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Spanish tourist gang-rape victim’s husband receives $12,000 compensation

A compensation of one million rupees (US$12,000) was offered to Spanish tourist’s husband in Jharkhand gang rape case. Three remanded to custody as Jharkhand High Court initiates proceedings.



The husband of the Spanish woman who was gangraped in Jharkhand was handed over a cheque of one million rupees

INDIA: In a tragic incident that took place on Friday (1 Mar) in Jharkhand’s Dumka, a Spanish couple on a bike tour was assaulted, and the wife was allegedly gang-raped.

The Deputy Commissioner of Jharkhand Police, A Dodde, presented a compensation of one million rupees (US$12,000) to the survivor’s husband as a gesture of support.

The compensation was accepted by the husband, who expressed gratitude towards the state police for their prompt investigation into the case.

The incident occurred approximately 300 km from the state capital Ranchi, where the couple had set up a tent for the night.

Vincente and Fernanda, a Spanish couple known for their motorcycle adventures documented on their Instagram page ‘vueltaalmundoenmoto’ (Around the World on Motorcycle), recently shared a distressing experience from their travels in India.

On 1 March, they revealed through an Instagram Story that they had been assaulted, robbed, and Fernanda had been sexually assaulted by a group of seven men.

The couple had stopped in Dumka to rest and set up their tent near the Hansdiha market while en route to Nepal via Bhagalpur.

During the night, seven young men forcibly entered their tent, subjecting them to assault, as reported by Spanish media.

The Instagram video captioned, “Something has happened to us that we would not wish on anyone. Seven men have raped me. They have beaten us and robbed us, although not many things because what they wanted was to rape me. We are at the hospital with police. It happened tonight here in India,” sheds light on the traumatic ordeal faced by the couple during their motorcycle journey in India.

Legal proceedings initiated as three held in Spanish tourist gang rape case in Jharkhand

In a significant development, three individuals arrested in connection with the gang rape of a Spanish tourist in Jharkhand’s Dumka district were remanded to judicial custody by a court on Sunday (3 Mar).

Superintendent of Police Pitamber Singh Kherwar revealed during a press conference that a medical test conducted on the survivor confirmed the occurrence of rape.

Out of the seven alleged perpetrators, three have been sent to jail, with efforts underway to apprehend the remaining four. K

herwar assured, “The other four accused have been identified, and searches are underway. They will be nabbed soon.”

The police have also maintained communication with the Embassy of Spain in New Delhi, keeping them informed about the ongoing developments.

Responding to questions about the couple’s departure from Jharkhand, Kherwar stated, “Legal procedures are underway. We will let you know about this later.”

Simultaneously, the Jharkhand High Court took Suo Motu Cognisance, a legal term indicating the initiation of proceedings by a High Court or the Supreme Court when it assumes control of a case or matter.

This action was taken in response to the gang rape of the Spanish woman on Monday (4 Mar).

A division bench comprising Acting Chief Justice Shree Chandrashekhar and Justice Navneet Kumar issued notices to the Director General of Police, chief secretary, and the Dumka SP.

The court scheduled a follow-up hearing on 7 March and directed the SP to submit an affidavit detailing the actions taken against the accused.

The court observed, “The incident of crime of any kind against a foreign national may have serious national and international repercussions, including impacting the tourism economy of the country. A sex-related crime against a foreign woman is likely to bring adverse publicity against the country and thereby tarnish the image of India across the globe.”

Netizens express concern and empathy over Spanish woman’s tragic gang rape in Jharkhand

The news of the Spanish woman’s gang rape in Jharkhand sparked a significant response from netizens on social media.

Many expressed their deep concern and empathy for the victim, emphasizing the severity of the traumatic incident.

One netizen commented that, despite any monetary compensation, the profound impact of such an ordeal cannot be erased, expressing hope for the victim’s recovery.


Another netizen conveyed their heart-wrenching feelings upon learning about the victim’s sorrow, condemning the level of torture no woman should endure.

The netizens, likely Indian, shared a sense of shame over the incident and urged others to prioritize safety while traveling.

They also highlighted the disheartening plight of numerous women and young teens facing abuse in India.


Expressing sympathy for the woman, another netizen expressed an inability to fathom the pain she must have endured.

The netizen also empathized with the victim’s husband, noting the helplessness he must have felt witnessing such a traumatic event.

Sharing her own experiences as an Indian woman, she acknowledged facing comparatively fewer negative encounters but acknowledged the varying experiences of others, emphasizing the importance of treating women and children with respect.


One netizen drew attention to the safety concerns for women in India, comparing it to the perceived safety of cows.

They noted the tendency of some individuals to downplay such incidents by comparing them to situations in other countries, emphasizing the need for a more serious and proactive approach to address the safety concerns faced by women in India.


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EVERYTHING is CHEEP in India, including justice.


Modi, is so concentrated on winning globally for India, that he has failed to ensure the safety of the Indian and foreign women. This is after the rape of a young woman on a bus after which the rapists forced a iron rod through her damaging many of her organs. The Indian govt. being afraid of violence and riots sent her to Singapore to die. This happened a few years ago but the rapes are not stopping. Modi, has to legislate Castration if he wants to stop rapes in India.
