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Three activists are under police investigation over protest against arms trade with Israel at Gardens by the Bay

Three activists in Singapore have been said to be under police investigation after protesting the nation’s arms trade with Israel by unfurling a banner at Gardens by the Bay on Monday.



SINGAPORE: Three activists are under police investigation after staging a protest at the OCBC Skyway in Gardens by the Bay, displaying a banner that called for the cessation of Singapore’s arms trade with Israel.

The public protest occurred on Monday evening, drawing attention amidst claims of severe human rights violations in Gaza.

The banner, reading “End SG – Israel arms trade,” was said to be part of a global initiative known as A15, which advocates for an economic blockade in 50 cities worldwide to highlight the global economy’s indifference to ongoing atrocities.

The Singapore police confirmed with local media that reports had been lodged and are currently investigating the incident. A spokesperson for Gardens by the Bay also acknowledged awareness of the protest and mentioned that a police report has been filed, though further comment was withheld due to ongoing investigations.

This demonstration aligns with severe international criticism against Israel, highlighted by allegations from the South African Government at the International Court of Justice regarding acts of genocide by Israeli forces in Gaza, and the ongoing violence in the West Bank.

Over the last six months, the conflict, which was initiated by the Palestine military group Hamas’ 7 October offensive, has resulted in over 33,000 Palestinian deaths and more than 75,000 injuries, with widespread destruction across Gaza’s infrastructure, including hospitals and schools.

Reports from organizations like Doctors Without Borders indicate severe restrictions on medical supplies and attacks on aid workers, exacerbating the crisis.

The activists, who convened at 7:15 pm, expressed their dissent against Singapore’s involvement in arms trade with Israel, citing data showing Singapore as the tenth largest importer of Israeli military equipment, with transactions totaling approximately US$73 million from 2018 to 2022.

They argue that these dealings contradict the humanitarian support Singapore has extended to Palestine and only serve to perpetuate the conflict. Reports from organizations such as Doctors Without Borders have painted a grim picture of the crisis, with significant restrictions on medical supplies and attacks on aid workers.

The group’s statement criticized the current governmental stance as insufficient, despite Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong’s previous expressions of concern and support for U.N. resolutions aiming for a ceasefire and humanitarian aid in the region.

They urged the incoming Prime Minister, Lawrence Wong, to use his forthcoming leadership role to reevaluate and potentially end these controversial arms dealings.

The activists also highlighted the restrictive nature of the Public Order Act in Singapore, under which their peaceful protest could be deemed illegal without a police permit, potentially resulting in fines.

They lamented the challenges in exercising their rights to freedom of speech and assembly, particularly when attempts to organize lawful demonstrations at designated areas like Hong Lim Park have been thwarted.

Singapore authorities, including the National Parks Board, had earlier declared that events and public assemblies related to the volatile Israel-Hamas conflict, are prohibited, citing substantial public safety and security concerns amidst escalating international tension.

In a defiant tone, the demonstrators declared, “We have no choice but to escalate our efforts to draw attention to our urgent demands. You cannot ignore us now,” emphasizing their commitment to raising awareness and seeking change.

The full statement of the activists can be seen on the petition put up on

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Note that ST clarified that SPF is NOT investigating 3 activists, but investigating the act by the activists. Funny hor, like police would investigate a murder case but not investigate who is the murderer(s). Ah well, 61% still do believe in ST news, hor.

So sad to see fanaticism has taken roots in SG when some are glorifying hooligans in public places while smearing the pending visit of a Christian Pope.

This group is raising the right to peaceful protest by all human beings. People have missed this as their focus is the present content that they are protesting. So if you say they should be arrested then you are on the side of the PAP in the arrest of Jonathan Wham for Smiley, GG. etc. This is the reason why the PAP can stay in power for decades because whether you agree with the content of the peaceful protest, it is in everyone’s human right to protest. Our govt. is a signatory to this Universal Declaration.

1) “….part of a global initiative known as A15, which advocates for an economic blockade in 50 cities worldwide to highlight the global economy’s indifference to ongoing atrocities...” Geesh, this “global” A15 sure has been VERY quiet about ongoing atrocities in Syria, Sudan, Myanmar, China/Xinjiang, Yemen, Hamas/Hezbollah, etc. In fact NEVER heard of them till now. Suddenly 3 guys pops up to highlight about Israel’s “atrocities” but not during the 7-Oct 2023 terrorist attack. Go figure the real agenda of this A15 group. Probably just for their moment of fame and attention? 2) “…Singapore as the tenth largest importer of… Read more »

These activists should be applauded for their courage to stand up in the face of obvious outrageous injustice instead of staying silent like the majority of us.

I have already told Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong will sent police to visit the so call activists,later the police will arrested them and beat them to death in jail without mercy in order to silence them.

This is part of a worldwide activist movement. Kudos to your free spirit and dedication to bring attention to the revenue our govt. is creating for the Zionist govt. while committing genocide in Gaza. I am sure you are organised with the lawyers to deal with our courts if necessary.

Guarantee is 3 fucking FT.
In any case since your country is PRO FT, surely nothing serious will happen to them.
But if you local even try to hold even a small placard, only by ONE person….straight sure can visit Changi resort….not as a tourist!😆😆😆🤣🤣🤣🤣

There is a right way to advocate one’s opinions, and there are various wrong ways. What these activists had done is the Wrong and Stupid way. Very typical of seeking the attention, rather than the for cause that they professed for.

“In a defiant tone, the demonstrators declared, “We have no choice but to escalate our efforts to draw attention to our urgent demands. You cannot ignore us now,” emphasizing their commitment to raising awareness and seeking change” Comment: my question to these activists – “who the hell are you to make such demands? I don’t give a fig whether you support Hamas and the Palestines but you must not presume to speak for ALL Singaporeans. And don’t presume to think that Singapore must change and comply with your demands. What arrogance! Imagine if every looney group of activists start making… Read more »

What about selling arms to the Burmese junta? Investigation by the police or isd!

Then the customs n immigration. …..Shame does not know but want to introduce new laws to catch Sinkies.

Ng Eng hen’s security and intelligence division also went to sleep but can catch a wannabe military policeman.

get out of our face
