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Singapore asked to return ex-MFA officer who filmed boy in Tokyo bathhouse

Japanese police seek Singapore Embassy’s help in bringing back a diplomat for questioning over photos taken at Tokyo bathhouses. The 55-year-old confessed to filming a boy secretly, prompting investigations into voyeuristic acts.



SINGAPORE: The Japanese police reportedly have requested the Singapore Embassy to return a diplomat to Japan for questioning regarding photographs he took of unclothed males at public bathhouses in Tokyo.

According to Japanese media outlet Asahi Shimbun newspaper on Tuesday (14 May), the Metropolitan Police Department made this request through Japan’s Foreign Ministry.

While serving as a counsellor at the Singapore Embassy in Japan, the 55-year-old, who has not been publicly named, confessed in February to secretly filming a boy at a public bath in Tokyo, among other voyeuristic acts.

Consequently, he was suspended from duty to cooperate with investigations, as confirmed by Singapore’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) on 2 May.

Media sources had previously disclosed that he was apprehended using a smartphone to film an undressed male teenager in the men’s changing room of a public bath on 27 February.

Security footage from the venue captured the diplomat pointing his phone at other patrons, leading to his identification by an employee. The incident occurred in Tokyo’s Minato ward, where the Singapore embassy is also located.

He declined to give his smartphone to the police and, at the request of the student’s parents, deleted the photos he had taken of the boy that night.

Reportedly, the police officer requested the diplomat come to the station voluntarily, but while the diplomat said, “I will answer questions here,” he refused to go.

The police discovered over 700 images on the diplomat’s phone, which he admitted to deleting on the night of the incident.

He reportedly told officers that he regretted his actions and could not explain why he committed them. The man was not charged.

The embassy confirmed with Asahi Shimbun that the diplomat had completed his duty in Tokyo and returned to Singapore on 12 April and said it was not aware of the filming incident until the press reported on it.

Due to his diplomatic status, the Japanese authorities were unable to detain him at the time of the incident.

However, the MFA of Singapore expressed readiness on 2 May to waive diplomatic immunity to facilitate investigations, contingent upon the veracity of the allegations.

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Cheong Woon Yeo
The Singapore PAP ambassador see a lot of Singapore PAP media MediaCorp PAP actor gay Jack Neo梁智强 disguised as woman neo popo 梁婆婆neo simei 梁细妹and let his fellow friend gay men poke anus until he been addicted to it and filmed the naked of Japanese boy.
Cheong Woon Yeo
The Singapore PAP ambassador see a lot of
Singapore PAP media MediaCorp PAP actor gay Jack Neo梁智强 disguised as woman neo popo 梁婆婆neo simei 梁细妹and let his fellow friend gay men poke anus until he been addicted to it and filmed the naked of Japanese boy

Could this become a diplomatic incident? After all, the person couldn’t arrested in Japan due to diplomatic immunity.

Japanese media reported far and wide about this incident. Our country’s reputation in Japan has been stained, and none other than by someone working under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs itself.

What does the Minister of Foreign Affairs have to say about this whole debacle? Or is he too busy enjoying his three meals a day at his colonial-era bungalow?

Maybe this fella is linked or protected species because they did not identify him publicly.

That the individual has not been officially named , yet, … should answer all questions regarding transparency, accountability and integrity !!!

Let’s hope the Japanese Police will provide the world with his name, … as he has committed an alleged dastardly act against Japanese individuals !!!

Let’s wait and see ………………..

I bet his house has more collection… Habitual cannot kick. No?!?

Recall the KOM case? They will assign their best stone-faced liar Indrananee to say Not Sufficient Evidence to persecute.

Send him back to Japan immediately.He committed a crime so he must do the time.

HOW many more of these type of CAQ/HOMOs/ do have working in the gomen ministry just waiting to be caught & exposed – can we start by sending in the “cobra sleuts????h

don’t worry, he will get what he deserves here …

LGBTQ …. tsk tsk tsk. *shake head* What can we say ….

Yes ship him on a one-way ticket to answer and face japan’s justice. No one should have immunity from prosecution if he/she commits a wrong .

No name ,no face ,no fuck?
Definitely a protected or lee-lated specie?
What will the new PM do?😆😆😆

Suspicion is certainly roused – Japanese laws takes its course but the PAP is apprehensive? Why request for return of criminal when he’s presumably yet to rcv his due punishment?
