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Singapore’s MCI to be renamed Ministry of Digital Development and Information

Effective 8 July, the Ministry of Communications and Information (MCI) becomes the Ministry of Digital Development and Information. PM designate Lawrence Wong stressed it’s beyond renaming; it’s a shift in mindset towards digitalization.



SINGAPORE: From 8 July, the Ministry of Communications and Information (MCI) will be renamed the Ministry of Digital Development and Information.

Announcing the name change on Monday (13 May), the Prime Minister’s Office said in a statement: “The new name reflects the ministry’s role in driving our national digital agenda.

“The ministry will also continue to oversee information policy and strategy, media development, and public communications efforts.”

Deputy Prime Minister Lawrence Wong, during a Monday’s (13 May) press briefing unveiling the new Cabinet lineup, emphasized that the shift signifies more than a mere name change. It represents a fundamental reorientation of mindset towards digitalization.

He stressed that this change serves as a robust signal of Singapore’s commitment to digitalization, aiming to accelerate the nation’s efforts in this direction.

“Digital technologies will be a big enabler for us to transform our economy, and also to improve our lives, for everyone in society.”

“So rather than do it separately, we thought it was better administratively to bring these efforts together as part of a coherent national digital strategy,” he said.

Over the past decade, the MCI has undergone a series of transformations.

In October 2023, the Smart Nation and Digital Government Group (SNDGG) merged with MCI’s digital development functions, forming an expanded Smart Nation group.

This merger aimed to position Singapore more effectively to address emerging digital opportunities and challenges.

Given the interdisciplinary nature of digital advancements, SNDGG and MCI collaborated closely to devise and implement national and government digital strategies.

Established in May 2017 under the Singapore Prime Minister’s Office, SNDGG initially led smart nation and digitalization efforts across the government.

MCI traces its origins back to 1985 when it integrated the information division of the Ministry of Culture.

Renamed the Ministry of Information and the Arts (Mita) in 1990, it absorbed the cultural affairs division of the Community Development Ministry.

In 2001, Mita became the Ministry of Information, Communications and the Arts (Mica), inheriting the information and communications technology functions from the former Ministry of Communications and Information Technology (MCIT).

This consolidation aimed to enhance the attractiveness to foreign investors by centralizing oversight of the local infocomms sector.

In 2012, Mica underwent rebranding as the Ministry of Communications and Information, following restructuring alongside the Ministry of Community Development, Youth and Sports.

The reorganization, spearheaded by then-Communications and Information Minister Yaacob Ibrahim, aimed to strengthen the local media landscape amidst internet growth.

Additionally, it oversaw public communications and promoted Singapore’s infocomms sector.

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A PAP was in the uk few days ago..teaching the brits how to combat being scammed and share sg’s way re cybercrimes.
What a freaking joke..when in SG ppl are still getting hit every day with no way to reclaim their losses..

Call it kambing soup or soup kambing or goat soup…call it what you want it still taste the same.

Change and change only depicts more DECEITS, MISREPRESENTIONS, FAKES and BSs.

That’s all they can do to create, refresh form as tho it’s substance – disease of this PAP Administration.

Just rename to “Ministry of Truth” or “Ministry of Censorship” so that people know the real purpose. No point beating around the bush.

Isn’t it naming SG as a Smart Nation don’t improve or make SG any smarter. How. Why. The Fujian Gang has proved. So is Eduardo whom Loong smartly said people like him good to invite them to stay in SG to create jobs.

Yeah plenty of manual labour jobs, driving jobs, gig jobs created for SGpns.

If there are so huge numbers of jobs created by likes of Fujian Gang – WTF and WTHeck Tan SL so mindful, so fearful of, to divulge more relevant details to SG stake holders, Singaporeans when he boasted of new jobs.

Looks like a nice way to say JT failed again – as expected. Every place she went seems to die, hor. Let’s see if LawlanWong would retain her in the next cabinet.
