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Survey: 6 in 10 Singaporeans believe Budget falls short in easing living costs

A recent survey by Milieu Insight reveals 62% dissatisfaction among 1,002 respondents, indicating a belief that the government’s latest budget measures inadequately tackle the challenges posed by the rising cost of living.



Source: Gutzy's file photo

SINGAPORE: A recent survey indicates that six out of ten Singaporeans believe that the government’s latest budget measures fall short in addressing the challenges posed by the increasing cost of living.

Conducted by Milieu Insight from 17 to 19 February, the survey included 1,002 respondents, with 62% expressing dissatisfaction with the proposed initiatives.

Notably, individuals in the 35 to 44 age group were particularly adamant that the measures announced on February 16 did not adequately address their concerns.

Last Friday (16 Feb), Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Lawrence Wong delivered the Budget 2024 Statement in Parliament, where he outlined plans for further cost-of-living relief measures for Singaporeans and detailed steps to implement the objectives in the Forward Singapore roadmap.

These objectives encompass economic growth, the creation of higher-quality jobs, and increased support for families and seniors.

Concerns persist as only 35% find reassurance in social aid allocations in Budget 2024

Milieu, a Singapore-based Southeast Asia consumer research company, conducted the survey, revealing that only 35% of respondents were reassured by the social aid introduced in the budget for the upcoming fiscal year starting in April.

Meanwhile, 44% reported feeling neutral.

Overall, 55% of respondents viewed the budget somewhat positively, and 27% remained neutral.

Examining the impact of the announced measures, the S$600 (US$445) worth of vouchers for groceries and hawker centres was widely considered the most significant by Milieu’s respondents.

Following closely, the S$200 to S$400 cost-of-living cash top-up for eligible Singaporeans ranked as the second most impactful measure.

Furthermore, among respondents aged 40 and above, 54% expressed a likelihood of upskilling with the SkillsFuture S$4,000 Top-Up Incentive.

In response to the challenging labour market landscape, 64% of this demographic are considering or have already taken steps to upskill for on-demand roles in AI or cybersecurity.

According to Bloomberg, the budget revealed a more conservative approach than anticipated, with the Finance Ministry aiming to mitigate the risks of economic overheating, as highlighted by Kai Wei Ang, an economist at Bank of America.

The analyst said the budget address emphasized “heightened concerns” regarding inflation and cost-of-living issues, closely monitored by the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS).

Opposition leaders mock DPM Wong’s 2024 Budget as “Election Budget”

Earlier, when interviewed by Singapore media, Hazel Poa, Non-Constituency Member of Parliament (NCMP) from the Progress Singapore Party (PSP), characterized Budget 2024 as resembling an “election budget” with the absence of additional taxes.

While acknowledging the S$1.9 billion Assurance Package aimed at assisting Singaporeans in managing the cost of living, Ms Poa cautioned that these measures are short-term.

She expressed the hope that the government’s focus would shift towards implementing fundamental changes, enabling Singaporeans to enhance their real wages and reducing reliance on handouts for a significant portion of the population.

Meanwhile, Lim Tean, leader of the Peoples Voice party, criticized Budget 2024 as a mere “band-aid,” asserting its failure to address root concerns.

He argued that the cash handouts offered by the government are not enough to alleviate the cost of living crisis, which he attributes to the People’s Action Party’s (PAP) unfair policies.

He insinuated that with elections approaching, DPM Wong is akin to “playing Santa Claus,” attempting to appease Singaporeans with cash handouts.

Despite DPM Wong’s reassurances regarding the government’s commitment to providing increased support to households, many Singaporeans find it challenging not to view this year’s Budget announcement through the lens of an “Election Budget.”

Speculation about an early poll in 2024 adds a layer of significance to the budgetary decisions made.

On 20 August 2023, PM Lee revealed intentions to step down in favour of Deputy Prime Minister Lawrence Wong, potentially around the PAP’s 70th anniversary on 21 November 2024, although an exact timeline was not disclosed.

Previously expressing his wish “to step down before his 70th birthday in February 2022,” the unexpected challenges of the pandemic disrupted Lee’s plans.

Despite the absence of a clear timeline, PM Lee’s announcement suggests a likelihood of the General Election occurring next year, possibly before the party’s anniversary in November.

