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Man set himself on fire at Israeli Embassy in Washington protesting Gaza genocide

In a shocking act of protest, a 25-year-old man, set himself ablaze outside the Israeli Embassy in Washington. The man, an active-duty airman, declared, ‘I will no longer be complicit in genocide,’ before setting himself ablaze in an extreme act of protest.



man set himself in fire in front of Israel embassy in Washington

WASHINGTON DC, UNITED STATES: In a shocking incident on Sunday afternoon (25 Feb), a man set himself on fire outside the Israeli Embassy in Washington, as reported by the Metropolitan Police Department.

The individual was later confirmed to be an active-duty airman by U.S. Air Force spokeswoman Ann Stefanek on Sunday night.

The harrowing event unfolded around 1 pm in northwestern Washington, with officers from the U.S. Secret Service swiftly extinguishing the flames outside the embassy.

According to a statement released by the police in the U.S. capital, the distressing incident occurred at “the 3500 block of International Drive, NW, at approximately 1:00 pm.”

Officers were dispatched to “assist the United States Secret Service after an individual set themselves on fire in front of an embassy in the block.”

It was noted that the man seemed to have documented the protest, live-streaming it on the social media platform Twitch.

However, the video was promptly removed and replaced with a message indicating a violation of Twitch’s guidelines.

Twitter user Talia shared a blurred version of the footage on Monday (26 Feb), identifying the man in the video as Aaron Bushnell, aged 25.

Since its upload, the video has garnered over 5.1 million views on Twitter.

The chilling video captured the moment when law enforcement officers approached the individual just before the fire ignited, asked “Can I help you, Sir?”

In a disturbing declaration on the video, the man asserted, “I will no longer be complicit in genocide,” echoing the language commonly used by critics of Israel’s military actions in Gaza to characterize the ongoing campaign.

He went on to state, “I am about to engage in an extreme act of protest.”

Positioned in front of the embassy gates, the individual carefully set his phone down to record the event.

He proceeded to douse himself in a clear liquid from a metal bottle, creating a shocking visual.

With a fervent cry of “Free Palestine!” he ignited himself, sustaining the fiery protest until he ultimately collapsed to the ground.

Subsequently, officers scrambled for over a minute to extinguish the flames.

The man was rushed to a nearby hospital with life-threatening injuries and remains in critical condition.

In the latest update, Bushnell reportedly succumbed to his injuries, as shared by  Talia who posted on social media that she is in contact with Bushnell’s family and friends.

No embassy staff injured amid self-immolation protest

Amidst the alarming incident, the Israeli Embassy confirmed that none of its staff members were injured, and all personnel were safely accounted for, as stated by Tal Naim, a spokesperson for the embassy.

In response to the self-immolation, the police conducted a thorough investigation of a suspicious vehicle nearby for potential explosives.

However, Sean Hickman, a police spokesman, assured that the scene had been cleared by 4 pm.

Collaborating with the Secret Service and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives, Washington’s explosive ordnance disposal unit actively participated in the investigation of the incident.

This event is not an isolated occurrence, as there was a previous incident in December 2023 where a protester set themselves on fire in front of the Israeli consulate in the state of Georgia.

In that instance, the demonstrator used petrol, and a Palestinian flag was discovered at the scene.

The ongoing protests against Israel have become a near-daily phenomenon across the country, intensifying since Israel initiated its campaign in Gaza following the 7 October Hamas attacks, resulting in the tragic loss of at least 1,200 lives, according to Israeli officials.

As the humanitarian crisis in Gaza deepens, international calls for a humanitarian cease-fire have gained momentum in recent months.

The Israeli embassy has consistently been a focal point for sustained protests against the war in Gaza, reflecting the escalating civilian death toll in the enclave, which, according to Palestine health ministry officials, has surpassed 29,000.

Recently, the United States vetoed a third UNSC resolution on Israel’s Gaza war, drawing widespread criticism.

This move occurred a day after Washington proposed a resolution linking a temporary ceasefire to the release of all Israeli captives.

The vote, 13-1, with the UK abstaining, underscores global support for ending the conflict that has claimed over 29,000 Palestinian lives.

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Sad. Is it going to make any difference? NO. only gave his family & friends heartpain and grief, while the 2 sides are still killing and destroying…
Wars should be a criminal offence…the world justice orgs should draw up some laws to see that no country should thinks theyre free to..
Wars , what is it good for?
Absolutely Nothing!

He should have gone to Gaza, join Hamas instead.

From 2013 till NOW 2024, how long do you intend to go on!!!!?

If he fucking want to purge me like Nalvany then do it!!! I am not wrong that fuck politicians have no qualms killing for their greed!!! Simple value in life But want to make things complicated!!!!

That arse Loong and cronies did not hunt in school?!? Both sides did. Hunting to enslave!?! Cannot admit and free ppl from their Cult nonsense But can enslave others using their empire mechanism. Why said it out. What the fuck he wants!!!!!!

Why Terry delete my comment. Just as complicit! I bear responsibility for my comment. You wanna join the Loong gang and enjoy slavery?!? No why need to delete my comment!!!

Google Tech I have every rights to my data on Google. You do not need to play around with my location becos you are in complicit with Loong and his Game!!!

So Rich arse politicians can go around and enslaving others?!?

Refuse to admit playing in school. That arse Loong should step down NOW!!!

He should admit his mistakes in school! Apologize and compensate instead of trying to enslave my family. Fucking politicians!!!!

Nobody agree his slavery. He refuse to admit and create all these … Why no one to charge him and get him off the seat of throne!!!!

You Biden and Xi are aware of shitty things Loong and Google doing. Why aren’t you Addressing the subtle Slavery done by these rogue politicians!!??

Free Palestinian is not just for Palestine. For Politicians who cannot admit they did wrong to others then attempt to enslave others. Please step down Loong and Google!!!!

Google and Loong in complicit in the enslaving of others. Please step down as leaders.

Arsehole Loong slave drivers and enslaving politicians, please step down!!!! Free Palestinian is not just for Palestinian. Slave drivers!!!!

Absolute moron. So what has he achieved?

This guy should be punished for taking his own life ! Its a crime

Last edited 5 months ago by john lim

This is an act of self terrorism !!

Is he threatening the world to listen to him? Does it serve any purpose by killing himself?

What do you think?

What is so surprising. If these like minded folks in and outside Gaza can strap on a suicide explosive belt or vest and ..KAH…BOOM AWAY …killing perphaps hundreds around them, setting themselves ablaze would be way more……well let’s put it ‘less damaging’ for a change,😆😆😆

Leaders ought to be ashamed of themselves BUT they will never be. More interested in their Empires and Pocket! Rest in peace soldier!

Too traumatic. May his soul rest in peace. Condolences to his family.😭
