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President Halimah Yacob bids farewell as Singapore prepares to welcome a new leader

Outgoing President Halimah Yacob emphasized the importance of unity in her farewell speech at the Istana. As Singapore’s first female president, she reflected on her term, initiatives, and challenges. The nation prepares to welcome Tharman Shanmugaratnam as her successor.



SINGAPORE: As her term comes to a close, President Halimah Yacob highlighted the significance of unity and the challenges Singapore faces during her farewell speech at the Istana.

Emphasizing the essential role Singaporeans played during the COVID-19 pandemic, she stated that the government could not have weathered the crisis alone.

She underscored that the nation’s future hinges on the same unity, especially amidst changing geopolitics, economic competitions, climate change, and a fast-aging populace.

President Yacob, who served a six-year term and made history as Singapore’s first female president, opted not to stand for re-election, expressing her wish to retire.

Mr Tharman Shanmugaratnam, having won the presidential election with 70.4% of the vote, is slated to take the oath of office tomorrow.

Reflecting on her term, President Yacob expressed profound gratitude to the Singaporean people for their trust. “I carried your aspirations in my heart… it is your unwavering support that has fuelled my determination to serve,” she shared.

The outgoing President also touched on her unique position as a female head of state, aware of the inspiration she provided to many women and girls across the country.

During her tenure, President Yacob emphasized fostering a compassionate, caring, and just society.

With initiatives like the Empowering for Life Fund, which she launched in 2018, many from disadvantaged backgrounds benefited from skill enhancement and capacity-building programs.

Diplomacy played a crucial role in her presidency, with 21 international visits undertaken to bolster Singapore’s global image, fortify bilateral relations, and unlock new economic avenues.

Commenting on her relationship with the government, she described it as one rooted in mutual respect and clear delineation of roles.

This assertion gains significance, given the initial concerns about her independence from the People’s Action Party (PAP) due to her rapid transition from a PAP member to a non-partisan President in 2017.

These concerns were exacerbated when the Presidential Election of 2017 was reserved for Malays, leading to President Yacob being the sole eligible candidate after the disqualification of two other Malay contenders.

As she bids adieu, the nation acknowledges not just her leadership in trying times but also the debated circumstances surrounding her election.

The baton will now pass to her former PAP colleague Tharman Shanmugaratnam, and all eyes are on the future as Singapore braces itself for new leadership amidst global challenges.

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Questioning her qualification and competence as the highest office holder in this country,
Can I say she has raided 6 years x her S$1,540,000.00 anual salary = S$9,240,000.000 from the Reserve?

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Phuik! No shame! Just get out of our faces!

Bid farewell? No lah, she is saying Hello to a blissful retirement after taking million$ from Singaporeans for having been a kelong queen. And we are saying Good Riddance.

I always remember Mother Theresa. Stop paying $millions of salaries.

Next comes the most expensive pineapple. LoL

Bye bye!!!!

Always forever remember you : Eat Fish if Chicken is Expensive.

Good riddance !!!

Just go quietly and disappear please, … instead of all of the speeches and shit !!!

I think she has been thanked $millions of times already.


As far as I am concerned, we did not have a president for the past 6 years. She is not fit to be one. With all the recent praise singing, accolades and whatever propaganda being spread by the MSM and their cronies still does not make her befit of a president. No amount of these can change the fact that she should not even qualify as she clearly did not meet the criteria set by her own master. To take on something she do not qualify show the truth about her integrity and those behind her. VTO. VTO. Long Live… Read more »

Let me be honest. She is useless and worthless.

If she had been so good for SG, the media and agencies wouldn’t need to start singing her praises now – her achievements (if any notable) should had been well-known and FULLY ACKNOWLEDGED by most Singaporeans over the past 5 years of her term, no need for Ownself Praise Ownself rhetoric. Instead they dig out some mothers-fathers-sons (kang-langs) to say how good she was. Total wayang show, indeed.

An unelected President, is replaced by an over elected President. When can we have a democratically elected President? It can only happen when the PAP lose their majority in Parliament

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