The famed Oyen of Malaysia's National Zoo once again captures social media's attention, this time sharing the limelight with a serene female calico cat named 'Ompok.'...
"Please double-check before you set off on your journey": In an unforeseen twist, a family's university enrollment trip took a comic turn as their youngest was...
A viral video captures a heated dispute between a couple near a store. Startlingly, the woman rushes towards a car, which halts just in time. She...
Singapore's premier tour agency, Chan Brothers Travel, is pursuing legal action against certain "public figures" following statements made during a Facebook live stream. Online forums link...
Last Saturday, protestors aged 18 to 56 were arrested at SOGO shopping mall, Kuala Lumpur. They were followers of The Ahmadi Religion of Peace and Light,...
A Singaporean spotted a puzzling error on a National Day T-shirt being sold at a major retailer, FairPrice Xtra outlet. The T-shirt, with the red-and-white National...
In a heartwarming viral video, Tasikmalaya firefighters rescued a toddler with a biscuit tin stuck on his head. Amidst the rescue, some found humor in the...
In a recent podcast interview with CNA, DBS CEO Piyush Gupta dismissed the concept of work-life balance as "baloney." Some defend his perspective, while others question...
Remi Enigma, the fearless French daredevil, conquered towering heights worldwide, tragically plunged to his death from Hong Kong's Tregunter Tower on last Thursday (27 Jul). The...
Disturbing video of a man attempting to molest a woman at a Kuala Lumpur train station last Friday went viral on social media. Brave bystanders intervened,...