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Team RDU’s visit to Jurong West: Residents’ concerns, noise pollution, and rat infestation discussed

Team RDU’s recent visit to Jurong West (Blocks 503 and 504) and local coffee shops sparked meaningful conversations with residents. Residents expressed appreciation for the team’s community involvement and social media presence. Concerns about noise pollution and rat infestations were raised, prompting Team RDU to call for action.



SINGAPORE: Red Dot United, on Thursday (7 Sep) performed a community outreach effort during their visit to Blocks 503 and 504, and the local coffee shops along Jurong West Ave 1.

The team engaged with residents, who voiced their concerns and opinions on various issues affecting their lives.

During the visit, Team RDU inquired if residents were familiar with their work, and the majority responded positively, expressing appreciation for the team’s continuous involvement in their community

Several lauded the team’s active social media presence, demonstrating its effectiveness in reaching constituents.

One notable encounter involved a resident who openly admitted that their family had not supported Team RDU in the last General Election but was now considering a change due to the team’s sincerity.

However, some residents also expressed feelings of neglect and frustration with their current Member of Parliament (MP).

One resident stated, “at least you are coming to inquire after us. I have not seen my MP yet.”

Team RDU shared their visits to Blocks 503, 504, and Jurong West Ave 1 on Facebook.

Resident complaints of noise pollution and rat infestation

Team RDU noted that noise pollution emerged as a persistent issue, with residents reporting disturbances from late-night music at the local coffeeshop and traffic noise, impacting their quality of life.

A resident explained, “Loud music is played even past 10.30 PM by the drinkers at the coffeeshop nearby.”

“It disrupts our sleep and makes it very difficult to raise a family. Thank goodness we do not have children yet,” they elaborated, mentioning that they had brought up this issue with their MP during his visit to their home earlier this year.

“…but, 9 months later, nothing has been done,” the resident said.

Additionally, residents living on the top floor of Block 503 raised concerns about a rat infestation on their roofs.

They reported hearing rats at night, causing distress and fear.

“There are rats on the roof. We can hear them at night very clearly, scratching on our roof and knocking things over.”

However, despite reporting the issue to the town council, little progress has been made in addressing this problem.

“they told us that it is very difficult to get rid of the rats as they are very fast. We live in fear. You see I have put net around my entire house. I am afraid that the pests will get into my home,” the resident said.

Team RDU calls for urgent rat infestation action, pledges commitment to a compassionate society

In response to these concerns, Team RDU urged the Jurong-Clementi Town Council to take prompt and effective action to eliminate the rat infestation, emphasizing the importance of public health and safety.

Assuring residents of their commitment to Jurong GRC and the well-being of its constituents, Team RDU reiterated their dedication to creating positive changes in the community.

In their Facebook post, they expressed their vision for a more compassionate society, rallying residents to join them in this journey.

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Oh actual rats infestation, I thought they meant CECA.

Concerns and complains in Jurong !!!

C’mon, … I thought just about everyone there loved and adored their Tharman and the pap !!!

Or issit only, … a bit of noise and a few roaming free spirited rats !!!

Trust the opposition. You won’t have these problems if opposition is your mp.

RDU will and never win because the last 3 elections were freak elections . The best thing for all opposition parties is to dismantle their parties or not contest at all . The 70% will then realise one fine day they are doomed.The freak result will happen

RDU, good and sincere efforts on your part but Jurong overwhelmingly cheered Tharman knowing that he abandoned them for greener pastures. Next GE, Tharman may do a walk about with Ivan and all your good work will be forgotten. 70.4% have replaced God with a Pineapple 🍍 so these people don’t know that the PAP only need them for the votes and they are not represented in Parliament.

If you want your PAP’s MPs to work for you, vote in an Opposition MP. You will have 2 MPs in your constituency!

If you don’t understand how it works, than you are an idiots. Such a simple logic! That’s why constituencies that voted the opposition are called “free riders”. Cool right?

Nothing is free in SG, only those voted the opposition can get a free MP!

Reminder :
70.4% voted PAP candidate
16% voted against TKL aka Opposition.

This means Hong Ghan liao
