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International condemnation urged for Myanmar’s “sham” election plans

Progressive Voice denounces Myanmar’s military junta’s ‘sham’ election plans, urging global action to support the country’s push for federal democracy and resist the junta’s oppressive regime.



Progressive Voice, a human rights advocacy group, has issued a stark warning against the Myanmar military junta’s plans to conduct what they term a “sham election.” The organization has called for unequivocal international denunciation of these plans, urging a cessation of all political, financial, and technological support that might bolster the junta’s forced election agenda.

In the report titled “You Will Never Get the Chance to Rule Us!”: The Myanmar Military Junta’s Crumbling Sham Election Plan, Progressive Voice provides a detailed analysis of the junta’s attempts to fabricate a democratic mandate and gain international legitimacy. This analysis reveals a strategy aimed at enforcing a semblance of normalcy and control.

Reflecting on the November 2020 general election in Myanmar, where 27.5 million people voted, Progressive Voice highlights the populace’s clear preference for a democratic future free from military rule. The National Unity Government, recognized as the legitimate interim government, continues to work with ethnic councils and Ethnic Resistance Organizations towards establishing a genuine federal democracy.

The military junta’s election plans are seen as part of a broader campaign of violence and oppression. Over the past three years, the regime has enacted draconian laws to suppress opposition, dissolve political parties, and manipulate the election process to ensure its success.

The united resistance movement in Myanmar has been a significant obstacle to the junta’s ambitions, effectively preventing it from gaining control over the country. The military’s lack of administrative control in many regions of Myanmar is a testament to the strength and resilience of this resistance movement.

Khin Ohmar, Founder and Chairperson of Progressive Voice, emphasized that the junta has no legitimacy to conduct elections and warned the international community against being deceived by the junta’s efforts to gain legitimacy. Ohmar called for a complete halt of support to the junta and its election plans, advocating instead for international backing of grassroots efforts to build a federal democratic Myanmar.

The briefing paper by Progressive Voice is based on comprehensive desk research, incorporating insights from election observers, frontline humanitarian responders, local media, and civil society organizations, spanning from 2020 to 2024.

This report underscores the critical need for global solidarity with the Myanmar people and their struggle for democracy, urging the international community to redirect support to legitimate efforts for nation-building in Myanmar.

Progressive Voice is a participatory rights-based policy research and advocacy organization rooted in civil society, that maintains strong networks and relationships with grassroots organizations and community-based organizations throughout Myanmar.

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lol. no one complained about our race-based prez erections. or our walk-over generation elections in some districts.
