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China and Indonesia unite in support of Palestine’s UN membership bid

China and Indonesia jointly support Palestine’s bid for full UN membership, advocating for a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. They emphasize the importance of restraint, ceasefire, and humanitarian aid access in Gaza.



China and Indonesia unite in support of Palestine's UN membership bid

INDONESIA: China and Indonesia have announced their unified support for Palestine’s full membership in the United Nations, a declaration made ahead of the UN Security Council vote on Thursday (18 April).

Indonesian Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi stated after a meeting with her Chinese counterpart, Wang Yi, that both nations are committed to backing Palestine’s bid for full UN membership.

During their meeting, Minister Retno emphasized the importance of exercising restraint and de-escalating tensions in the region, echoing China’s stance on the matter.

The discussions underscored Indonesia’s diplomatic endeavors concerning the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, emphasizing the significance of achieving a ceasefire in Gaza and pursuing a fair resolution through a two-state solution.

Minister Wang took the opportunity to urge the United States, a key ally of Israel, to heed the international community’s voice and prioritize peace efforts over personal interests.

He criticized the US for dismissing UN Security Council resolutions as “non-binding,” emphasizing the binding nature of such resolutions under the UN Charter.

Minister Wang’s official visit to Indonesia included meetings with President Joko Widodo and Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto.

Discussions focused on addressing the humanitarian crisis resulting from the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, with China and Indonesia advocating for the full implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 2728, particularly the establishment of a sustainable ceasefire and the facilitation of humanitarian aid access to Gaza.

China urged all relevant parties to exercise restraint and prevent further escalation of the conflict, emphasizing the importance of accepting Palestine as a full UN member state.

In late March, the US abstained from a vote on Resolution 2728, which called for an immediate ceasefire throughout Ramadan.

Despite the resolution’s passage, Israel continued its airstrikes on civilian infrastructure in Gaza, prompting international condemnation.

US vetoes Palestinian bid for full UN membership

Riyad Mansour, the Permanent Observer of the State of Palestine for the UN, sent a letter to the Secretary-General on 2 April, requesting renewed consideration of Palestine’s membership application.

To achieve full membership in the United Nations, an application must initially secure approval from the Security Council, with support from at least nine out of its 15 members and no veto from any of the five permanent members.

Following Security Council approval, the application must then secure the support of at least two-thirds of the 193-member General Assembly.

However, the United States has utilized its veto power to block a Palestinian request for full UN membership, marking a significant setback for Palestinian statehood recognition within the international community.

The vote within the 15-member Security Council resulted in 12 members in favor, with the US opposing and two abstentions from the UK and Switzerland.

Deputy US Ambassador to the UN, Robert Wood, reiterated the US’s support for a two-state solution while explaining the decision, emphasizing the necessity of direct negotiations between the involved parties.

“The United States continues to strongly support a two-state solution. This vote does not reflect opposition to Palestinian statehood, but instead is an acknowledgment that it will only come from direct negotiations between the parties.”

In response, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas strongly condemned the US veto, denouncing it as “unfair, immoral, and unjustified.”

Abbas asserted that the move defied the will of the international community, which widely supports Palestine’s quest for full UN membership.

Conversely, Israel’s Foreign Minister Israel Katz praised the US decision, describing the resolution as a “shameful proposal” and asserting that it amounted to rewarding terrorism.

Palestine’s bid for full UN membership coincides with a period of heightened tensions following a deadly Israeli offensive in the Gaza Strip.

The escalation began after a cross-border attack by the Palestinian group Hamas on 7 October.

The ongoing conflict has resulted in significant casualties, with both Palestinian and Israeli lives lost.

The attack resulted in the deaths of over 1,200 Israelis and the abduction of more than 240 hostages.

Israel responded with a military assault, which, according to Gaza authorities, claimed the lives of nearly 34,000 people.

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The trust in the US is dwindling each day to save human lives. It is showing itself in conspiracy with the Zionists to keep the Palestinians in an open prison and allowing illegal settlements on Occupied Lands. It is also betraying it’s own citizens when it uses American taxpayers’ monies to pay weapon manufacturers to continue funding wars. There is no reason to veto a Palestinian State. As it has a conflict of interest, it should abstain from voting. This will end the War.

US veto shows that it is no longer suited to be the so called “leader of the free world”.

The 2-state solution is an ideal but Hamas has made it unattainable. PLO couldn’t control/contain Hamas after the Oslo Accords (in 1990s), PA couldn’t control/contain Hamas now (2020s). PA was truly caught off-guard by Hamas 7 Oct attack – showing “Palestinians” can’t rein in their own terrorists. Gaza as a test-bed for self-rule is also a failure because of Hamas. The stumbling block to any progress towards peace is simply one party doesn’t want peace over the decades. Just look at what can be achieved if both sides are willing to truly talk peace – Egypt and Jordon doesn’t have… Read more »
