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WP supporters express condolences for the passing of ex-NCMP Yee Jenn Jong’s father

Former WP NCMP Yee Jenn Jong shared his father’s passing at 91 due to cancer. In three heartfelt blog posts, he chronicled his father’s life, highlighting its goodness, longevity, and relative health.



(LEFT) A photo shared by Mr Yee depicts his father putting up GE2020 poster outside his house. (RIGHT) A photo of Mr Yee visiting neighbors during GE2011 with his dad.

Yee Jenn Jong, a former Non-Constituency Member of Parliament (NCMP) from the Workers’ Party, recently shared the news of his father’s passing at the age of 91.

On 12 January, Mr Yee updated his personal Facebook page, announcing the departure of his father, Yee Mun Mow (余漫谋).

In a series of blog posts, Mr Yee chronicled his father’s entire life journey—from his early years in Gopeng, Malaysia, through the challenges of World War II, his transition to a teaching career, the establishment of a family in Singapore, navigating political turmoil during the founding of Singapore, and witnessing the successful marriages and careers of all four children.

According to Mr Yee, his father experienced sudden chest pain and weakness in his hands in early November 2023.

By late November, the pain became unbearable, leading to breathing difficulties, and he was rushed to the A&E, where the family learned that his left lung was filled with fluid.

A subsequent CT scan confirmed the presence of large tumours deep in the left lung, with further scans revealing its spread to the brain and liver. Given his age, only palliative treatment was deemed feasible.

During his father’s critical illness, Mr Yee composed three poignant articles, describing his father’s good, long, and relatively healthy life.

“At 90, he would still walk the neighbourhood on his own, albeit weaker since recovering from prostate cancer 5 years ago.”

In a heartfelt Facebook post, Mr Yee expressed gratitude that the hospital alerted them to his father’s final moments, providing them with a private room to say their goodbyes.

The rapid deterioration of his father’s health in the last months was profoundly painful for the family.

Previously healthy and active, he became bed-bound, sometimes unable even to feed himself. Mr Yee acknowledged the feeling of helplessness, wishing they could have done more for him.

Reflecting on his childhood, Mr Yee shared that his father was the person he looked up to—the capable one who could do so many things.

“Dad, you have spent your whole life worrying for us. You can rest in peace. We have all grown up. You have done what you could. Thank you.”

Support to his son despite opposing him to contest in GE2011

In another FB post on Sunday, Mr Yee shared a photo capturing his father as he proudly put up Mr Yee’s election campaign poster during the General Election 2020.

Mr Yee, who contested in Marine Parade GRC under the WP flag in GE2020, shared that before GE2011, his parent never voted for any party.

“They spoilt their votes every time because they did not want the winning party to accuse them of supporting the other side, whoever won, ” said Mr Yee.

Mr Yee’s father, a former Chinese teacher in Chinese medium schools since 1960, had witnessed colleagues losing jobs or facing imprisonment without trial during Operations Coldstore.

They had endured riots and, as a result, avoided politics entirely, refusing to discuss it, even with their children when they were young.

Mr Yee shared that his father broke his silence about his voting preferences only in 2011 when he confided in his son.

Mr Yee also revealed that in 2011, his dad opposed his decision to contest in GE in Joo Chiat SMC.

However, as the election unfolded, when he visited the neighbourhood where he resided, his father surprised him by requesting a WP blue volunteer T-shirt and actively joined Mr Yee in visiting acquaintances.

“He took my flyers and gave to the stall owners in Joo Chiat SMC’s coffeeshops that he frequented. He called up every friend living in the constituency to tell them to support me. ”

In a touching revelation, Mr Yee shared an incident from that time when one of his posters fell off the board near his house. Without informing him, his father picked it up and proudly displayed it on the front gate of their home.

“In GE2015 and GE2020, I gave him a properly mounted poster each GE which he would proudly put on his gate. He continued to tell friends living in the constituencies to vote for me.”

“Such was my dad. Despite his intense apprehension about anything political, he would openly show his support for his son.”

He further emphasized that this unwavering support extended beyond political endeavours, encompassing all his children and grandchildren. Whenever they excelled or needed support, his father would proudly share their achievements or be there to offer his steadfast encouragement.

Heartfelt tributes pour in from friends and WP supporters

Mr Yee’s Facebook post was inundated with messages of support and condolences from friends and well-wishers, reflecting the outpouring of sympathy for the Yee family.

Mr Foo Seck Guan, WP Deputy Organising Secretary, shared comforting words with his fellow party comrade, expressing his belief that the late Mr Yee will find peace.

He also extended gratitude for the late Mr Yee’s contributions to the Singapore education system.

Another supporter lauded the father-son duo, expressing unwavering support for the WP. The supporter emphasized their acknowledgement of the commendable work undertaken by both individuals, both within and outside the parliamentary sphere.




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Condolences to Mr Yee
