being witnessed in Gaza. It should. Welcome to the internet generation.

“…Statistics from the Ministry of Investment and Foreign Economic Relations reveal that Singaporean investments in Myanmar rank highest between February 2023 and January 2024. The report indicates that China holds the second position in Foreign Direct Investment in Myanmar, with US$236.264 million, following Singapore with US$346.407 million. Japan occupies the third position with US$99.353 million….” ————— Yet Hamas lovers goggle high and low to castigate any country or company which has any/some commercial links to Israeli firms, even dare to BS about 70 years of history. Bigots simply cannot (or rather don’t want to) see the big pink elephant in… Read more »

As has been suggested, if the Rohingyas could secure the “services and support” of Hamas, with “boots on the ground” in Myanmar, … the world will probably pay more attention and affect more action, to the Rohingyas plight, peril and persecution !!!

If it does not happen to you, me, our cousins, nieces, uncles…
nobody cares.

Same goes with electing politicians.
If policies do not affect you, me.. we will not care..

The press flavour of the month word is “Genocide”.
Every leftist reporters love to use this word these days.

2nd favourite is aparthied.

Next comes occupation followed by colonialism.

I read few times that some ex myanma junta chiefs & their families are “hiding” out here in SG…
Mustve parked their illgotten mil$ here too..and gotten PR or NC..
If thats so , then this sgov is complicit to the genocide that continues in that country against their people..

I bet if an Israeli made/exported bomb was used by the Myanmar air force to bomb the Rohingya, the outcry of genocide will be very loud. Russian bomb, Iranian bomb, Hamas bomb, PRC bomb, NK bomb, ASEAN bomb, etc… is no problem.

UN investigation report, circa May 2023:
“….The report to the Geneva-based Human Rights Council identifies $406 million in weapons and material that went to the Myanmar military from Russia, $267 million from China, $254 million from Singapore, $51 million from India and $28 million from Thailand....”

Apparently Hamas lovers are close cousins of the Pappies – 2 or more sets of rules apply; here it is what is genocide and when to kpkb.

Where are the protests against Myanmar against the Rohingya genocide? It’s been on-going since 2016.

I guess, No Jews, No News.
