Leong Mun Wai steps down as PSP Secretary-General over POFMA directive received
Leong Mun Wai resigns as PSP Secretary-General, taking responsibility for a POFMA correction directive. His move reflects accountability, with Hazel Poa stepping up as his successor.

Progress Singapore Party (PSP)’s Leong Mun Wai resigned from his position as the secretary-general on 20 February to take responsibility for a correction direction he received under the Protection from Online Falsehoods and Manipulation Act (Pofma) on 15 February.
Despite stepping down, the Non-Constituency MP (NCMP) will continue to serve on the party’s central executive committee (CEC), marking a pivotal moment of accountability within the political organization.
Mr Leong’s resignation paves the way for fellow NCMP Hazel Poa, who was elected and immediately assumed the secretary-general role on the same day. This leadership transition comes in the wake of Leong taking
The PSP, in a statement released on 23 February, expressed pride in Leong’s demonstration of accountability, emphasizing that his actions reflect the values the party stands by.
Mr Leong had been ordered by the Pofma office to correct a social media post made on 12 February, which Mr Masagos Zulkifli, the Minister of Social and Family Development, said it had inaccurately represented the financial aid given to a couple in West Coast.
Following the reception of the directive, Mr Leong removed the offending Facebook post and made a new post, stating that he had been “drawn in” by the couple who had fallen on hard times.
Mr Leong, 65, joined the PSP in 2019 and initially served as the assistant secretary-general until July 2020. He then focused on his role as an NCMP, contributing significantly to the party’s efforts and governance.
Ms Hazel Poa, the newly appointed secretary-general, is no stranger to PSP’s leadership dynamics, having previously served as the party’s vice-chairman.
Her election marks her as the fourth secretary-general since the PSP’s founding in 2019 by Dr Tan Cheng Bock, a notable figure in Singaporean politics for being a former member of parliament with the ruling People’s Action Party (PAP) and a candidate who nearly won in the Presidential Election 2011 and blocked from contesting again in 2017 due to changes in the criteria for candidates.

One big lesson learnt for all alternative party members is to be very wary of cases drawn to their attention during their so-call walkabout or being from whatever sources. They perhaps should seek clarifications with the relevant agencies to ascertain the case before posting. They can post their views thereafter whether they were able to ascertain the facts or not as the relevant agencies has not been forthcoming .This way there is no way they can get themselves cornered by being POFMAed.
Just an afterthought, could this case have been to fix LMW? My two cents worth????
For all his supposedly un-parliamentary conduct, Singaporeans deep down inside do and must appreciate for all the questions he had been asking in Parliament. If not for LMW, the ruling elite wouldn’t be so exasperated knowing they can’t don’t answer his questions, no matter what the ruling elites wants Singaporeans to believe the questions ansked are absurd. Yes, the couple’s untruths in telling LMW their predicament may have done him in, but honestly in Singapore, can Oppies lay their hands easily on relevant facts and figures unless they are released by the ruling elites like in the couple’s case? Whatever… Read more »
Despite the higher profile of LMW, HP may be better suited to lead PSP.
In this environment, it is critical to verify the accuracy of your allegations before reacting publicly.
Repeated apologies or retractions and your credibility takes a hit. You can’t fight like a novice boxer with one good punch in the professional ring.
LMW’s sincerity is undoubted. The fact that he stepped down speaks volumes of his character.
But this may not be enough to convince the swing votes who are more concerned about effectiveness and the costs of supporting an Opposition Party.
Like the 6x record breaking king of pofma kj really must cut off his own kj.
oppies scoring self goal. No wonder he was leader appealing to looser oppies.
A very strategic move just to highlight the shortcomings of the gang residing in Pappy’s ivory tower.It clearly displays before SG voters the difference between acceptance of the wrong and take appropriate actions just to be accountable,and being evasive just hope that the matters would magically disappear.It’s interesting to see how many more GRCs Pappies will loose in the coming GE.
