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Lawrence Wong announces cabinet reshuffle; Gan Kim Yong promoted to DPM

Incoming Singapore PM Lawrence Wong announced a Cabinet reshuffle on 13 May with Mr Gan Kim Yong being promoted to Deputy PM while staying as Trade and Industry Minister. Other promotions were made with no major changes in ministry leadership.



SINGAPORE: Incoming Prime Minister Lawrence Wong on Monday (13 May) announced a Cabinet reshuffle, Mr Gan Kim Yong is set to be promoted to Deputy Prime Minister while retaining his position as Trade and Industry Minister.

Additionally, Mr Gan will serve as the Acting Prime Minister when the Prime Minister is absent and will assume the chairmanship of the Monetary Authority of Singapore.

Moreover, he will take charge of the Strategy Group within the Prime Minister’s Office.

The official appointment to these new roles for Mr Gan will take place on Wednesday, coinciding with Mr Wong assuming leadership from Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong.

It’s noteworthy that current Deputy Prime Minister Heng Swee Keat will continue his duties in the same capacity.

51-year-old Mr Wong also announced additional promotions and appointments on Monday, yet there were no significant changes to the leadership of each ministry in this reshuffle.

Mr Wong will continue to lead the Finance Ministry.

Other appointments

Ms Low Yen Ling will be elevated to the position of Senior Minister of State, serving concurrently in the Ministry of Culture, Community, and Youth (MCCY), as well as the Ministry of Trade and Industry.

Additionally, she will retain her role as Mayor of the South West District.

Mr Desmond Tan’s promotion will see him assume the role of Senior Minister of State, maintaining his responsibilities within the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) and the National Trades Union Congress.

Ms Rahayu Mahzam will advance to the position of Minister of State, undertaking a new role within the Ministry of Communications and Information, while continuing her duties within the Ministry of Health.

However, she will step down from her position within the Ministry of Law.

Upon stepping down as the government’s leader, PM Lee will continue serving in the Cabinet as Senior Minister, concurrently holding the position of chairman of the Research, Innovation, and Enterprise Council.

Mr Murali Pillai will assume the role of Minister of State in both the Ministry of Law and the Ministry of Transport.

Mr Shawn Huang’s appointment will see him taking on the position of Senior Parliamentary Secretary in both the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Finance.

Prioritizing continuity and stability

During a press conference at the Istana on Monday, Mr Wong emphasized that continuity and stability are paramount as the government approaches the conclusion of its current term.

“All the ministers already have a full plate of work to see through, and some have also just rolled out new programmes in their ministries. ”

“To avoid any disruptions, I have decided to keep them in their present roles until the end of the term.”

He further explained his decision to retain his position as Finance Minister even upon assuming the role of Prime Minister on Wednesday.

Regarding Mr Gan’s promotion, the PM-to-be noted their shared experience navigating the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, highlighting Mr Gan’s unwavering support throughout.

Mr Gan’s expertise in international economics, Mr Wong added, will be invaluable as Singapore navigates an increasingly competitive global landscape.

Reflecting on his relationship with Mr Heng, Mr Wong mentioned their shared journey in politics since 2011, working closely together in both the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Finance.

Describing both Mr Gan and Mr Heng as seasoned ministers, Mr Wong expressed confidence in their ability to provide stability during this transitional phase and to mentor younger political leaders.

“I’m glad they will be supporting me as my deputies,” Mr. Wong concluded, underscoring the importance of their guidance and counsel.

Mr Gan is 65 years old, while Mr Heng is 63.


Acknowledging the blend of seasoned ministers and younger officials within his new team, Mr Wong expressed his intention to rotate the PAP fourth-generation (4G) ministers across various portfolios.

This strategy aims to provide them with broader exposure and experience, contingent upon the party’s re-election after the current term.

“Among them, I’m sure some will be able to step up and take over from their senior colleagues in due course,” he said, emphasizing the readiness of junior officeholders to assume additional responsibilities.

Anticipating the likelihood of retirements among older ministers either by the end of the current term or shortly thereafter, Mr Wong affirmed his active pursuit of new candidates capable of assuming office.

“I aim to further renew and strengthen the team with new members, especially men and women in their 30s and 40s. There’s no higher priority for me, and that is to form the best possible team to serve Singapore and Singaporeans.”

Addressing queries regarding the absence of a Second Minister for the Ministry of Defence to shadow current Defence Minister Ng Eng Hen, Mr Wong reiterated the eventual retirement of senior ministers and the necessity of identifying successors.

He emphasized that successors may emerge from the existing pool of ministers or through broader considerations post-General Election, potentially involving wider exposure for 4G ministers across various portfolios.

Mr Wong’s rationale for Mr Gan’s appointment despite Mr Gan “not quite 4G”

In response to inquiries about the criteria for appointing Mr Gan as Deputy Prime Minister, Mr Wong acknowledged that while Mr Gan may not fit squarely within the 4G category, his appointment aligns with the goals of ensuring continuity and stability while gradually renewing the team.

“But that’s ok, because … I am looking at ensuring continuity and stability while renewing the team,” Mr Wong said.

The most recent cabinet reshuffle by the PAP government occurred on 23 April 2021.

During the 2021 reshuffle, Education Minister Lawrence Wong assumed the Finance Minister portfolio from Deputy Prime Minister Heng Swee Keat. This transition was part of a larger Cabinet reshuffle that impacted seven key ministries referred to as “frontline ministries”.

