PAP Marcus Loh accuses WP’s MP of alleged dishonesty on debate about reserves
PAP Marcus Loh accuses WP’s MP Louis Chua of dishonesty over certain remarks in a recent parliamentary debate concerning Singapore’s reserves. Loh’s video prompts debate; online reactions question his bias.

SINGAPORE: Mr Marcus Loh, Branch Chairperson of the People’s Action Party (PAP) Sengkang East division, has ignited controversy by accusing Workers’ Party (WP) Member of Parliament (MP) Mr Louis Chua of supposedly lacking honesty in a parliamentary debate concerning Singapore’s reserves.
The accusation stems from Mr Chua’s remarks during a parliamentary debate on 7 February, where he discussed the nation’s reserves and the review of public finances to aid Singaporeans.
Mr Loh, in a video posted on social media, scrutinized “certain lines” from Mr Chua’s debate, alleging that it “didn’t come from an honest place.”
Mr Loh highlighted Mr Chua’s assertion that CPF ordinary account holders were denied equivalent benefits from Government Investment Corporation (GIC) returns.
He expressed concern over what he perceived as a narrative suggesting that the Singaporean government withheld benefits from its citizens, which he deemed dishonest.
“He essentially charges that the CPF ordinary account holders were denied the same benefits, the returns, from GIC,” Mr Loh said in his video.
“I thought that was quite concerning as a position to be taking, because it advances a certain rhetoric that the Singapore government has been withholding benefits, the fruits of our labour, our investments, from Singaporeans.”
“I thought that didn’t come from an honest place, to be honest,” he added.
In his critique, Mr Loh emphasized the risk-free nature of CPF ordinary accounts guaranteed by the Singaporean government, contrasting them with the fluctuating nature of GIC investments.
He questioned whether Mr Chua’s stance implied that CPF account holders should assume the same risk profile as GIC investments.
Mr Loh explained the reason behind his statement, “Mr Chua as an equity analyst, must know that CPF ordinary account, in fact CPF funds for that matter, are risk-free. They are solid, they are guaranteed by the Singapore government.
“GIC’s investment however, are not. They are subjected to the ebbs and flows, fluctuations of the market.
“So if Mr Chua believes that CPF ordinary account holders should enjoy an equivalent rate of return as GIC’s investments, is he also advancing the position that CPF account holders should also carry the same risk profile as GIC investments?”
“Is that the position that he’s putting forward?” Mr Loh asked.
“I mean, if you were doing it in an honest way, then surely that is fair. But that’s not what he said,” Mr Loh said.
He posted the video captured on TikTok on his Instagram page on 10 February with the caption stating that what the WP’s MP Mr Chua said about GIC returns and CPF OA rates “didn’t sit well” with him because it allegedly was not “framed honestly.”
“It also sends the wrong signal to Singaporeans,” he wrote, urging Singaporeans to “stand up for a more balanced viewpoint” with the the hashtag, “#MakeYourVoteCount.”
Mr Loh serves as the branch leader for PAP Sengkang. On 26 October 2023, the PAP introduced him as a new addition to the opposition-held Sengkang Group Representation Constituency.
Starting on 1 November of the preceding year, Mr Loh assumed the role of branch chair for the ruling party’s Sengkang East division, taking over from Mr Ling Weihong.
This transition occurred less than two years after Mr Ling was introduced as part of a revamped constituency team.
The PAP portrayed Mr Loh as an active party member since 2015, holding positions such as council member in its policy forum and a seat on its Southeast District’s executive committee.
Presently, he serves as director and head of strategic communication, public affairs, and corporate marketing at a Singaporean digital transformation services company.
Records from his LinkedIn profile indicate his employment with Temus, a startup predominantly owned by state investor Temasek.
Described by the PAP as “deeply committed to a meritocratic society that values diverse abilities and offers second chances,” Mr Loh’s involvement underscores his dedication to the party’s principles and objectives.
The team deployed by the PAP to Sengkang is generally regarded as a “suicide squad,” similar to the team assigned to Aljunied GRC, given the party’s decision to withdraw its former candidates, such as labor chief Ng Chee Meng and Amrin Amin, the former senior parliamentary secretary for Home Affairs and Health, from the ward.
Online reactions to Mr Loh’s video
Looking at the feedback on the online platform HardwareZone regarding his video, which was posted with the title “PAP Sengkang star candidate Marcus Loh accuses WP Louis Chua of being not honest,” it appears that many commentators were not receptive to his message.
Some commentators dismissed his remarks as mere theatrics, attributing it to his affiliation with the PAP, which they believe implies a bias against the Workers’ Party (WP).
“(Mr Loh) disagree with anything WP,” one user commented.
Additionally, criticism was directed at Mr Loh for allegedly limiting or disabling the comment section on Instagram and TikTok, where he shared the video.
One user stated that he shouldn’t “hide behind a wall of silence by blocking comments.”
Another pointedly remarked, “Dare to accuse but don’t dare to face criticism.”
