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Courageous M’sian civilians save policeman from floods, sparking recognition demands

Two Malaysian men demonstrated remarkable courage as they rescued a policeman from floodwaters, preventing him from being carried away after accidentally falling in. Netizens commend their bravery, suggesting awards for their selfless act.



MALAYSIA: We often hear about instances where policemen come to the rescue of civilians, but a recent viral video is shedding light on a different narrative.

In this footage, two civilian men displayed remarkable courage as they intervened to save a policeman from the perilous grips of floodwaters.

The incident unfolded at Jalan Sungai Lembing in Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia, on 27 January.

The video commenced with a man recording the rising floodwater when a policeman on a bike suddenly tumbled into the water and was swiftly carried away by the strong current.

Amidst the commotion, the distressed policeman urgently called out for help.

Several onlookers rushed towards the scene, and one courageous man decided to take immediate action by leaping into the floodwater.

The policeman clung to tree twigs, awaiting the arrival of his rescuer.

As the civilian swimmer approached, it became apparent that the deep floodwater posed a formidable challenge for their return to the safety of the road.

In a spontaneous act of solidarity, another man bravely plunged into the water to assist in the rescue effort.

The commendable actions of these two civilians, risking their safety to save the struggling policeman, have garnered widespread praise from netizens.

Many are calling for recognition of their bravery and selfless acts, suggesting that they deserve awards for their courageous intervention.

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Well done. Humanity prevails. Never never underestimate kindness of strangers when called for.
