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Singapore driver dies suddenly at home; Grab waives his S$1.9K fees

On 9 May, a 59-year-old Grab driver in Singapore passed away unexpectedly, reportedly with less than S$20 in his bank account. Grab, upon learning of his demise, extended condolences and pledged to waive his outstanding fees of S$1.9K for rental, repairs, and other charges.



SINGAPORE: On 9 May, a 59-year-old Grab driver in Singapore passed away unexpectedly at home. His wife disclosed that he had less than S$20 remaining in his bank account.

According to a report by the Chinese media outlet Shin Min Daily News, the driver, Su Zian (transliteration), had been serving as a private-hire car driver for almost a decade, typically operating from 3 p.m. until around 1 a.m.

However, tragedy struck on the early morning of 9 May when he returned home from his usual work routine and met his untimely demise.

Mrs Su (58 years old), his widow who is deaf, communicated with reporters through written questions and responded verbally.

She recounted waking up around 5 a.m. to find the bathroom light on, assuming her husband was using it.

Notably, by 6 a.m., he had not emerged from the bathroom, which struck her as unusual.

Mrs Su then went to check the bathroom and was shocked to discover her husband slumped over the toilet, with blood flowing from his mouth, unconscious.

Unable to call for help herself, Mrs Su hurriedly sought assistance from neighbours.

Su Zian was then rushed to the hospital, but it was too late; he had succumbed to pneumonia and heart disease.

Mrs Su informed reporters that on the day of her husband’s passing, insurance brokers and lawyers arrived to aid with necessary arrangements and also notified the private-hire car platform, Grab.

On 21 May, Mrs Su received a letter from Grab demanding a total of S$1892.99, inclusive of fees associated with her husband’s car such as rental, repair, towing, and early termination.

Grab waives the fees totalling $1.9K for the deceased driver

She also discovered that he had a mere S$16.16 left in his bank account, leading her to hope that the platform would waive the associated charges.

Consequently, Mrs Su is hopeful that the platform will waive this fee exceeding S$1000.

In response to inquiries from Shin Min, Grab expressed profound regret over Mr Su’s passing.

A spokesperson assured, ‘We have reached out to the family and will waive the applicable fees.'”

It is understood that Grab typically waives the rental fees for deceased drivers upon receiving the death certificate and related documents.

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While 59 years is not considered too old, it is sad that when he died, he had less than $20 in his bank account.

But it is noted he drove from 3 pm till 1 am. Obviously he did not earn much or his bank would have some decent money.

Kudos to Grab for waiving all outstanding amount. The wife has one less issue to worry about.

Would Lawrence Wong read about this man and his pathetic “savings”?

Would somebody from the G approach the wife to find out where the country can help?

Yes, coe was implemented at the time when there is no private hired vehicles. Now, coe may still apply if they separated the bidding of private hired vehicles, commercial vehicles and those private cars ….. But pap will not do that because doing so coe prices will overall drop and less money to pay the ministers salaries and to cover gic losses.

PHV car population : 3 decades already? COE also more than 3 decades but the world have yet understood its magic and does not adopt it. Does COE reduce car population? Lets dissect. 1. Super expensive means less may buy. 2. But human needs to be inside a car remains and remains satisfiable via legally allowed PHV, Taxis, Rentals, second hand cheaper cars. All these cars need Buy COE to be these cars. By operators. So, COE how come remain very high and gets super high at times? DEMAND. Singaporeans, how smart are you? Political corect answer is Super Smart… Read more »

We need to be Pro Business than ever before or?

Good jobs for FTs.
GRAB jobs for Sinkie.
Work till die only got $20 less.
Who did he and his wife VOTED FOR?😆😆

You 60 than you deserve it
