While Presidential candidate Ng Kok Song's rendition of the renowned Chinese song "The Moon Represents My Heart" captured the hearts of many, concerns have been raised...
A concerned Malaysian man shared distressing footage on X (formerly Twitter) of an unattended child trapped in a locked car for over 40 minutes. The video...
In Sarawak's Belaga district, an oddly situated electric pole in the middle of a village road caught attention after a resident's Facebook post went viral. The...
A secondary school teacher vented on TikTok about a student's unserious exam answers. Despite the serious question about highway construction, all answers were 'Sebab boleh' (Because...
Although excluded from the 1 September Presidential Election, Businessman George Goh intends to contribute by selling his campaign items in a charity sale on coming weekend,...
In a heartwarming gesture, Malaysian social mediainfluencer Elecher Lee Ka Nihad made waves as she treated her helper, Sumi, to a special birthday bash. Documenting the...
Recently, a viral video showcases Kedah's Chief Minister Muhammad Sanusi Md Nor playfully tapping a student's head with a paper, drawing 4.6 million views on X...
During Singapore's National Day Rally on Sunday, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong unveiled the Majulah Package aimed at boosting retirement savings for lower-middle-income citizens aged 50...
An Atlanta homeowner's unique solution to address rough package deliveries gained viral attention for its positivity. Instead of retaliating, the homeowner offered refreshments to drivers on...
A homeowner in Singapore faced distress upon discovering her recently purchased condo in a messy state. The previous tenants also left unpaid bills, prompting Amanda to...