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National Day Parade 2024 tickets open for balloting; Singpass required for applications

Singaporeans can ballot for NDP 2024 tickets from 27 May using Singpass to prevent scams. Applications for the 9 August parade and previews on 27 July and 3 August close on 10 June.



Singaporeans and permanent residents can start balloting for tickets to the National Day Parade (NDP) 2024 and its preview shows from noon on May 27, with a new application system aimed at enhancing security and preventing scams.

For the first time, tickets can only be applied for using Singpass, Singapore’s national digital identity platform, as announced by the NDP organising committee on 24 May.

The NDP 2024, themed “Together, As One United People,” aims to highlight the collective resilience and unity of Singaporeans.

The main parade is set for 9 August, with additional preview shows scheduled for 27 July and 3 August, all to be held at the Padang. Each event can accommodate approximately 27,000 spectators.

Applications for the tickets will close on June 10 at noon, and applicants can request sets of two, four, or six tickets.

However, each applicant is entitled to only one chance on the ballot. Successful applicants will be notified between 21 and 25 June via the official email [email protected].

In an effort to ensure the legitimacy of the ticketing process, the committee has emphasized that notifications will only be sent from the official email address, and the public should be wary of messages from any other sources as these could be scams.

This year’s parade highlights will include a comprehensive demonstration by Singapore’s defence forces and Home Team, showcasing their preparedness to handle disruptions.

Additionally, spectators will receive LED wristbands to enhance the visual spectacle, creating a vibrant display of colors at the venue.

The NDP festivities will also extend beyond the Padang with Heartland Celebrations on 10 August, featuring carnival activities and performances in five neighbourhoods, details of which will be announced later.

Furthermore, in response to the disruptions caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, Secondary 3 students who missed the National Education shows in 2020 and 2021 will be invited to one of four specially organized shows this year.

Tickets are strictly not for sale, and stringent actions will be enforced against any attempts to sell them. For those without Singpass, the organising committee advises registering for one, having someone trusted apply on their behalf, or seeking assistance at ServiceSG Centres.

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Does lhy need to pay if he decided not returning ever?

probable go to JB shopping on National Day? tsk tsk tsk

same lah……they tell you : Forward Singapore. how? tsk tsk tsk

Jobs go to foreigners. “Lets be inclusive”. What do you think? lol

who is going?

I recall my participation in six NDPs with my school bands (Secondary and Pre-U different) I recall the parades started early in the morning and we marched from the Padang to the housing estates eg Queenstown. I remember marching down Tanglin Road towards Orchard Road. It was tiring but exhilirating. We were tired but enjoyed the experience very much. And the pride…seeing crowds lining the streets to cheer each contingent. And how the cheers resounded the moment I lifted up my mace to signal the start of martial music! I recall too being totally soaked when it was raining cats… Read more »

Remember Kayu Son once proclaimed “that SG is fo r everyone”🫥!

It’s a complete waste of 100s of $$mils ..just to show off …

Billions spend to get a one evening cockstand shiok sendiri aaah?

Balloting – meaning 40+% tickets will be reserved for the New Citizens and foreigners. Another probably 10-15% will be reserved for the piggies and their cronies.

I think only in Stinkapore where our own national day but filled with NC and aliens to cheer the event and wave flags which is not theirs by roots.

30 years ago, we were so happy and proud to be able to attend the annual NDP parade, which were mainly held at the Padang.

But since Singapore get flooded with millions of aliens, there no more national pride to even watch it on TV live, let alone attending the parade live

What to see? Every year is the same…they do this mostly for their darling prs..fts..ncs and an assortment of other foreigners squatting on our island..
It’s become part of a sg tourist attraction these past few years.
If interested just watch from the comfort of our own home better .
Shouldn’t the gov give out a ND gift pack to every SG household as well? …we can go collect at the CC like once before..remember?

Tickets damn difficult to get. This year will be worse with our new heads.

The highlight of every SillyPorean !!!