The appointments announced on Monday by Lawrence Wong are slated for 15 May, except Mr Pillai’s, which will occur on 1 July.

Additionally, the Senior Parliamentary Secretaries will be appointed on 15 May and sworn in on 24 May.

In a further announcement made on Monday, the Ministry of Communications and Information will be renamed the Ministry of Digital Development and Information, effective 8 July.

This change reflects the ministry’s expanded role in driving Singapore’s national digital agenda, alongside its continued oversight of information policy and strategy, media development, and public communications efforts.

Mr Wong is set to be sworn in as Singapore’s fourth Prime Minister at 8 pm on Wednesday at the Istana, succeeding PM Lee, who served as the government’s leader for 20 years.

Mr Wong had previously stated that significant Cabinet changes are expected post the next General Election, mandated to occur by November 2025.

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CB Gan (aka the CB minister) is the most happiest among these 3 in the picture….lol. After tomorrow, he will also be known as the CB DPM……..he brings proud to Singapore. Singapore is the first CB country to contain covid-19.

CB = Circuit Breaker

WOW this PAP roller coaster ride is infinite and exciting. Riders (free of course) just swop seats at the end of the ride and some even get bonus by getting extra salary for extra empty seat.
The never ending so predictable PAP musical chairs extravaganza that comes to us once every so many years. And obviously they get a new driver too.

Playing musical chairs at taxpayer expense?

Are the roles of each Minister in the Ministry unimportant enough that they can be swapped haphazardly just to gain political brownie points?

I also note that Mr Bukit Batok has been appointed a role. I guess his full-time job wasn’t paying enough to support his son’s particular “habits”.

As Lawless Wong had said, he is and will be following Pappy tradition. GKY (Misfire Gun) may just be a DPM seat warmer for a now missing Princeling to be fallen into place after GE if they manage to win and secure majority. Make no mistake.


Long Live Singapore. Loong Leave Singapore (after he pays for all his wrong doings).

Another point to add is that both DPMs are in the 60s with HSK (63) and GKY (65).

And both are really quite colourless men though I don’t doubt they are probably good people.

Poor ong long kang and kee chiu left out in the cold.

Aiyoh, red dot in deep sh*t. Scrapping bottom of the barrel.

Guitarman, circuit breaker and short runway

3G grown into 4 G. Where got hope. What LJ 4G trying to fake. Same group thinkers. More of the same as like investments past performance no guarantee of future same results.

So many lhl guards still around lawrence wong hw can he work independently

Too many cooks spoil the broth..

I guess why LW pick GKY is pretty obvious. During Covid crisis , ah Gan seem to LW, the type that can work together with him and take the blame and would be unlikely to sabo him. It takes ppl to go thru REAL LIFE crisis to know each other ,to know who are your friends and who are your enemies , even though CCS and OYK are supposed to be all on the SAME SIDE, they definitely ain’t ‘so friendly and co-operative’ in LW’s view to work with and so are all the other cabinet ministers and minister of… Read more »

Check out LW touching his pants pocket!!!!
Take care of your $$$$.
Because They Are All Out To Eat Up Sinkies.

We Are Now Officially A Banana Republic!!!!

Please remove all posts that are unnecessary like the Senior Minister and State Ministers. Work to be a Statesman not a PAP party man.

Oyk after seeing this picture will blow his top.
It used to be the 3 musketeers lw, gky and oyk in any picture during the pandemic period when holding the press conference.

Not very impressed with Syun Tsai’s decision and choice so far leh..

Playing musical chairs …

Lw has hinted everyone with this cabinet reshuffle.
Old clothes will be thrown out of the cabinet.
Buy new clothes to fill in.
Those clothes which is neither too old or new, will depend on their usefulness.

Wong – Gan – Heng, it sounds like Wong Kan Seng, an ex-mha minister.
Not sure these 2 wong has any relationship between them.

LawlanWong is smart to retain GKY – recall Gan was the originator of the No Blaming Culture, the expert of this skill. LW would need this in the coming months/years shifting through the shxt inherited from Kayu Son.

Moe Lan Yong becomes DPM?
So LW need someone who was so Moe Lan Yong when he was in MOH cos it would be better such kinds do not land up in any ministry?😆😆😆😆

I would want to wait for the full cabinet to be formed after the GE (assuming the PAP wins less than two thirds majority) to add further comments. However, the notable announcements to me are: 1) Gan Kim Yong as DPM. Is he going to lead the 5G team since he will be acting PM in LW’s absence? But LW really scrapped the bottom of the barrell on this. I was totally surprised (but then there is not much to choose from the existing cohort). In my view, GKY is too mild mannered. 2) Heng Swee Keat retaining his DPM… Read more »

A cupboard filled with lots of past expiry items

How come our Leeders are getting shorter

The BLACK COBRAs are NOT caught & put into the “wicker basket,yet? It is dangerous to let slither around conniving with the AQ SM to ensure the LEEgacy in elevation of the annointed one???!!!

The Architect of World’s 1st No Blame Culture adopted in SG nationwide is tonic for disaster, premature demise for SG. Thank you PAP.

Expect more CONCEALED deaths away from SGpn knowledge – great courtesy of the PAP, especially when it’s Election, the PAP play the MOST DIRTY games.

Wondering how big is Singapore or how many hundreds of million population are there that we required 1 PM, 2 DPM, 1 President, 5 Mayors.

And I’m still looking at it, did that Gan perform anything well or good during Covid time? His Health Ministry during Covid was eventually taken over by OYK not long after the GE
