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Work flexibility trends persist among Malaysian talent, Randstad survey shows

Randstad’s 2024 Workmonitor Research reveals 2 in 5 Malaysians are ready to resign over inflexible work schedules. Despite desires for flexibility, half face mandatory five-day office policies, prompting calls for inclusive workplaces.



MALAYSIA: Four years post-pandemic, the discourse around work flexibility continues to dominate conversations among Malaysian professionals, as indicated by recent findings from Randstad’s 2024 Workmonitor Research.

According to the survey conducted with 517 locally-based working adults, which delved into the sentiments of Malaysian workers, a substantial portion, 2 in 5, expressed willingness to resign if compelled to adhere to a rigid in-office work schedule. Particularly noteworthy is the resistance among younger demographics, with nearly half of Gen Z (49%) and Millennials (47%) opposing inflexible work arrangements.

Contrary to global trends, a significant 52% of Malaysian respondents reported an increase in office attendance expectations from their employers compared to six months prior, a figure 17% higher than the global average.

Fahad Naeem, Country Director at Randstad Malaysia said, “Flexibility in the workplace should encompass all aspects, including diverse work arrangements that promote equity. Despite local employers establishing stricter office attendance requirements, an equitable understanding of flexibility and diversity recognises that the employee experience extends beyond where and when they work.”

Despite this, most Malaysians appear to strike a balance, with a majority expressing a preference for working from the office at least three days a week. This inclination is mirrored in life choices, with 2 in 5 respondents having made adjustments such as relocation or acquiring pets in anticipation of sustained flexible work options.

Naeem pointed out that the pandemic has reshaped perceptions of office-based work, with many realizing the effectiveness of remote work and consequently finding long commutes and high living costs less appealing. Consequently, job seekers are becoming more discerning, rejecting roles that mandate daily office attendance even if they offer higher pay.

Yet, while the desire for flexibility is apparent, the reality paints a different picture. Half of the respondents noted the implementation of mandatory five-day office work policies by their employers, with only a small fraction enjoying less than two days of office work per week.

Moreover, the survey highlighted a concerning trend: 1 in 10 respondents reported the absence of any flexible work policies at their workplaces. Naeem reiterated the benefits of flexible arrangements, not only for employees but also for employers in broadening the talent pool and fostering inclusivity.

Diversity and equity have emerged as crucial considerations for job seekers, particularly among younger generations, with over half stating they would not accept a job at a company lacking proactive diversity and equity measures. This sentiment underscores the growing importance of an inclusive workplace environment.

Naeem concluded this year’s 2024 Workmonitor media launch with, “In today’s complex global environment, companies need to recognise that employees are diverse individuals with unique experiences and perspectives that shape their goals and impact their work. By providing equal chances and fulfilling learning opportunities, companies are already strengthening their talent attraction and retention strategies.”

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They are aware there are jobs available in SG…
Worth the effort due to exchange rate…& salary offered higher than in msia.
Their Agong & Mrs Agong in SG now.
Heaven knows what deals being signed…

Of course for fucked up culture like theirs, they can say they got ‘talents’ that still work there and can flexi.
But you local fucktards here know better lah, if 3.5 to 1 don’t take ,when these jiunhu kias know they are ‘talent’ in Boleh land, where else can one just cross a bridge and HUAT BIG TIME?
And as of now, the jiu hu kia ARE doing so, which is why ,you local fuxktards here get the …94.5% JOKE OF THE YEAR!😆😆😆🤣😆😆😆😆

Strange. There are an amazing numbers of Msians hwo worked so hard, so long hours, esp in the F & B segments of SG economy, do they complain I wonder?
I just realised one Msian male takes 2 hours to return to Johore daily after working in 10 hours here at a fast food restaurant. How about coming to work? So total how many travel hours? He complain?

His salary probably S$2,200 pm.
