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Singapore expresses grave concern over Gaza crisis at UN emergency session

Expressing alarm over Gaza’s escalating humanitarian crisis, Singapore emphasized the urgency of an immediate ceasefire.

Ambassador Burhan Gafoor at the UN reiterated Singapore’s unwavering stance against terrorism and urged for a two-state solution, emphasizing it as the sole path to a fair and all-encompassing resolution.



SINGAPORE: Singapore’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Ambassador Burhan Gafoor, addressed a reconvened emergency special session of the UN General Assembly on Thursday (15 Dec), expressing the nation’s deep concern over the escalating humanitarian crisis in Gaza.

The meeting, lasting 3½ hours, saw representatives from more than 20 nations supporting a UN resolution that called for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire and the unconditional release of hostages.

The United States veto prompted the emergency session on 8 December of a binding UN Security Council resolution for a ceasefire, which Singapore had co-sponsored.

However, with a significant majority, the General Assembly adopted the ceasefire resolution, garnering support from 153 out of 193 member states.

Notably, ten nations, including the United States and Israel, voted against it, while 23 abstained.

Ambassador Gafoor emphasized Singapore’s endorsement of the resolution’s call for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire.

The Singaporean representative stressed the urgency of ensuring unimpeded humanitarian aid to the civilian population in Gaza, which has been severely affected by the conflict.

The toll on Palestinian lives has been devastating, with over 18,700 reported casualties during Israel’s air and ground assault over the past 10 weeks.

The crisis has displaced 85 % of Gaza’s 2.3 million population, creating a dire humanitarian situation.

Ambassador Gafoor acknowledged Israel’s right to defend itself but urged compliance with international humanitarian law, emphasizing proportionality and the avoidance of indiscriminate civilian casualties.

In his address, Gafoor expressed regret that the UN resolution did not condemn or reference the actions of Hamas, whose attack on 7 October triggered the crisis.

Strong anti-terror stance and advocates two-state solution for lasting peace in the Middle East

He firmly asserted Singapore’s stance that terrorist attacks by any party cannot be condoned or justified.

Reiterating Singapore’s longstanding position, Gafoor called for a negotiated two-state solution as the only viable path to a just and comprehensive resolution.

This framework envisions the establishment of an independent Palestinian state alongside Israel, urging leaders on both sides to show leadership and work towards this goal.

Delegates from Israel and Palestine used the platform to blame each other for the crisis, showcasing the deep-seated divisions.

The Palestinian representative, Riyad Mansour, characterized Israel’s actions as a war against Palestinian civilians and history.

In contrast, Israel’s delegate, Gilad Erdan, deemed the support for a ceasefire as “sickening,” emphasizing Israel’s right to defend itself against Hamas.

International support for the resolution was echoed by delegates from Indonesia, Malaysia, Cambodia, China, Denmark, Sweden, Ireland, and Qatar.

The United States, facing internal differences, continued to provide military support to Israel but signalled a potential loss of international support for its conduct in the war.

As the General Assembly made its voice heard in this rare emergency session, differences between the U.S. and Israeli leadership became evident.

President Joe Biden warned of a potential loss of international support for Israel’s war conduct, and differences emerged over the post-war scenario.

While Biden supports a two-state solution, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu envisions an open-ended Israeli occupation of Gaza and continued settlement in the West Bank.

The emergency special session marked only the 11th in the UN’s 73-year history, illustrating the gravity of the situation.

These sessions allow nations to express their views when the UN Security Council faces a deadlock.

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1948 Ottoman Empire stole the land from Romans Empire. Romans Empire stole land from Israel in 63 BC. Romans rename Judah to Palestine. (Palestine never existed) Palestinians are babies now.

Concerns? tsk tsk tsk

UN gave money to help Palestine.

Palestine use Gaza strip to build tunnels for terrorists. Palestine have to blame themselves

Btw our high food costs and high cost of living are a major concerns. next month is 9% GST increase. What do you think?

This whole saga escalates due to the 7 Oct brazen attack into Israeli soil. The so-called high casualty rate in Gaza could have been partly due to the fact that the Palestinians in Gaza were either meek and fear the Hamas or they are die-hard sympathizers and supporters of Hamas that they chose to remain when IDF launched their offensive to snuff out the Hamas. Collateral damage is inevitable in any close conflict and more so in this case. The massive network of tunnels found in Gaza is clear evidence of Hamas intention of taking on Israel rather than seeking… Read more »

repeating the same old news except we listen to a Burhan buffoon talk cock? fuck off lah. BUT to be fair, a pappie finally mentioned hamas doing terror things in the news here? SHOCKING!!!!

If you are going to call out Hamas on the Oct. 7th attack, please call out the Israelis as also terrorist for the attacks on Palestinians for decades and the deaths of thousands of Palestinians. If you want to stop the genocide, stop stroking the US and the Israelis. Expel the Israeli ambassador if you want to make a clear stand. If you don’t, you are a party to the genocide and just continuing in this game playing in the UN. I, as a citizen of Singapore demand of the PAP govt. to expel the Israeli ambassador until a ceasefire… Read more »

The Israeli equivalent of Hitler, Goering, Himmler and the SS are doing the “holocaust” equivalent in Gaza and the world does nothing but spout ineffective and pointless words. Heck, they don’t even dare to speak plainly and frankly apparently afraid of being called out as being anti-“semitic”.

Wonder what the Palestinians will get out of this. The “Israelis” got a state carved out from what belonged to the Palestinians in the first place after suffering through WWII.

Stage all these or have knowledge of it and pretend to be concern? For who to see?!?
All these benefit the Elites and their talents … No?!? Answer direct!
