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Why wasn’t Tharman questioned about PM Lee’s invitation to contest as President, as George Yeo was?

In the intricate dance of Singapore’s politics, Tharman Shanmugaratnam’s relationship with the PAP remains under scrutiny.

While George Yeo’s interactions with PM Lee are public knowledge, a conspicuous silence surrounds whether Tharman received a similar invitation.

The silence is telling; did the media deliberately overlook this crucial question?



In the heated prelude to Singapore’s 6th presidential election, Tharman Shanmugaratnam’s second broadcast speech captured national attention.

As a stalwart of the People’s Action Party (PAP), his tenure spans two decades, but the Senior Minister’s recent declaration of independence from the PAP has been met with skepticism in some quarters.

Tharman’s emphasis on his service-oriented approach, striving for a more inclusive society, strikes a chord with many.

His statement, “If I am a partisan, it is that I am a partisan for better chances and better support for Singaporeans who have less,” reveals a politician dedicated to the upliftment of his people.

Yet, the conspicuous silence from PAP politicians on social media about him and the upcoming presidential election raises eyebrows.

Does their silence indicate a tacit endorsement or is it a strategic move to distance the party from Tharman’s campaign?

Adding to this, mainstream media’s avoidance of associating Tharman with the PAP seems a bit too orchestrated. Just try to take a sample of what the news writes about Tharman and see if you can spot a mention of PAP.

A parallel can be drawn with the 2011 presidential elections. Former Cabinet minister George Yeo, in his upcoming book, divulges that PM Lee Hsien Loong had approached him to run against Tan Cheng Bock.

While Yeo declined, the subsequent narrow victory of Dr. Tony Tan over Dr. Tan Cheng Bock hinted at the intricacies of party politics.

Yeo’s decision to act as a character reference for former GIC chief investment officer Ng Kok Song, while also expressing camaraderie with Tharman, showcases the complex interplay of relationships in Singapore’s political landscape.

Yeo’s statement, “I can be Tharman’s character reference too, but he doesn’t need me,” speaks volumes about Shanmugaratnam’s standing in the political arena.

Interestingly, the previous presidential race in 2017 threw its own surprises.

Current President Madam Halimah Yacob’s spontaneous decision to step down as Speaker of Parliament and run for president was foreshadowed by Minister Chan Chun Sing’s faux pas in addressing her as “Madam President” not once, but twice.

Her eventual unopposed victory accentuated the influence of the PAP and the selection criteria for presidential candidates.

As 2023 unfolds, Tharman’s resignation from all governmental roles and his emphasis on standing as an independent candidate must be viewed with scrutiny.

George Yeo’s candid revelation triggers a question that the media has shied away from: Was Tharman approached by PM Lee in a manner similar to Yeo?

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The Road to Guantanamo Bay for Global Elite | To the Global Elite, I Say: Welcome to Guantanamo Bay, Home, Not So Sweet, Home!
When The Chicken Come Home To Roost.

George Yeo’s candid revelation triggers a question that the media has shied away from: Was Tharman approached by PM Lee in a manner similar to Yeo:….” We probably know when TS releases his book on his musings.

Stait Media is what it is.

After this week u will wake.up realizing the daft have again put a pappy on easy route to another 5 years of cushy life and as usual no sound no talk . And u will be as usual waking the morning going to work and paying for the high cost of living . It’s the same story every 5 years.

The dense and deluded of SillyPore need to be reminded that this is the same Tharman, that, … voted for GST increases, POFMA, Public Order Act and more recently, … that hdb’s are affordable and accessible to all, … … alongside his pap comrades !!! So, it shouldn’t really matter how this government or the media wayang their position, … cos the truth and reality won’t be found on them !!! Sadly but surely, … history and the current show of love and affection for Tharman, suggests that this PE is a foregone conclusion, and, … the establishment will have… Read more »

This job requires first and foremost,

1. The right questioning attitude. Someone conditioned to saying “Yes” for 20 years does not have this attitude.

There are 3 (not 2) powerful checks by the President.

1. Approve and CHECK use of reserve. Why most Singaporeans get $600 instead of $23,000?

2. Approve appointments of many high level CEO/Permanent Secretary/Army, police Chiefs

3. Approve budgets of stat. boards and other organization.

A President without the right questioning attitude will simply accept everything – a smooth easy ride to $10 million income.

Everyone knows he is pap . Maybe only new citizens doesn’t

This still begs the question “why go all out to ensure the President is one of their own?” One wonders with all the government machinery in its control, the PAP cannot deal or handle an “outsider”? After all, for all intents and purposes, the Presidency is nothing more than a glorified rubber stamper. Are the reserves not what they have been presented? Do we really have much, much more than suspected? The remuneration of TH and GIC senior officers must not be let out? And all this must be a guarded secret at all costs? Or is the PAP planning… Read more »

Plannin 4 son 2b future presi if he win….. the talek string inside establishment all SC kno….. Very Common, except kno NUTS

I don’t think Tharman will do anything without the consent of LHL. He has been part of all their policies . Today, we citizens live out the policies. LHL refers to Singapore as the Garden of Eden. Tharman must feel the same way. This is contrary to the ground. So just like HY, Tharman’s job as President is to hold the status quo as it stands. He will not reveal any information on the reserves just like HY. He will smile, take photos and collect $9m and please LHL. So we can only vote for TKL.