Aiya…..Aiya…..it always proves that I am right, oppies are perpetually silly and dumb, very fond of s scoring own goal. Resignation not going to prove credibility and responsibility, but only admission of guilt and shows pofma is the right tools and whatever being pofma are lies and fake news. Moreover, you are setting precedent for future that whoever got pofma the penalty is step down. I still don’t believe lmw can be so dumb, either some powerful in psp is not happy or his position has been eyed, internal rift and he is being pressured. (Just my speculative guess like… Read more »
This proves one thing, that oppies are liars and capable of telling lies to defame our government ministers. Oppies cannot be trusted. We don’t and won’t vote for liars. Only liars like the oppies on this forum vote for liars!!
Have you seen a papig mp or minister resign over receiving a pofma? It will never happen, for 2 rules: rule 1, papigs will never issue papigs any pofma because pofma is a political tool solely for targeting opposition parties and anyone within Sinkapoor who disagrees with pap, and rule 2, even if the papigs received their own pofma, they still will never resign. Why? Always refer to rule 1, if ever in doubt.Tyranny reigns when people are scared of the ruling regime. We should not be scared but hold pap accountable the same way PSP had demonstrated this accountability… Read more »
POFMA applies only to oppies?
Does it apply to $8 heart surgery man, $1000 HDB affordability man? what do you think? tsk tsk tsk
So will the other opposition leaders step down cause of a pofma directive why should they when they are telling the truth
Happy Chap Goh Meh to Terry Xu, staff of gutzy.asia and all “genuine and proper” contributors here.
Havv a gert great day and night ahead.
Ch ee rS.
LMW did the decent thing and as SecGen, … displayed honour, integrity and accountability. But, … would the brotherhood and sisterhood of the lightning party have done the same, if found wanting, … let alone erred in their facts or abusing their position, power and policies ?!!! Certainly, … two wrongs don’t make a right, but, it’s just a shame that LMW was far too swift and super~virtuous with his resignation, which will neither be reciprocated or respected by this regime !!! Imagine, for those whom have been pofmaed to date did the same, … KJ, LT and Dr Chee… Read more »
The shit stirrers are pro pap people who get offended at everything the opposition says
Leong cannot fxxk off ….permanently cos he is the official oppo shit stirrer.
Without him, no one else who want to or even do such shit job.
It is no joke.
Cos every time Leong stir some shit, he is already prepared to get the shit thrown back to his face.
And this ain’t a pleasant job and a smelly one too!😆😆😆🤣🤣🤣🤣
What is POFMA it is an excuse of an law
It’s no big deal on the guffaw Mun Wai. We trust your principled stand.
Looking fwd to cast our vote for you and members of your team in west coast.
What is POFMA it is an excuse of an law that the gov never apply to themselves
POFMA , Prevent Oppositions From Making Assumptions? No? tsk tsk tsk
As I said several times, we need 50% oppies and 50% pappies in Parliament.
The morreer parties we have, the betterr and fasterr these parties can serve Singaporeans. What do you think?
We have to question pofma, do any of the ministers apply this law to themselves it is a fair question to ask
There are many situations where the ministers themselves also got away with lying in parliament, Leong Mun Wai was doing his job as a NCMP, I have to say definition of what pap constitutes as falsehood is flawed in itself
Is alright to hold the opposition accountable for falsehoods but there are many instances where a senior minister lied and got away with like Tracetogether for example yes Vivian apologised but he wasn’t fined for it when Khan Was fined so why wasn’t Vivian fined for also lying in parliament
Agree with Martin Lee. No need to give any weight to POFMA. Is Masagos going to resign for trampling on the couple’s privacy? No one, be it a citizen and more so a Minister has the right to reveal the couple’s balances in their CPF accounts. LMW stepped down. How about Masagos who is also quiet on the spending of $39,000/- of taxpayers’ monies on this couple.
Why Hara Kiri
So Tragic .
Don’t believe anything or anyone who gets pofma IS A JOKE OF A LAW anyway
He shouldn’t have stepped down
The situation lends weight to criticisms suggesting that POFMA has become a tool for the PAP to suppress opposition and alternative voices rather than tackling disinformation.
When pofma is applied to an opposition doesn’t mean pofma has any credibility in the first place