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Lawrence Wong sworn in as Singapore’s fourth Prime Minister

Lawrence Wong, at 51, sworn in as Singapore’s fourth Prime Minister at Istana on Wednesday night, succeeding Mr Lee Hsien Loong, marking the nation’s first leadership transition in two decades.



SINGAPORE: Lawrence Wong was sworn in as Singapore’s fourth Prime Minister on Wednesday night (15 May), heralding the country’s first leadership transition in two decades.

At 51 years old, Mr Wong assumes office succeeding Mr Lee Hsien Loong, aged 72, who will continue serving in the Cabinet as Senior Minister.

The ceremony commenced with a speech delivered by President Tharman Shanmugaratnam, followed by Mr Wong’s solemn Oaths of Allegiance and Due Execution of Office.

As the new Prime Minister observed, the remaining Cabinet members proceeded to take their oaths, beginning with the senior ministers, which notably included outgoing Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong and the deputy prime ministers.

In announcing his inaugural Cabinet lineup on Monday, Mr Wong emphasized the importance of continuity and stability. He appointed seasoned politician Gan Kim Yong as Deputy Prime Minister.

Mr Lee formally conveyed his intention to resign to President Tharman Shanmugaratnam on Monday, emphasizing Mr Wong’s preparedness to lead the nation.

Mr Lee has held the Prime Ministerial position for two decades, commencing his tenure in 2004 following the leadership of Mr Goh Chok Tong, who served for 14 years.

Mr Lee’s father, the late Mr Lee Kuan Yew, served as Singapore’s first PM, leading the nation for a remarkable 31-year tenure before stepping down.

Mr Wong’s rise to the pinnacle of Singapore’s ruling PAP Government

Before embarking on his political career, Mr Wong dedicated 14 years to civil service, serving in various capacities within the finance and health ministries.

His career commenced in 1997 at the Ministry of Trade and Industry. His journey in public service reached new heights when he assumed the role of principal private secretary to the Prime Minister in 2005.

In 2011, he transitioned into politics, securing a seat in West Coast GRC as a Member of Parliament.

Within a mere two weeks post-election, he was entrusted with his first political appointment as Minister of State for education and defence.

Mr Wong later steadily ascended the political ladder.

In the 2015 General Election, he contested in the newly formed Marsiling-Yew Tee GRC, where he has remained as the anchor minister ever since.

He took charge of critical ministries such as the Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth, followed by leading roles in the Ministry of National Development and the Ministry of Education.

In 2018, the public was informed that Mr Heng, a former top civil servant, had been chosen by his PAP peers as “first among equals” and was set to become Singapore’s fourth prime minister upon PM Lee’s retirement.

PM Lee had intended to hand over the reins of power by February 2022, his 70th birthday.

However, the Covid-19 pandemic seemed to shift the succession timeline.

In July 2020, amidst Singapore’s GE, PM Lee expressed his commitment to see Singapore through the crisis and hand over the country “intact and in working order” to his successor.

By April 2021, after the PAP’s victory in the 2020 general election, Heng conveyed his intentions to stand aside.

Reflecting on the severity of the pandemic, Heng commented, “I believe it’s better for someone younger, with a longer runway, to take on this role.”

Subsequently, a year later, in April 2022, DPM Wong was announced as the leader of the ruling PAP fourth-generation team.

Mr Wong solidified his position as Singapore’s next leader through his pivotal role in co-chairing Singapore’s multi-ministry COVID-19 task force, spearheading crucial announcements, and steering the nation’s response to the pandemic.

Furthermore, he initiated the Forward Singapore initiative, defining it as a pivotal guide for the city-state’s future led by fourth-generation leaders.

This initiative provided insight into Mr Wong’s vision and the strategies of the 4G team for propelling Singapore forward.

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prefer he play guitar . lol

same white wine from the same bottle will taste the same. tsk tsk tsk

HC as usual attended with her loose red pajamas 🤭🤭
Contrast that with all the well dressed others…

Sometimes, it is what that is NOT said that tell the truer story. Yeah, these monkeys have been blowing their own trumpets and horns past week or so. But do we see widespread public outbursts of pride, congratulations, screaming (aka honoring) their names, spontaneous putting of flowers/notes of support/gifts outside Loong’s residence, etc…? Very quiet can say a lot, hor,

We got a new PM. Let’s for a moment put aside our grudges and difference to celebrate 🍾 ✨️ 👌

Poor guy had to speak in Malay and Mandarin as well. Saudara saudara I suggest we do away with this tradition. Come on, new (incoming) broom should sweep clean a few old cobwebs. The practice is getting old and frankly makes for overlong speeches. Everyone in Singapore SHOULD know how to spik Engrish and unnerstand Engrish.

His entrance is so staid. I mean, he could have stepped out of a helicopter landing at the Istana dressed in an Elvis impersonator suit and played his guitar Jailhouse Rock style … So I guess his premiership is likely going to be same old same old.

Who draws the crowd and plays so loud
Baby its the guitar man….

Dawn of a new day in sinkieland

Too much talk talk talk lah..repetition..
The hundreds of guests looked like they were aircon or fans?
LW should have saved his long speech for a more appropriate occassion…at another time..
Just wish he makes good on all the promises…for all citizens.
Good luck LW’ll be needing it…
