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Palestinian Authority renews bid for United Nations membership

Palestinian Authority renews request for UN membership, seeking renewed consideration for their 2011 application. Efforts include letters to key UN figures and preparation for a Security Council vote this month, amidst growing global calls for a two-state solution.



Palestine permanent observer for the UN, Riyad Mansour

PALESTINE: The Palestinian Authority has once again made a formal request for membership in the United Nations, as announced in a statement posted on X by the Palestinian Permanent Observer to the UN on Wednesday (3 April).

“Today, the State of Palestine and upon instructions of the Palestinian leadership, sent a letter to the Secretary General requesting renewed consideration to (Palestine) membership application.”

The letter dated 2 April, signed by Riyad Mansour, Permanent Observer of the State of Palestine for UN, referred back to the initial application for membership submitted in September 2011 and sought renewed consideration in the current month.

On 23 September 2011, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas submitted the Palestinian Authority’s application to become the 194th member of the United Nations to then-Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon.

However, despite their efforts, the Palestinian bid encountered a setback as they failed to secure UN recognition as an independent member state.

Nevertheless, in the subsequent year, there was a notable development as the UN revised their status from “non-member observer entity” to “non-member observer state,” aligning with the status held by the Vatican within the international body.

In tandem with the State of Palestine’s letter, the Arab Group, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), and the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) dispatched a joint communication dated 2 April to key UN figures.

Addressed to UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, President of the General Assembly Dennis Francis, and President of the Security Council Vanessa Frazier, this letter signifies collective support for the admission of Palestine as a Member State of the United Nations.

The letter emphasized, “In this connection, we wish to bring to your attention that, as of this date, 140 Member States have recognized the State of Palestine.”

To achieve full membership in the United Nations, an application must initially secure approval from the Security Council, with support from at least nine out of its 15 members and no veto from any of the five permanent members.

Following Security Council approval, the application must then secure the support of at least two-thirds of the 193-member General Assembly.

Speaking to Reuters, Mansour informed that the goal was for the Security Council to reach a decision during a ministerial meeting on the Middle East scheduled for 18 April, although no vote had been arranged as of yet.

He noted that a previous Palestinian application for full membership, dating back to 2011, remained unresolved as the 15-member council had not formally decided on it.

“The intention is to put the application to a vote in the Security Council this month,” Mansour stated.

For April, Malta holds the presidency of the Security Council.

However, Vanessa Frazier, Malta’s UN Ambassador, clarified that she had not yet received a formal request for action from the Palestinians.

Amidst efforts to end the ongoing conflict, there has been mounting global pressure for the resumption of initiatives aimed at brokering a two-state solution, which entails the establishment of an independent Palestinian state alongside Israel.

Gaza conflict: Rising casualties and destruction amidst Israeli offensive

The conflict in Gaza has taken a devastating toll, with casualties mounting on both sides.

Since 7 October, at least 32,916 Palestinians have lost their lives, and 75,494 have been wounded in Israeli attacks.

Hamas’s attack on 7 October has resulted in a death toll of 1,139 in Israel, with several individuals still held captive.

Amidst the chaos, Israel’s military has concluded a two-week raid on al-Shifa hospital in Gaza City, leaving significant destruction in its wake.

The hospital, a vital medical complex, now lies largely in ruins, with Gaza’s Hamas-run health ministry reporting the discovery of dozens of bodies amidst the devastation.

According to the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), the operation targeted Hamas operatives who had sought refuge within the hospital premises.

The health ministry has declared the medical complex “completely out of service,” with reports of bodies, some in a decomposed state, discovered in and around the premises.

On 3 April, UN Secretary-General Guterres took to X to condemn the violence in Gaza, expressing particular sorrow over the loss of aid workers.

The recent Israeli strike, resulting in the deaths of seven World Central Kitchen staff members, has added to the grim toll, bringing the total number of aid workers killed in Gaza to 196, with over 175 being UN personnel.

Guterres denounced these losses as “unconscionable.”

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has acknowledged the involvement of Israeli forces in the attack, attributing it to unintentional actions amid the chaos of warfare.

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Who the F**k is actually in charge of that God forsaken place? PA or HAMAS or Israel?

You think Hamas terrorists and Palestine terrorists (90%) supporters will get a 2 state solutions after what they did in 7th October 2023?

Last edited 3 months ago by john lim

Even Muslim countries in that region DO NOT want Palestinians in their lands, why some keep thinking it is the INTERNATIONAL community that must do something???

Palestine was just an area conquered by the Ottoman Empire( Turks) . Its not even a nation, a country or nation.

How can it joined as a member of the United Nations? LoL

The UN could grant them both membership and recognition as an independent state but nothing would change on the ground WITHOUT tangible action from the rest of the international community.

Yes, UN should grant PA something like “non-member observer state” status. Then Hamas in the Gaza strip will fight PA/Hezbollah in the West bank. Really unsure which side PIJ will align with, maybe even become a 3-corner civil war.

Google Palestine please. 90% Palestinians are supporters of Hamas terrorist group.

They wanted free food, free medical aid, free Palestine.

Totally absurd.

What rights does Hamas terrorists have?


Netanyahu already said: No Hostages, No Cease Fire!!! Stop bargaining please.

Hope they achieve their goals of a State of Palestine. The Zionists will then be forced to leave Gaza and the West Bank.
