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US doctors urge Biden to impose arms embargo on Israel over Gaza crisis

On Tuesday (20 August), six U.S. doctors who recently returned from Gaza urged the Biden administration to impose an immediate arms embargo on Israel, arguing that without it, the U.S. remains complicit in Gaza’s devastation. They also stressed that Israeli restrictions are blocking access to essential medicines, worsening the humanitarian crisis.



UNITED STATES: On Tuesday (20 August), a group of about six doctors who recently returned from providing medical care in the devastated Gaza Strip called on the Biden administration to impose an immediate arms embargo on Israel.

They argued that without such an embargo, the U.S. remains complicit in the bloodshed that has ravaged Gaza.

Dr Tammy Abughanim, speaking on the sidelines of the Democratic National Convention in Chicago, described the effects of Israel’s over 10-month war as making life “literally impossible” for civilians in Gaza.

She emphasized the urgency of the situation, saying, “When I say we cannot afford one more day of this, and when they tell me we cannot afford one more day of this, it is quite literally true,” referring to her recent conversations with Gazans.

Abughanim further explained that as physicians, their ability to perform their duties is severely compromised by the ongoing violence.

“We cannot do our jobs as Israeli snipers target children and civilians, as Israeli quadcopters descend on groups of civilians. We cannot do our jobs, because Israel has made our jobs impossible, and Israel has made our jobs impossible with the direct support of the United States,” she said.

This sentiment was echoed by her colleagues, who recounted the severe horrors they witnessed, noting that their accounts could never fully capture the extent of the devastation.

Dr Feroze Sidhwa shared his experiences from Gaza, describing the “genocidal violence” he witnessed, including children suffering severe injuries from bullets.

He also spoke about the widespread destruction in Khan Younis and the dire conditions facing mothers and children.

“I saw mothers mix what little formula they could find with poisoned water to feed their newborns, because they were so malnourished themselves that they could not breastfeed,” he said.

“I saw children who cried out, not because of pain, but because they wished they had died along with their families instead of being burdened with the memory of their siblings and their parents charred and mutilated beyond recognition. And all, of course, with American weapons,” he added.

Sidhwa argued that calling for an arms embargo on Israel is not a radical stance.

He read a letter from Mark Perlmutter, a Jewish-American doctor who had accompanied him but could not attend the press conference.

The letter condemned the cruelty faced by Gaza’s children and expressed disbelief at the scale of the violence, stating, “Never before have I seen a small child shot in the head and then in the chest, and I could never have imagined that I would see two such cases in less than two weeks. ”

“Never before have I seen a dozen small children screaming in pain and terror, crowded into a trauma base smaller than my living room, their burning flesh filling the space so aggressively that my eyes started to burn. I could never have imagined what a hospital looks like when it becomes a displaced person’s camp,” he said.

“Worst of all, I could never have imagined that my government would be supplying the weapons and funding that keeps this horrifying slaughter going — not for one week, not for one month, but for nearly an entire year now.”

He concluded by urging, “For the good of the Palestinians, for the good of the United States, for the good of Israel, for the good of Judaism, and indeed, for the good of international law and all of humanity, please stop arming Israel.”

The ongoing conflict in Gaza has resulted in over 40,000 Palestinian deaths, including tens of thousands of women and children, and displaced 2 million others.

These individuals face severe shortages of necessities and medical supplies, exacerbating their vulnerability to famine and disease.

Doctors at the press conference also highlighted that Israel’s restrictions are preventing them from obtaining essential medicines, including painkillers for the wounded.

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Have You Tried,
Handing Over The Hostages & Surrender???

Make $170 per hour. its very hard to find jobs nowaday. In this situation, you have access to a wealth of resources to help you with your working abilities. Be motivated to qr1 promote Thousands of works such as copy paste things through job boards and career websites on internet  

Just Take A Look At This……  W­w­w.NetPay­1.C­o­m

The biggest mistakes Hamas terrorists made is violate the International Law by committing genocides on 7th October 2023. Always remember this date. Oppressions doed not equate to terrorism. Even now Palestinianas still claim Israel land is theirs. I can’t Palestine on the map. No air tickets, no airports. Sigh

Biden will send Blinky the useless clown to talk to Netanyahoo again. Netanyahoo will simply wait for Biden to retire in a few months time. Nothing accomplished.

Netanyahu wants to keep his word: No Civilian Hostages Freed, No Cease Fire !!! All simply cannot comprehend this. Sigh

Just as Hamas wants to “liberate” Israel, as Russia wants to denazify Ukraine, as CommChina wants to secure their ownership of the SCSeas and Taiwan, … Israel wants to wipe out those responsible for the atrocities of Oct7th !!!

Six doctors ain’t gonna change the course of events, … which were predicated by acts of violence, brutality and terrorism !!!

Looks like Palestinian doctors ? tsk tsk tsk

Why dont urge USA and Biden to impose arms embargo on Hamas terrorist over Gaza crisis.
Isnt Hamas terrorists are the ones attacking Israel together with Hezbollah, Houthis, Lebanon? ?

Yawn ..Zz Zz Zz

Israeli Banks are now refusing to accept Palestinian currency. This will further add to the humanitarian crisis as Palestinians will not be able to buy food and essentials. Are we going to continue to support the Zionists economically by buying weapons from them? Is it going to be business as usual with the Zionist? The least that should be done is to cancel all trade agreements with Israel until a ceasefire takes place. We all become participants in the genocide if we continue to enrich Israel through trade.
