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Singapore Govt demanded Israeli embassy to remove Facebook post

The Singapore government demanded the Israeli embassy remove a Facebook post comparing mentions of Israel and Palestine in the Quran, citing risks to security and harmony.



The Singapore government has expressed strong disapproval of a Facebook post by the Israeli embassy that was deemed “completely unacceptable” by Law and Home Affairs Minister K Shanmugam.

The controversial post, which surfaced on Sunday (Mar 24) on the embassy’s official Facebook account, made comparisons between mentions of Israel and Palestine in the Quran, stating: “Israel is mentioned 43 times in the Quran. On the other hand, Palestine is not mentioned even once. Each and every archeological evidence – maps, documents, coins, link the land of Israel to the Jewish people as the indigenous people of the land.”

The post was deleted later that day.

Addressing the media on Monday, Minister Shanmugam revealed his immediate reaction upon discovering the post. “I was very upset,” he confessed, outlining the steps taken by the Home Affairs Ministry to communicate their concerns to the Foreign Affairs Ministry, which in turn demanded the immediate removal of the post by the Israeli embassy.

Mr Shanmugam criticized the post for being “insensitive and inappropriate,” highlighting the potential risks it posed to Singapore’s safety, security, and harmony.

He emphasized Singapore’s commitment to protecting all its residents, including Jewish and Muslim communities, and cautioned against actions that could “inflame tensions” and jeopardize the safety of the Jewish community in Singapore.

The minister further condemned the post for its attempt to “selectively point to religious texts to make a political point” and criticized it as an “astonishing attempt to rewrite history.”

Mr Shanmugam underscored the importance of adhering to international law and the potential repercussions of such posts on the peaceful coexistence of different communities in Singapore.

While embassies generally enjoy autonomy in their statements, he made it clear that the Singapore government reserves the right to intervene in matters that affect the nation’s safety and harmony.

Echoing Shanmugam’s sentiments, Foreign Affairs Minister Vivian Balakrishnan also issued a statement emphasizing the inappropriateness of referencing sacred texts for political ends and confirmed that the embassy had complied with the request to take down the contentious post.

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This ah neh definitely cannot handle the truth!

!!! Hot girls are waiting for you on —

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Weren’t there anti-Israel posters put up at NTU couple of weeks back? No updates? No suspects even as Shamni had installed 90,000+ (plus another FURTHER 200,000 planned) CCTVs around SG?

Again, we have to consider what Shanmi is really saying, since he is known to be like a 2-head snake. In his own words, to protect the security and safety of all ppl in SG, citing especially the small Jewish community (CNA, MSM, Mediacorp). Fair enough, but doesn’t that open a can of worms? A) If the retracted embassy statement is TRUE (regardless of the religious context or otherwise), then either: i) there must be a real possibility that some ppl here will attack Jews. So just how good is our racial-religious-social harmony and anti-radicalization efforts, hor? Or another Ownself… Read more »

Singaporeans should close ranks with the Law Minister on this. Thumbs up to him in shutting down the historical and religious justification. Well done Mr. Shanmugam.👍👍👍👏👏👏👏

Why they always seems to cite our “fragile” race/religion harmony, but never cite the equally sensitive local Singaporeans vs Imported Citizens equation. Always tell us us don’t take the first for granted, but seems like always take local Singaporeans for granted (e.g. must do NS till 40-45 but NCs “too old” to serve even in their 20’s), hor.

This bully is getting all psyched up over other peoples history, and yet, … he’s prepared to rewrite the red dot’s, in regards to Operation ColdStore and Spectrum, … and the part that the “dead one” had in it !!!

Shocking, and yet, .., unsurprisingly so !!!

Looks like the bait to charge Oppie Pritam isn’t biting enough; must fall back on good-ol’ racial/religious/father-mother-son card, hor.

With a Kelong president, only get 60% votes during GE. Now without benefit of a kelong queen, must be frightening what the next GE would be like. Suspect the nos of New Citizens converted will be very high this year – of course “to make up our falling births”, hor.

Look like Singapore scared of muslims’ reaction. Israel right to teach history so people know Israel has right to exist. Israel will remember Singapore abandon Israel in crisis. Singapore forgot Israel long time friend

Would have been better to expel them earlier for their own safety. Now have to worry about safety and a backlash. It is also worrying that the Zionists are propaganding their version of “history,” openly as there are many who will “buy,” their story.

Stupid Shamni, only proves that MOM CCE lesson wasn’t thought out properly and completely. He wants to discuss/capitalize on history but not on ALL history – so POFMA is selective, hor? Again at whose discretion? Oh yeah, his.

Would this be the end of it? Or can we expect to find “inconvenient LEAKS” of PAP skeletons hitherto hidden in the cabinet to suddenly appear online. I mean, NSO could have been doing some pro-bono spying on its own 🙂

We can know for almost sure if our PAP govt’s tone and stance were to SUDDENLY change to become very supportive of Israeli actions in Gaza 🙂 Can we say BLACKmail? 🙂

Now that’s fact, idiot like Jessie must masturbate all words posted or else challenge the Law minister… will send her post to his facebook.

Aiyah. If upset, then issue POOFMA lah 🙂 Being mentioned multiple times doesn’t mean much. In fact, it could mean very little. Are any of the mentions in praise of Israel? Besides, when one speaks of oneself, one seldom uses one’s own name 🙂 What the good ambassador should highlight is WHY did “Israel” disappear from the maps (if it has EVER been in one) for an extended period of time? Was the former “Israel” ONLY inhabited by jews? So if the jews left for whatever reason, it is only natural that the other inhabitants would occupy the vacuum. Natural… Read more »

Ah Neh scared already after something can happen at home.
