Discover the enchanting tale of Indonesian couple, who chose to tie the knot in an unconventional style at Ngijon Market, Yogyakarta. Their unique wedding reception delighted...
Former NTUC Income chief and two-time Presidential candidate, Tan Kin Lian, issued a stern warning on social media against content creators generating "malicious and harmful content"...
Guests' artistic prowess shines as they present hand-drawn RM20 'money' notes during a Salam Kaut exchange at a wedding reception. These creative tributes are gaining attention...
A recent social media storm erupted as a woman made a bold assertion about pigeon consumption enhancing natural beauty, shocking users. Many vehemently opposed the woman's...
A tranquil Sunday morning ride in Punggol led to an unexpected rendezvous with nature when a Malayan tapir swiftly passed the cyclist. This marks the likely...
In a heartwarming viral video, compassionate young Malaysians rushed to aid an elderly man who'd had an unfortunate accident. A TikToker shared the encounter, revealing that...
In a heartwarming incident captured on video, a courageous woman's quick response saves a motorcyclist suffering a heart attack in Klang. Online praise pours in for...
Online scams and misinformation, adopting various disguises, aim to ensnare users into unauthorized schemes. Recently, a suspicious online ad exploits the identity of Pritam Singh, Leader...
A 15-month-old infant miraculously survived being struck twice by a car in a harrowing incident on a quiet street in Makassar City, South Sulawesi. The shocking...
In a heartwarming incident captured on video, the firefighters of Taman Tun Dr Ismail (TTDI) once again displayed their unwavering commitment to service by aiding a...