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Ng Chee Meng appears in Bukit Batok after abandoning Sengkang GRC

Former PAP minister Ng Chee Meng’s presence in Bukit Batok fuels speculation of his departure from Sengkang GRC for better electoral odds. Observers suggest he may shift to constituencies with higher chances of victory after his GE2020 defeat.



SINGAPORE: Recent activities by Ng Chee Meng, a former Minister from the ruling People’s Action Party (PAP), have sparked speculation about his potential departure from Sengkang GRC to seek better electoral prospects in the upcoming General Election (GE).

Mr Ng, who is also the Secretary-General of the National Trades Union Congress (NTUC), recently posted a video on his personal Facebook page that showcased his interactions with residents in the Bukit Batok area, further fueling speculation about his political intentions.

His Facebook page consistently provides updates on his attendance at various union activities.

On April 21, he posted a video from a community event in Bukit Batok, where he appeared alongside Murali Pillai, the Member of Parliament for Bukit Batok Single Member Constituency (SMC).

Although the event was related to the Hari Raya celebrations by the NTUC FairPrice Cooperative, Mr Ng’s presence at a grassroots event in the constituency sparked speculation.

Political observers believe that the fourth-generation leadership would prefer to keep Ng Chee Meng within the PAP team, likely fielding him in constituencies with higher chances of victory.

In the 2020 biennial PAP conference, despite not making it to the top 12 members of PAP’s central executive committee – the highest decision-making body in PAP, Mr Ng was co-opted into the CEC. A similar arrangement was again made in 2022.

Ng had withdrawn from Sengkang GRC much earlier after new potential candidates were introduced to the PAP team there.

Observers speculate that he could be transferred to Jurong or Ang Mo Kio GRC, where the PAP’s vote share has historically been strong.

There’s a general belief that if Ng were to contest in the next general election, the nearby Jurong GRC might offer a suitable platform, given the vacant seat left by former senior PAP Minister Tharman Shanmugaratnam, who vacated it to contest in the Presidential Election last September.

It is unlikely that Ng, a former minister, would contest in an SMC.

However, observers predict that Bukit Batok might be absorbed into another GRC in the Electoral Boundary Review Committee’s review, as has happened in the past when the risk of losing it is high.

WP won Sengkang GRC in GE2020

In GE2020, the PAP candidates led by Mr Ng included former Senior Minister of State Lam Pin Min, Senior Parliamentary Secretary Amrin Amin, and Raymond Lye.

The Workers’ Party team that won the Sengkang GRC consisted of He Ting Ru, Raeesah Khan, Jamus Lim, and Louis Chua. They secured 52.13% of the votes, while the PAP received 47.87%.

This defeat marked a significant moment in Singapore’s political landscape, being another GRC won by WP after GE2011.

On 26 October 2023, the PAP introduced Mr Marcus Loh as a new branch chair within the WP-led GRC, as Mr Ng, Mr Amrin, and Mr Lye left the constituency for other wards.

Joining Associate Professor Elmie Nekmat (Sengkang Central), Ms Theodora Lai Xi Yi (Sengkang North), and former Senior Minister of State Lam Pin Min (Sengkang West), Mr Loh forms part of a team that aims to reclaim the GRC from the WP during the upcoming GE.

As speculation about the timing of the next GE grows, sources suggest it might be strategically held in September, potentially aligning with cash handouts from Budget 2024 and before major elections in the United States and the United Kingdom in November.

The anticipation grows as the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) officially announced on 15 April Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong’s decision to step down, with Deputy Prime Minister Lawrence Wong slated to succeed him on 15 May 2024.


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Salarlee too good to pass so die die must try luck elsewhere other wise how to survive without leeching on the losing papee bandwagon?!?

Let’s see if we will be surprised. Someone rejected by Sengkang, is accepted my Bukit Batok’s voters!