In response to the PAP’s dominant 2/3 majority in Parliament, Singapore’s political landscape has witnessed increased manoeuvring,  intensifying grassroots outreach efforts, and witnessing alternative parties forming political alliances — both formal and informal — to contest in the upcoming GE.


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I already see the price increases and degradation in food quality at hawker centres. 50 cents there, 50 cents here. $1+ for a cup of teh O or kopi O. We will soon see $10 meals become the normal even when dining at a hawker centres.

To put into perspective at how expensive Singapore is getting. Fast food in Singapore is now 30-40% more expensive than in Japan. How long before spending for one main dish at hawker centre can get you a set meal in Japan? That reality is fast approaching.

Lawrence Wong should be Lawrence Wrong

Continue insulting us pap would lose more support your insulting comments would benefit the opposition more

SHUT YOUR TRASH MOUTH AH SENG IDIOT! Your comments are a joke

Oppies are much smarter people then those who support this gov blindly scold us all u wan it won’t work continue smear and spreading fear of the opposition it won’t work anymore

This is why pap supporters are the dumbest people in this while they accuse us of dumb they keep getting offended at facts and evidence that doesn’t suit their side

Call fake all you wan u rubbish pro pap clowns seeing u guys getting offended over facts u can’t accept make me laugh and enjoying your offensive garbage

This survey is quite fair the people who call this survey “fake” cause they can’t accept the facts they expect everyone to be yes man and to praise the budget blindly

Fall short?
Who voted for who?
You die …your own biz loh..
And deservingly so!😆😆😆🤣🤣🤣

ForeSEE “money not enough 4” is in the making.

The survey by Milieu Insight is wrong. According to our survey, more than 70% of Singaporeans love this budget. Many praise Mr Wong as very progressive and understanding.
Millieu insight has no credibility or whatsoever. Look at their website. They operate from a fucking residential house at 20 Cairnhill road. For all you know they also provide massage services upstairs in the bedrooms.


Free basic Medicare plus a monthly living allowance of at least S$750/-should instead be offered to all retired true blue seniors to help them live comfortably through this difficult and stressful times which is ironically created by all the “what’s wrong with having more money ” inflationary policies dished out by the incumbent lately.

This is probably the most sweetener that Lawlanwong can dished out without implying that his Boss had failed and failed and failed over the last 3+ elections.

Didn’t occur to me it’s a brilliant idea of SG Politicians to return tax payers money is a form of solution to remedy high costs of living, when it appears there are other far far more varied, superiorly effective solutions to reduce inflation which pigs and monkeys know full well without them convening to make a Budget statement. And, they do NOT NEED to ownself pay ownself million dollars salaries.

Huh !!!, … only 6 in 10 !!! Let’s just assume the usual of such sham surveys, … which would indicate that 40% are ok then with the budget and general life on the bleedin red dot !!! Ok, let’s take it from here then, and assuming in the coming days, weeks and months, … there’ll be more shit shows and speeches at every conceivable event and occasion, … where more pap “rationalisation” and bs takes place, to placate and propagate as much of the 60% as possible, and gradually but surely, … totally con and convince them, it’s all… Read more »

Out of the 1000 odd people surveyed between the ages 35 to 44, 6/10 believe (believe ONLY) That the budget is unable (falls short) to address col! Is 35 to 44 ( I believe all office workers and speak English) representatives of Singapore citizens? What about those who are pushing cardboards and driving delivery vans? Why were they not surveyed? How about food stall holders? The numbers would have been much much higher and I can safely set the number at 8/10. $200 to $400/ 1-time payment cannot address the high cost of col! Any basic economic student would be… Read more »

Basic economics 101. As a matter of possibly passing interests. Has the Policy Makers in this PAP set up, work out, which they shd have had moons ago, as it’s of prime importance historically since they 1st open their arms and legs to a foreign trash, calculate and analyse ACCUMULATIVELY how much of percentage of GDP earned as income by all FTs Remiited Home which DEPRIVED the SG economy a Economic Driver CALLED CONSUMPTION, not assetised bricks and mortars which a PAP Monster himself QUESTIONED who can EAT bricks and mortars? Consumption is HUGELY important as it KEEPS and ENABLE… Read more »
