Dedicated Yibin Police officers in Sichuan, China garnered admiration for their night shift with five endearing owl chicks. The heartwarming scene, where the chicks lined up...
In a display of remarkable ingenuity, a motorcyclist in Singapore has captured attention for his extraordinary feat of transporting an entire stingray atop his motorcycle. The...
The famed Oyen of Malaysia's National Zoo once again captures social media's attention, this time sharing the limelight with a serene female calico cat named 'Ompok.'...
Viral video sparks amusing speculation as a Sun bear at Hangzhou Zoo appears to beg for food. Mistaken for a costumed staff member, the zoo clarifies...
The death of a Bengal tiger cub, Cenora, under the care of popular Indonesian YouTuber, Alshad Ahmad, has ignited public debate over the ethics of owning...
A 10-year-old boy in Singapore, caught on camera throwing "Panther", a community cat from a 22nd floor HDB block, completes a specially devised rehabilitation programme. The...