West side voters are not as smart of those in the East side. Take the case of Bukit Panjang. During the Pandemic period, Bukit Panjang’s voters failed to vote in an expert in virus, instead of voting a person who could not stand alone in a SMC, he needs to join the neighbouring GRC. In a statement, NTUC’s president Mary Liew said that Mr Ng had been elected to the post by NTUC’s central committee and his position was “independent of political appointments”. After losing the elections and no longer being a Cabinet Minister, under what criteria can he still be co-opted into NTUC CC to stand for elections? What does NTUC’s constitution actually require? Wouldn’t even regular Union Exec Committee positions require active employment as a criteria to qualify to stand for elections? It is remarkable that the Ex President of NTUC claims that the Sec-Gen position was “independent of political appointments’… Read more »

This NCM damn siong, CNA put uo a wayang news article featuring him saying supporting workers…blah..blah…kenna hamtam in the comments section until CNA withdrew the video!😆😆😆

I think this time round whichever single ward, which I doubt or GRC he goes to, the whole GRC team will be hari kiri!
Same as Lam pah bin..err…I mean Lam Pin Min….name spoil already cannot show face again lah!😆😆😆😆

I have feeling that former CDF, LG Ng(NS) Ng CM is still making a comeback and he is still considered to be quite an effective leader at the NTUC n he might b facing tough opponent

As NTUC SecGen, part of the wayang Tripartite framework, he not aware that 94.5% of last year’s job growth went to foreigners, meh? Singaporeans should beware of smiling tigers, hor.

You guys please comment fairly. Why NCM cannot come back if he has the heart to serve? Did you folks comment anything when losers oppo come back every election when they got rejected again and again. Especially the BB CSJ , he lost in the main election and by election (which oppo supposed to do well) and moving around for so many years looking for opportunities still doesn’t want to accept the rejection. Comment about others, look at yourself first. When I highlighted the truth it hurts right?

If NCM is going to BB, this is called a “tactical” move. As an army general, NCM would have gone through training like “take cover”

He is putting his military training into practice

Remember Fire Hose got no water !! tsk tsk tsk

We need more oppositions to serve Singaporeans, faster-err, cheaper-err & better-err. LOL

Face it, he got KICKED OUT by the people fair and square, meaning people DON”T WANT him. Why seemingly force people to want him? His sugar-daddy may need him, but do the people need his sugar-daddy anymore? Chickened out of the next mandate-voting already – what does that says?

what are free riders? tsk tsk tsk

Vote wisely.

Last edited 3 months ago by john lim

It is pretty clear by now the Kayu Son’s ex-Army General club is just a club of Free Riders, aka balls carriers.

This is just simply the standard pappies way of doing things: When one monkey failed, they simply rotate him/her into another post to try again … and again …. and again.

Well Lam Pin Min oso like Weinstein group 69. By right not elected … Should be off. Yet they have plenty of money to keep staging on and on.

The empire that cannot accept No as an answer.

I am Not going anywhere like Chew from Tik Tok. So I will stay around, hang around, harrass until you say Yes. No?!?

A person who had never been in the workforce and was a civil servant/soldier all his adult life and then a political office holder. Having not being a labour union member all this time, can be parachuted to become labour Chief of all labour chiefs.

How does this system work?
Fantasy Island is a democratic nation?

Be wise, open your eyes!

How is he able to remain as Sec-Gen of NTUC after losing the elections?

Murali going to be let go..?
Once LW takes over next month, some will be ” stepping down”.
They always step down, but never OUT!
Leeches clinging on and sucking the blood of peasants ..
Easiest way to earn a mil$ salary anywhere.

Like this surely BB vote CSJ. What difference can this NCM make. Another free rider on tax payer money.

Please don’t mention Bukit Batok, … in any context !!!

The idiots and imbeciles there had not one, but two opportunities to cast their votes, … for new blood, new representation and a new voice, but, … they overwhelmingly stood firm and chose to stick with the pap !!!

I certainly expect no complaints, moans or disquiet from this pathetic Bukit Batok lot, … for they truly deserve all that they’ve wished and voted for !!!

Different form of horse trading – tasteless PAP.

Like eating durian, must bao chiat leh!

Papy style, ah meng thrown out from left door, wiill get back in by right door



Whats so good about any of them…only know how to make motherhood statements…reading from scripts..
So jelak…

He come to BB maybe because current MP Murali too busy with his law firm practice and his son previously have some news right?