Several users also expressed scepticism about Mr Loh’s allegations of dishonesty, noting that they could not identify any such element after watching the debate.
“Anybody can tell me what Louis Chua said had what element of dishonesty?” one user asked.
“I watched the video but can’t figure it out.”
In response, one user emphasized the importance of both sides possessing comprehensive data and facts to ensure a balanced debate, with one user stating that Mr Loh, “should give his opinion/reasoning with evidence, to justify his claims.”
Meanwhile, a user pointed out that none of the MPs corrected Mr Chua if his statements were truly wrong, even though there have been instances of corrections in the past. The user questioned how Mr Loh could notice something that even Ministers and the Prime Minister couldn’t.

SK residents see who you voted for. Do vote wisely next time. Talk about 2% OA but intentionally omitted 4 to 5% SA. Ignorance, act blur or really dishonest I don’t know. Guess he doesn’t even know why OA and SA were setup having this different interest rate. What is the reason OA is capped at 2%? Bringing up GIC gain vs OA interest indeed prove I am right, oppies are always silly. See what sk got for the exchange of smarter and trustable NCM. Regret right? Vote for this better looking Marcus if he stands.
Marcus Marcus Marcus. Frankly I just don’t trust anyone with your kind of hairstyle.
Integrity? MP’s can hold so many directorships and not serving Full Time? What do you think?
Since pappy MP’s cannot serve fulltime, we should have at least a balance of parties come elections:
PAP: 50 %
WP, PSP, SDP, PV etc etc: 50 %
The more parties to serve us Singapooreans, the betterrr and fasterr..
This is my best opinion for all. What do you think?
And who is Marcus Loh since attached to PAP branch SengKang. Oso never see before nor talk until coming GE then appear on Gutzy …
No lah. We want higher returns if GIC does better than current CPF rates, but remain at usual CPF rates if GIC disappoints. So easy also don’t understand.
so many new MP faces?
I wonder if they are elected by Singaporeans and how they get into Parliament?
Do we need so many MP’s if they all served fulltime? what do you think?
Thank you
This Marcus guy to me does not look sincere or honest but someone with integrity issue. Just nitpicking to score points let alone telling the truth. When Charles Chong You Fook (misspelled. Actual should be Fuck instead of Fook) lied to Sengkang East residents about the losses in the town council, did he call out same? When Temasick gambled in FTX and lost, did he call out for transparency? Didn’t understand what he mentioned by risk free? Is he referring to the risk taken by Temasick is free of accountability? When CPF promise that you can get back your CPF… Read more »
“risk free” my foot. The CPF for lower income people who struggle to meet the changing goalpost is ‘guaranteed’ to be out of reach! This guy most likely have corruption skeletons in the closet. He also look so disgustingly pondan
To be honest, didn’t think you needed to put your thoughts in print and highlighted, … if you were gonna say the exact same thing in your posting !!!
And whilst we are being honest, … you need a haircut pronto, and a shave, preferably with a decent razor that doesn’t leave skid marks !!!
Singapore PAP government Ministers always think that Singapore belongs to them and they can anyhow send their people into Parliament without going through the elections and questions the opposition parties members about reserves and even more they can send PAP gangsters and PAP police from Singapore Police Force to harassing the opposition parties members and beat them to death without mercy as they are the threat to Singapore PAP government.
Put it this way lah…you daft Sinkie are not denied what so called benefits from your CPF.
You daft breed are denied from ever taking your own money out for your own need ,especially when you are way pass 60 or even 50 yrs and no employer would employ you and you are down with illness.
Why? Cos someone need your money to ‘gamble’ loh….that should be the way, WP MP should say in Parliment…
But do you think WP MP….got the BALLS TO SAY THIS?😆😆😆🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
More likely the PAP has no integrity. Fancy running CPF without any accountability. Like the elite offshore acct then right… Can’t question, no client consensus…
Who is this person?
simply put if you come from an honest place, you should privatize our Cpf fund to one or to several fund companies which can better manage and give honest returns?
and not making dishonest and disparaging remarks, as they say talk is cheáp!
Claiming that any investment, including CPF, is risk-free, is already a dishonest statement. Don’t you think so, Marcus Loh?
Mr. Loh should resign from a Temasek owned Start UP and get a job in the private sector. He can then talk about honesty to Louis Chua.
His 15 min of fame…
Its forced…
He needed to start the first salvo
or else very boring leading to 2024 General Elections..
Should not give him any screen time..
ignore, dump.. delete.. cancel.. block..
Good attempt to score brownie points. Sheeps can judge who are the devils, devils in disguise.
When Marcus was an unidentified sperm – there were invisible books and books written about his boss’s dishonesty, even worst dishonest dishonesty are lies. Probably he himself shd read up these books or else he is branded a hypocrite.
Switzerland crowned best country for building multi-generational wealth
My Great Grand Children still need to contribute lation building ?
How do you define Honest / Not Honest when everything was not transparent .