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Ho Ching lauds Ng Kok Song’s contributions to Singapore wealth management amidst presidential election campaign

Former Temasek CEO Ho Ching has praised Ng Kok Song’s foresight in envisioning Singapore as a wealth management hub. This commendation emerges as Ng conducts his presidential campaign, which many interpret as a bid to prevent a walkover election for the PAP candidate.



SINGAPORE: Ho Ching, former CEO of Temasek Holdings and wife of Singapore’s Prime Minister, Lee Hsien Loong, recently took to Facebook to offer words of admiration and gratitude to Ng Kok Song, the former Chief Investment Officer of GIC.

This comes amidst Mr Ng’s unexpected announcement of entering the presidential race on 19 July.

With a career in public service spanning 45 years, Ng Kok Song has held influential positions at both GIC and the Monetary Authority of Singapore.

He currently holds the position of executive chairman at Avanda Investment Management, an asset management company he co-founded in 2015.

Recalling an interaction from two decades ago, Mdm Ho highlighted Mr Ng’s vision for Singapore’s potential as a leading wealth management hub in Asia.

“He thought then that Singapore could be a wealth management hub for Asia and believed in equipping our people with the right training,” she wrote.

However, due to GIC’s mandate to only invest outside of Singapore, it was Temasek that took the initiative and invested in starting the Wealth Management Institute (WMI) in 2003.

Mdm Ho emphasized the crucial condition she put forth: that Mr Ng chair the WMI. Mr Ng took on the role, leading with distinction. Today, the institute boasts approximately 20,000 students, offering both online classes and short certificate courses.

While the upcoming presidential race sees Mr Ng competing against former senior minister Tharman Shanmugaratnam, entrepreneur Mr Geroge Goh, and NTUC Income’s former chief executive Mr Tan Kin Lian, Mr Ng’s decision to run appears to be influenced by concerns about the integrity of Singapore’s national institutions.

Mr Ng has continually underlined the need for a president who stands independent of political affiliations.

However, given his close ties with PAP politicians during his 27-year tenure in GIC and the substantial assets contributed by Temasek and GIC to help launch Avanda, Ng’s claims of political independence have been met with scepticism.

This is further underscored by the whopping US$3 billion (S$4.05 billion) received from Temasek Holdings under Mdm Ho’s leadership in 2016.

As Singapore awaits its next presidential election, Mr Ng’s decision to run is seen by many as a move to prevent an uncontested election, which would not reflect well on the democratic process.

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Don’t talk cork. Start wealth management all those what’s the use when cannot use.brain when making investments

With HC’s latest comments, Singaporeans are pretty certain it’s a three horse race amongst TS, NKS and TKL. As for GG, HC has given enough comments, hints why he won’t feature. She being the unspoken spokesperson, this much we can take at face value. Singaporeans want independent candidates rather than a pap smeared candidate. It’s difficult to see how PEC could possibly disqualify TKL. That being the case, it is more and more believable why NKS is there to split the vote now that TKL is almost a certainty. How else do you explain why HC would champion for NKS… Read more »

Given that, this woman is the absolute epitome of nepotism and elitism, … coated with layers of immunity, easy state accessibility and secrecy, one would expect her to keep her thoughts and lips to herself !!!

Probably egged on by her vacuous supporters and fans, … that her views are the kind that’d change and improve the world that we live in !!!

Not to mention, she’s the very kind that loves all the attention and accolades, … and has the mouth and thick skin to go with it !!!

They just need to fool 51% of them.

And how exactly is Avanda Investment Management doing investment performance wise? Or is that ALSO a state secret?

As always, the pappies only emphasize wealth creation like it is the sole criteria to run a country and to earn (buy?) Trust. Apparently husband and wife team thinks only money will buy them credibility, loyalty and can solve everything. But we have seen now million$ salary doesn’t mean no corruption; also if wealth creation is the main litmus for leadership, then why is Loong getting the WORST election results? Why wealth can’t solve our TFR issue? Why SG-very-rich translated to only a dismal 61% vote of confidence? Why HC cannot buy Style in how to dress appropriately? Why paid… Read more »

Last edited 11 months ago by Joseph Yip

Queen Pretender Move Asides.
Here Comes The Real Queen.

I say Talk Kok,
You say ?

How much wealth has she accumulated? Anything she likes, we don’t like. A matter of principle.

Hoe much has he Lost investing for SWF? Is contribution measured without Losses if any?

He obviously is not able to run on his own steam. How is a sovereign fund funding their former employees? Is this a function of a sovereign fund? No transparency and integrity at all levels and crowing about profits when no numbers are given. I will conclude that since GST has increased and the cost of living has risen, the money making claims are lies.

If the original Mrs did not die suddenly at a young age,
She would be a nobody now, instead of a busybody!

But they can sure try their level best.

We got nothing

We Only expecting Budget Meal
