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No announcement on review of political salaries since NCMP Hazel Poa’s question in January

There has yet been any update on the review of salaries for political appointment holders in Singapore, as which was said by Minister Chan Chun Sing in January this year.

Mr Chan had made the announcement in response to NCMP Hazel Poa’s Parliamentary question on the appointment of a committee for the five-year review of political salaries.



SINGAPORE: There has yet been any update on the review of salaries for political appointment holders in Singapore.

Minister-in-charge of the Public Service, Chan Chun Sing in January confirmed that the government would revisit the issue after five years or when deemed necessary, following an independent committee review in 2018.

However, as the year nears its end, there is still no news from the government regarding the formation of a committee to review these salaries.

On 10 January, Ms Hazel Poa, a Non-constituency Member of Parliament (NCMP) from the Progress Singapore Party, inquired whether the government had appointed a committee to conduct the scheduled five-year review of political salaries.

Hazel Poa asked the Prime Minister:

a) whether he has appointed a committee to carry out the five-yearly review of political salaries, given that the last committee was appointed in 2017;
(b) if so, what are the terms of reference given to the committee and when can the public expect the report from the committee; and
(c) if not, when is this committee expected to be appointed and what are its expected terms of reference.

Replying on behalf of PM Lee, Minister Chan Chun Sing acknowledged that, indeed, the 2012 White Paper on ministerial salaries had recommended that an independent committee be appointed every five years to review the salary framework for political appointment holders.

“In 2018, the Government provided its response to the latest review of political salaries by an independent committee,” Chan said.

“The committee had concluded then that the salary framework remained relevant and sound, and its recommendations included adjusting the salary levels of political appointment holders to match the updated benchmark.”

However, the government then decided not to make any changes to political salaries, since the economy was still in transition. It said it would review the matter again after five years, or when it becomes necessary.

“The next political salaries review is targeted for 2023, and we will share more details in due course,” Chan disclosed.

In 2018, The Committee to Review Ministerial Salaries highlighted a 9% rise in benchmark salaries and proposed adjusting political salaries “annually in tandem with benchmark movements.”

The suggested annual salary for entry-level ministers stood at S$1.2 million, incorporating a 13th-month bonus, a three-month performance bonus, and a National Bonus based on meeting indicators.

Additionally, the committee proposed raising NCMPs’ allowance from 15% to 20% of elected MPs’ pay, acknowledging their full voting rights in Parliament since April 2017.

During a Parliamentary session in March 2018, former Deputy Prime Minister Teo Chee Hean stated, “The government has decided that since the scheme remains valid and the economy is still in transition, we will not change anything now and will maintain the current salary structure and level.”

Paid among highest in the world

The 2012 White Paper on ministerial salaries was put up after many Singaporeans got angry with the incumbent PAP government and voted against the PAP during the 2011 General Election, resulting in the ruling party garnering the lowest percentage of valid votes in the history of Singapore and the first loss of a Group Representative Constituency.

To appease the public, the White Paper, written by an independent committee chaired by Gerald Ee, then helped to lower the salaries of ministers and the other political appointees somewhat by benchmarking the entry MR4 Minister’s salary to the median income of the top 1,000 earners who are Singapore Citizens but with a 40% discount.

Still, with the new salary formula devised by the committee, PAP politicians continue to remain among the highest paid in the world.

For example, according to World Population Review, PM Lee is currently paid US$1.6 million annually:

Salary (in USD) of PM Lee compared with that of others:

  • PM Lee Hsien Loong – $1,610,000
  • Chief Executive Hong Kong – $672,000
  • United States President – $400,000
  • Australian Prime Minister – $384,000
  • Chancellor of Germany – $369,727
  • British Prime Minister – $200,000

And in fact, even under the revised salary in 2012, many of Singapore’s ministers and civil servants make more than some of the mentioned heads of states of other first-world countries.

Nevertheless, it’s not known if the salaries of ministers and other political appointment holders will be increased this time since they are already among the highest-paid politicians in the world.

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What is the point of arguing salaries?

White is clean. They allowed MPs to hold so many positions…….even Pineapple king also holding more than 1 position.

Oppositions should all just stick to arguing all MP’s should serve Full Time. Moon lighting is not allowed. What do you think?

“… PAP politicians continue to remain among the highest paid in the world…”

PAP politicians are NOT AMONG the highest paid. They ARE the highest paid.

“Among” means there were others also earning the same or about the same. But NO, PAP politicians are the only ones earning the highest pay in this world.

Ironically, their jobs are the simplest and having the best “no blame” culture. Hide when there was problems!

Salary increase after GE2024, confirmed!
After they trick the voters (again and again)

None of them are worth the salaries they are paying themselves. The govt. should become administrative and hire the best brains in the world to do the work. The cost of govt. will definitely come down and the returns to the rightful beneficiaries, the citizens will see an increase. Now like poorly regulated and managed private Trust Funds in Singapore, the monies rightfully belonging to the beneficiaries are siphoned legally to their lawyers as costs and to themselves. It is the same modus used by the PAP that is used by Trustees of Trusts. Legal corruption is the highest level… Read more »

Wait Loong Loong they will revert their salary. They will point to … Is it 2011 they lowered the salary already … SHARK Smiling Mafia where got lower salary?!?

so long already, no updates for Is-wanted case?

70% Pineapple Lovers:
1) Increase GST
2) Increase PUB utilities
3) Increase COE, ERP
4) Increase Food Prices
5) Increase Housing prices
6) Increase Cost of Living
7) Increase Transport fares
8) Increase Hospital and Medical costs
9) Increase Foreigners intake, increase job losses
10) Increase Prices on Chicken, Eat Fish
11) Increase in Ageing population, collect carton boxes, a good form of
We need solutions not price increase!!!! What do you think?

If Shanmugam and Vivian can afford to rent B&W bungaholes at “market” rates in a time like these, one can conclude that high cost of living is NOT an issue for ministers at their CURRENT salaries. So, there is NO need to review/revise their salaries UPwards.

Unless Iswaran would like to chime in and tell us WHY he decided to do what he did because apparently his current salary was not enough.

Independent Committee ?

So SINglish

Ministar so cham .

Rent place to stay , no budget meal

Raise salary lah .
