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Man jailed for inciting violence against PM Lee in FB post on Shinzo Abe’s shooting

A Singaporean who struggled with job search due to health issues, gets 4 months’ jail for inciting violence against PM Lee in a July 2022 Facebook comment.



SINGAPORE: A Singaporean man was sentenced to four months in jail for a comment on a Facebook post regarding the shooting of former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, where he said, “Pls someone do the same to our PM”.

The man, Kong Chee Kian in his 46-year-old, pleaded guilty on Wednesday (20 March) to one charge of inciting violence electronically, as per reported by Singapore state media the Straits Times.

Deputy Public Prosecutor Delicia Tan revealed that investigations showed Kong posted the comment on 8 July 2022, expressing his discontent with the government, particularly Prime Minister Lee.

The prosecutor said Mr Kong had difficulty in finding permanent employment due to health issues and “was looking for someone to blame for (his) problems” and accused that he “chose to blame the Government”.

However, the specifics of his health issues were not disclosed in court documents.

DPP Tan mentioned that Mr Kong, browsing Facebook under the alias “Carl Brown,” commented after seeing a CNA article reporting Mr Abe’s shooting.

An anonymous police report prompted Kong’s arrest on the same day, within 5 hours of the report. 

Mr Kong was subsequently charged under Section 267C of the Penal Code 1871, which prohibits the possession, making, or distribution of documents or electronic records that contain incitement to violence, encourage disobedience to the law, or could lead to a breach of the peace.

Additionally, Mr Kong commented on a Yahoo Singapore article reporting former PM Abe’s death, saying: “Your good friend LHL will join you.”

Investigations also revealed Kong’s prior engagement on Instagram, where he responded to a post about a Tamagotchi toy, stating it was “the only weapon against (Singapore) PM.”

DPP Tan sought a 4½- to six-month jail term for Mr Kong, emphasizing a zero-tolerance approach toward inciting violence against government officials.

Both parties referenced the 2013 case involving Gary Yue, which established a precedent of a three-month jail term for incitement to violence.

DPP Tan argued for a harsher sentence than Yue’s two-month jail term, citing the outdated nature of Yue’s case and the need for a deterrent punishment in Kong’s case.

DPP Tan said: “A zero-tolerance approach ought to be taken against any individual who, dissatisfied with the Government for any reason, resorts to inciting violence against the head or senior members of the Government.”

DPP Tan highlighted that Kong specifically targeted the head of the government, and stressed the need to shield senior government members from such threats.

She stressed the importance of curbing such behaviour to prevent its normalization.

Defence lawyer Rajoo Ravindran requested a reduced sentence of two months, citing Kong’s status as a first-time offender who fully cooperated with authorities.

In comparing Kong’s case with Yue’s, Mr Rajoo pointed out that Yue’s case involved a larger group of people, including heads of government and state, thereby potentially posing a higher degree of harm compared to Kong’s case.

Mr Rajoo conveyed Mr Kong’s regret and commitment to complying with the law upon release, noting his family’s support, including his elderly father’s, in ensuring his adherence to legal standards post-incarceration.

“Kong’s elderly father, who is about 80 plus, he is also in court today and the family will be providing the necessary support for Kong after his incarceration and promises this honourable court that he will remain on the right side of the law,” said Mr Rajoo, added that Mr Kong has also sought counselling help.

The prosecutor then argued the distinction between Yue’s case, which involved threats to beat people up, and Kong’s, where the incitement was to assassinate PM Lee, making it “more serious.”

District Judge Kamala Ponnampalam, in delivering the sentence, emphasized the necessity of firm action against the weaponization of social media to provoke violence.

She noted that Kong’s comments were sustained and targeted at the head of state, with a specific threat of assassination rather than mere physical harm.

“He made a specific threat to assassinate and not just to beat up. All of this makes it that much more serious and ominous,” said the judge.

For incitement to violence, Kong could have faced a maximum penalty of up to five years imprisonment, a fine, or both.

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What worries me is that a 46 yr old Sinkie ,which means he was born in the LATE…note the word late 1970s and even earlier 80s, could not do be better in life, than those born during the baby boomer time before the 70s! Which I suspect there are many here, which shows. And how could this be? Given life was so much tougher and education wasn’t much better for those in the pre 70s and even 60s. You Sinkie born after the 70s should be ashamed that FTs coming in from much worse countries, are doing so much better… Read more »

Good Advice especially for Singaporeans.👏👏👍👍

Why blame any politicians, PAP or otherwise for your dissatisfaction and failure in your own life?
Why not blame the kind of parents you have?
Why not blame yourself instead?
So you should either stick pictures of your parents or yourself and go whack the hell outta of those pictures, right?
Or maybe the closest person you could blame, maybe is the IMH doctor treating you!😆😆😆😆🤣🤣🤣🤣

Don’t worry, heaven got eyes watching on the dishonourable son. Justice will come swiftly from heaven upon the wicked and the unjust. Just you wait.

Kong Chee Kian must be one of those routine posters here. Wonder what is his nick?
So expect to have less one complainer here!
No need to say one…..disillusioned, every day blame PAP for this and that as though PAP was to be blamed for him being born a citizen here!
FTs can be heard ….laughing like mad in the background!😆😆😆😆🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Damn unlucky.
That man prosecuted, jailed for incitemet had chosen a snowflake ❄, a frajile piece of fleshy bone, but strengthened, empowered by steroids which is why he is worthed the most valuable piece of life exhibit in SG, far surpassing the MOST powerful leader on earth POTUS 🇺🇸 who is worth many times less in costs, than this snowflake ❄.

Have always been intrigued by that “anonymous” caller who consistently makes “that” police report, … that gets things moving and people arrested, in double quick time and all !!!

Funny that, … it happens a lot in SillyPore !!!

Eggs and words, … are a great and grave threat to the ministers of the red dot !!!

Thank heavens, … for that anonymous caller indeed !!!

LHL is the one responsible for job creation, flood of foreigners, inflation, underemployed and unemployed and helping the poor people and excluded people. There are so deep hatred because LHL failed in his aid effort and his major policy causing suffering. This is the reality. Cannot cover up and said all poor Singaporeans get help and policies work.

Unfortunately it is the politician’s lot to have to deal with a lot of mentally unstable people like that. There’s a saying: Get out of the kitchen if you can’t stand the heat.

Numerous people call for the death of the US President. This I think is common in all countries. However only in Singapore that a person gets convicted. Kong did not identify the action. He just said, “do the same,” so the reader will have to decide what it means. It is also impossible in Singapore so why waste taxpayers’ monies. The judge should have sent him to IMH not to jail. Our judiciary remains screwed because of LHL.

My query, who has been incited – adrenaline raised, pulse charging ? Any actions taken place, carried out because of, directly from? Like, Trump, has called NY AG corrupt, called Special Prosecutors corrupt, described judge Engoron having a political aggenda, claimed DA Ms Willis on improper relationships – none of them landed Trump in trouble except those that were already investigated, concluded to ready for to charges. Look at all these seems to be even graver statements. Perhaps their laws treat Trump and the people in USA more tolerant, wiser, more intelligent than to be swayed, and deceived, by Trumpb-unlike… Read more »

As you would, a jobless desperate man and probably sick in the head. Just jail him to make a point of not threatening the MIW.
Just so predictable the system.
