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M Ravi files for Tharman’s disqualification in upcoming PE 2023

M Ravi lodged an application urging Presidential candiate, Tharman Shanmugaratnam’s disqualification from the election due to past convictions.

He cited constitutional breaches and past fines for disclosing state secrets, questioning eligibility. Ravi’s live Facebook stream detailed the filing and donations supporting his stance.



SINGAPORE: The renowned human rights lawyer M Ravi lodged an application with the Supreme Court on Tuesday (29 Aug), seeking the disqualification of Tharman Shanmugaratnam, a presidential candidate, from the upcoming elections.

The 53-year-old lawyer had been given a five-year suspension earlier this year due to accusations of professional misconduct.

Broadcasting via Facebook from outside the Supreme Court premises, Ravi discussed the submission he had made.

“I just filed an application in the Supreme Court Registry for a declaration that Tharman Shanmugaratnam has breached several articles of the Constitution, including Article 19, that disallow a president (sic) who has a criminal conviction to stand for election.”

He stated that Mr Tharman, a former PAP senior minister, has been previously fined for “disclosing state secrets”, a circumstance that, in Ravi’s view, should disqualify him from participating in the presidential race.

Article 45(1)(e) of the Constitution stipulates that an individual who has been convicted of a crime by a court of law in Singapore or Malaysia and has received a prison sentence of at least one year, or a fine of at least S$2,000, and has not been granted a pardon, is ineligible to compete in the General Election or hold a seat in Parliament.

Ravi proceeded to reference Article 27, which pertains to the oath of allegiance to Singapore.

Mr Tharman had been found guilty under the Official Secrets Act (OSA) in 1994 for his role in allowing sensitive governmental information to be shared with the media.

Mr Ravi said these matters should have been referred to the Constitutional Court properly by the cabinet of Constitutional Court by Ms Halimah Yacob, or the cabinet, whichever the case may be.

“Under Article 100, it is stated that “the President may refer to a tribunal consisting of not less than 3 Supreme Court Judges for its opinion [on] any question as to the effect of any provision of this Constitution which has arisen or appears to him likely to arise.”

Ravi further argued that Tharman had not renounced his international commitments and had expressed his determination not to do so. He seemed to be alluding to Tharman’s involvement with the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) board of trustees.

Emphasizing that this was an “urgent motion to suspend the election,” Ravi submitted the application on his own behalf and on behalf of “all concerned citizens.”

Ravi: George Goh had been “unfairly disqualified”

Mr Ravi can be seen in the video, donning a George Goh polo t-shirt, an item from Goh’s charity sale after he failed to meet the election requirements.

Addressing Goh as “Mr. Gregory,” Ravi remarked that the former aspiring presidential candidate had been “unfairly disqualified” and “should be winning the elections”.

Ravi then proclaimed Tan Kin Lian, another presidential candidate, as the election’s winner, noting that Tan had vowed to halt all executions.

Mr Tan recently expressed his belief that “it is okay to be merciful” to drug mules, but he would be not so forgiving” in the event of an influx of drug offenders, according to CNA.

Ravi argued that the establishment of a commission was necessary.

“There should be a presidential commission to be set up for a commission of inquiry for me to cross examine all the DPPs (Deputy Public Prosecutors) in question. I don’t need license to do that, any citizen can do that.”

Concluding his live broadcast, Ravi asserted his pride in being a “genuine Singaporean” and viewed his submission as his civic duty, akin to “national service.”

Ravi also uploaded images of his submitted documents in another Facebook post.


M Ravi secures S$600 for filing costs

In the video, Ravi also divulged that he had collected a total of S$600 from two donations, which he utilized to cover the filing costs.

One contribution of S$100 originated from his nephew within the Epiphany Church community.

“I am very proud of the congregation of the Epiphany Church for the pursuit of truth and justice. That there is no god beyond truth and justice.”

The additional S$500, he revealed, had been contributed by a “local Chinese woman” who gave her donation “without fear”.



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SO pappies raise the bar to let botak come in? LoL

Human rights Lawyer, Ravi: Thank you !!!

Yeah, Tan Kin Lian is the winner by default !!!!! Huat !!!!

Well done Ravi !!!

If its true that you have a case, we will support you !!

God is the greatest !!!! Above pappy and pappie stooges in the highest.

This one already confirmed SIAO.
Out of job , no more able to practice, if he goes on like this for the rest of his life, no one would pity him even as of now, no one really pity him.
All these oppo losers would just poke him to go on and stir more shit,
Afterall, some siao lang got to do this and Ravi fits in ….perfectly!😆😆😆😆

This Ravi guy is very passionate about what he does and we thank him. But will the courts act in time to halt the candidacy of TS? After all we’d like to say our courts and judicial system is not pliant or beholden to certain entity/entities??

Tis election will show the % in SG of, wealthy, dun.kno…….. by lokin at the % vote of yellow.Clown.thorn

I support Ravi for President

Under a well tested system where “the rule ( by/of) law” can be applied under a perfectly controlled situation,that honorable petition by SG’s honorable son will certainly not see the “day of light”.As usual it will be swept under that overflowing carpet.😴😴😴😴😴.What do you think??

BIG Thanks to Ravi for his selfless efforts contributing to a better singapore!

Whats worse than Leaking Official Secrets in terms of character?

Conflict of Interest!

And i am not even gonna start on pineapple without the hair (crown)

Conflict of Interest! GG said also , both keys must not be the same!
A matter of Principle.

Private sector has high standards. A judge will recuse himself in a case involving people closely associated with him.

Public sector should do the same and learn from Private sector
