A viral video shows four teenagers brutally assaulting a Maltese pet dog with cement blocks in Jember, East Java. The dog tragically dies, sparking demands for...
SPCA investigates maid for alleged fatal abuse of employer's dog. CCTV footage exposes brutality, prompting swift condemnation.
A dog training firm in Singapore recently embroiled in dog mistreatment allegation. Despite the firm apologized and suspended implicated staff, more pet owners revealed troubling experiences...
Netizens express fury over an Instagram video alleging dog mistreatment by Xavian and Pack. SPCA advocates humane training. Xavian issues apology and suspends staff. Concerns grow...
In Singapore's Woodlands HDB void deck, a video captured a pet dog with a plastic bag around its legs, held on a short leash by a...
A 10-year-old boy in Singapore, caught on camera throwing "Panther", a community cat from a 22nd floor HDB block, completes a specially devised rehabilitation programme. The...